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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. I'm sorry for your loss TN, looks like he was an adorable little furry guy. What I did today - just another relaxed day in the iron office trying to improve my OP some more.
  2. Not sure, I can think of a few visually impressive games that did not sacrifice gameplay for looks with pretty normal development times from relatively conservatively-sized studios. But IMO Agonoy is probably going to be that kind of game that does not benefit from length anyway, I would prefer it to be a short but intense ride. A lot of games nowadays feel so stretched because they fail to show new interesting stuff not even halfway in. I say, go absolutely nuts on animation, graphics, intensity and horror and make just long enough that it does not wear out before the end. I'd be happy with ~ 8 non-rushed hours, 8 hours I'll remember fondly for a long time. Anyway, I watched a couple more gameplay trailers, we will be able to possess demons or even turn into ones -I think- by killing lost souls / killing and eating people. As demons speed, power and strength is vastly enhanced and I saw some magical abilities as well. Sounds like a cool feature, I already thought that just walking around as a naked human in such a hostile environment all the time would be veeery frustrating. One of my favorite cards ever. I just wish they were a tiny little more powerful so they would find a spot in one of my competitive decks.
  3. I'm currently investigating a new job because I'm reeeally tired of my old one, I just cant stand sitting in an office anymore and kiss customer asses. We have a large steel mill here and they're always looking for personnel that do smelter and furnace work. That is the guys in silver colored heat resistant suits working the smelter and blast furnaces, removing the slag while being in close proximity to the molten steel etc. I'd get a big fat paycheck because I'd get a hazard bonus, night shift bonus (I'd exclusively work at night), the job itself pays well and I could retire at 50 I think. Yes its hard work and its really hot but I'm very sure I'm fit and tough enough to handle that no problem. Also steel mills are really awesome.
  4. Front squats is also an excellent auxiliary back exercise everybody should do. As for squats and deadlifts on the same day - I agree buuut - I always throw in squats on my deadlift day. After having done my 5 sets of deadlifts I do 3-4 sets of squats because I want a higher frequency on squats. After deadlifts my core is warmed up and I have enough power left in my tank to do a couple sets of heavy squats. I need 3-4 days between deadlift-day and squat day in order to go full power which hurts frequency and slows things down quite a bit, but if I do squats on deadlift day AND squat day I can up the efficiency a LOT. And my working sets are 216kg (476lbs), so I'm not saving energy for squats,
  5. Started making my own 12 gauge shotgun rounds. A lot of fun because you can assemble pretty ungodly anti-dinosaur rounds, you can go completely overboard with it and still be safe pressure-wise. 650 grains ( 1 1/2 oz) Lyman shotgun slugs loaded HOT. Heavier and hotter than anything you get commercially. Those shoot through a 45 centimeter thick tree no problem. And I have even hotter stuff in development. *cackles manically*
  6. I have two cats so you have my sympathies. Just....don't wait too long if he suffers.
  7. I want to learn as much as possible about my future destination. This is a learning game for me.
  8. Hey man how are you doing? I can totally understand if this horror does nothing for you, tastes in the scare genre vary wildly. Have you ever played FEAR? Did you like it? Personally I like the horror in Agony so far........ though, if I like the horror does that mean it does not work for me? Anyway, I also really like that art style, especially the hellish ''forest'' at the very end of the trailer. The concept of a game like this has been haunting my brain for many many years, its great to see it finally being created.
  9. The game apparently still needs a lot of work but I really like what I have seen so far. There seems to be stealth mechanics like light/shadows (the first demon in the video appears to have no eyes but good hearing), heavy focus on sounds as the protagonist can hold his breath and there are dangerous, living environments. I have not seen nearly enough gameplay to really say that I'm super excited about it, but I love the general direction the game is taking. I love the setting, I like how uncensored and gritty everything is. I have always been a fan of survival horror and stealth games and this seems to finally be the one that goes the ''whole way'',. I'll definitely keep an eye on this one and I hope it will turn out really nice.
  10. Agony. A survival / Horror / Stealth game set in a ....bizarre world. Its currently under development, release date right now is 2nd Q 2017 and only 9 people work on it (Madmind studio), apparently some of the developers were involved in the The Witcher games. Anyway, enough talk, here is a game play video, the game is still in a very unfinished, glitchy larva state. (Be advised - this is a horror game, it features horror-ish stuff, naturally) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9DOJmUaHL4
  11. Oh no, I just remember last time I visited this forum there was a sudden surge of infighting, name calling and trolling happening. But I don't really remember the details and I was not involved. Thats all. Also check out my l33t avatar, I got a MR of my head! So the next time somebody calls me brainless....
  12. Ah, you got me there! For every natural lifter its a goal to be able to pick a barbell -weighing as much as the lifter itself- up from the floor, clean it to the shoulders and shoulder press it without any kind of leg drive or jerking, just with raw upper body strength. The thing with lifting is, the bigger you are the harder bodyweight lifts become. Which means a 70kg guy pressing 70 is not as impressive as a 90kg guy pressing 90. I just did that lift, weighing in at 104kg / 230lbs, and I had more in the tank. I'm super happy. And now I'll shut up before people start die from boredom.
  13. I did not know people here knew me well enough to actually notice the lack of my presence. I have been very busy, my job, my training, a lot of things changed, I simply had to cut corners with my Internet presence. Also, the last time I was online this place seemed a little toxic.
  14. Hello party people, whats up! I broke a very important lifting record today.
  15. Captain Phillips. Very good movie, Tom Hank's acting was absolutely excellent, and so was that of the Somalian actors.
  16. I've always had a hairline that kinda looks like its receding on the sides - above my temples, but most men in my family have/had it like that. It still makes me paranoid though, despite not having any male family members who went bald. I think I'd look like a serial killer with a bald head, but there is another option: baseball cap.
  17. White beans, mushed tomatoes, potatoes, herbs and spiced with one of the hottest chili on earth. It needs to be super hot. Might not be looking very fancy but it tastes wonderful.
  18. First visit of the shooting range this year, worked out really well. 5 shot group at 100 meters with my little scoped 22lr precision rifle. (I wish I had aimed a tad higher) And 100 meters with my K98 with my hand loads and iron sights. Not bad for a 73 year old rifle. I also picked up some fir cones, ripped them in half and put them on the 100 meters target, shot them down with the 22 with zero misses. Watching the cones fly and getting shredded by the little 22 was a lot of fun.
  19. Thats why Death Valley is high on my list of places I have yet to visit, light pollution there is virtually non-existent - a photographers dream come true. I've also heard there is an entire national park in Canada for night sky photographers, a remote place where they try to keep artificial light sources to an absolute minimum. Sadly you can't find anything quite like it here in Europe, a major city or an airport 100 kilometers away from where I take the photos produces enough light pollution to dramatically degrade the quality of the photos. The main problem is I don't want to stay for more than two weeks and for those photos the weather has to be absolutely right, I have to check the moon phases, I have to make sure my business keeps running during that time etc. Timing all that far in advance with booking a flight is quite the nightmare.
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