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Everything posted by Razorchain
it's extremely effective. not terribly easy, though and will require some metagaming. i've run a couple streetfighters, in certain setups I can get near 100% up-time, in others I could more charitably put it at 60-70% uptime (which is still pretty good considering how stupidly good the bonus is). the bonus is good enough that it's worth self-blinding or self-disorienting yourself, even though those are far more punishing than self-distract or flanked. (probably the easiest way is to just have a wizard handy who can cast chill fog all the time - in this case it's a good idea to have defiant apparel so that you're "only" disoriented). For my helwalker/Streetfighter I tend to open the fight with blunderbuss for powder burns and then switch to fists. If it is a long/hard fight I usually manage to get bloodied or flanked if it is an easy fight then it doesn't matter.
Orlans always remind me of hamsters so I have a hard time making a MC as a hamster...I mean an Orlan. But maybe I have to get over my bias and play as a female orlan MC and romance Tekehu, but he'd better bring the duct tape!!!
I'm having a lot of fun with Helwalker/Streetfighter. Open up with something that get's you powderburns and flanking penalty and then you go to town fisting your enemies to death. By the time powderburns wears off you should hopefully be bloodied. Then you spam crippling strike and finishing blows. With Dirty fighting, Uncanny luck, Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming your opponents just explode If you don't get bloodied it's because the fight was too easy anyway. This paired up with a priest with Barring Deaths Door and Salvation of Time I love fisting squishy backliners, they just explode in a shower of goo....I usually don't get to use finishing blows on them because they are already dead or almost dead just by using a crippling strike. This build is either Painkiller or Speedfister....haven't decided on a name yet.
I'm using a Shadowdancer atm. Helwalker/Streetfighter, he's squishy, needs mirco and is best paired with a priest with Barring Deaths Door. But he can sure dish out damage like there is no tomorrow using only his fists. Under optimal cirumstances you'll have +30% damage from helwalker, sneak attack +60% at PL7, +50% for streetfighter if you are bloodied or flanked, Deathblows +50% at PL7 and up to +20 % burning lash from turning wheel. Then you factor in Transcedental suffering or weapon bonuses.
This thread has spurred me on to be more offensive.......in the game of course :D I'm dropping a proper tank and going for a Two handed Berserker/Lifegiver and Dual Wielding Paladin/Rogue as my front line supported in the back by Helwalker/Ascended, Wizard/Troupadour and whatever story companion strikes my fancy (but mostly Maia as a Gunhawk/Assassin)
Why always Heralds? I mean after Neketaka even on upscaled Potd a lot of fights are easy. I find the start the hardest part of the game, as you progress you have better gear, better buffs and debuffs. Why not just have 1 Herald and maybe something else? I mean you can tank most things through healing, CC's or just pure offense. The faster you can kill things the less damage they can do to you And even the for the tough fights you can always just use figurines if you need more boots on the ground.
I find it very situational in upscaled Potd where you are often wanting for accuracy. One thing which I find great about hunting bows is the fact that they have +5 acc bonus which means when you grab Essence interrupter it gives you a +13 acc boost which makes it the best early weapon you can get your hands on.
The character's supposed to be in melee range. Dumped Res and average Con would get me destroyed, wouldn't it? Is he going to be in melee or in melee range? There is a big difference, because often I position squishy characters close to melee to use a cone spell or an ranged assassin 2 meters away to get backstab bonuses
Maybe instead of resurrecting a thread that is mostly from before the game was released you might take a look at the pinned Mechanics:Power Level compilation thread? It has a better in depth explanation on Power Levels.
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