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Everything posted by majestic

  1. Both the Skaen and Wael "bonus" endings have some trigger requirements that you won't necessarily reach, I know that Skaen's offer triggers from having a dissident background because that's how I got it, on the other hand I never got the offer from Wael which I assume is because I didn't bury the scroll as he asked (or failed some other trigger, not sure).
  2. Sure, I know. Just like your constant failure to use the quote function on every message board you post on. That doesn't make NWN a good game though. The expansions were good but the OC was probably the worst thing Bioware ever made. It's like a 40h Mass Effect 3 ending that just doesn't stop. Even Aribeth's bouncy pixel boobs couldn't save it. :>
  3. Oh, not again Volo. That one got old more than a decade ago. =) Aye, I remember him from the old NWN boards. I used to moderate them, actually. Good times. Oh, and kudos, Wanderon. I actually thought I was older than you, but you've got a decade and a half on me. NWN boards were pretty recent - first official CRPG boards that hooked me were the original BG boards (prior to ToTSC) followed by the rest of the IE boards arguing with Silverbow (and others)... Good fun indeed Feels like an Eternity ago, doesn't it? That pun is so bad I can't possibly claim that it wasn't intentional.
  4. Try discussing religion and/or politics on a message board. The petty squabbles here will appear to be nothing but minutiae compared to that.
  5. I don't think that was his point. Yes, Obsidian used an existing engine (one that many indie-devs use due to the licensing system among other things) but you really don't think that any of the character and monster models, animations, spell effects, items & co are stock assets, do you? Also, seeing how Obsidian allowed inXile to use a bunch of in-house tech developed for PoE there also was most likely some time spent to engineer useful addons. Assuming a potential sequel uses the same tech they can create a lot more actual game content in the same time. Devs already have experience handling the scripting and the engine and know how to deal with the peculiarities of the tech involved. Basic models and animations can be reused. Back when Black Isle made Icewind Dale 2 they used the Infinity Engine to stomp out a complete game in more or less six months in an attempt to stop Interplay from going belly-up (which kind of worked for a short time). Reusing assets allowed them to even change the ruleset to 3E and almost stay within the given project time limit.
  6. The whole thread is nothing but yellow-press click bait, so if there's a surprise it's mostly that the "discussion" (and I use that term very, very loosely here) herein stayed civil enough to not warrant any moderator action.
  7. Confusing question. Neither. North is at 0° of rotation in the unit circle, with northeast being 45° and northwest 315°, but the game really doesn't use northeast or northwest in any way to determine where you can go. For all intents and purposes, barring a few specially named and locked exists on a map going north (upper end) unlocks any areas north of your position.
  8. I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't in for a good deal of disappointment. A Dance With Dragons wasn't nearly as bad as thought it was the first time I finished reading it, but after six years of hyping myself it was probably impossible to meet my own expectations. Stupid expectations. Although maybe that is GRRM's tactic. He just dallies around for so long that nobody expects the books and suddenly wham, we get them and are happy enough getting them. Hah, George, I'm onto you, you're found out.
  9. So, do you think GRRM will release The Winds of Winter before season 6 of the show rolls around? If you watch the show and read the books, what would you do then, get yourself spoiled (GRRM did tell the showrunners how it is supposed to end) or ignore it? Hehe.
  10. It would've been, wouldn't it? Q_Q And Riker as both Captain and First Officer, now all they'd have to get rid of was Mr. Dong-Faced Jar-Jar and the show could actually have been insanely amazing. I'd not be so sure, sadly. For me the biggest problems of Voyager came from the creative crew not knowing what they want from characters. Janeway wasn't the only problem, just the one that was the most visible because she got to call the shots as captain. They had to write Kes out because they wrote her in a corner she could not come out of, they kept Neelix in to do kid stories (well, at least Naomi didn't save Voyager every week, but she sure did grow quickly. Good they made her half-alien to explain it, probably an oversight ) and Chakotay starts dating Seven because... because. So Seven can have her romance arc to show off how much she's... eh, no, I need to stop. Heh. Needless to say it's far more likely that they would have simply messed up Riker as a character instead of making the show awesome. So it's probably best that they had no established character (Tom Paris doesn't count, it was just one TNG episode and he's just a suspiciously similar substitue after all).
  11. Uh-huh. U so awsmoe d00d. Pro-tip d00d, liek, haed oevr to teh Pliars of Etnerity reddit and see what a real Pillars of Eternity circlejerk looks like.
  12. I just wish GRRM would finish The Winds of Winter so I won't get spoilered to death next year. *dread* Really? I'd rather dread watching Voyager again. VOY never got past being mediocre even when it had seasons with fairly good episodes (e.g. 4 and 5) because there are a LOT of stinker episodes and it features the single worst Star Trek episode ever made: Threshold. Writing Janeway as if she's suffering from multiple personality disorder without anyone in Starfleet noticing didn't help either. Say, what was the topic again?
  13. Oh, don't worry. I met Volo 15 years ago and he hasn't changed a bit so I just popped in to have a quick jab for old time's sake. Eh... to actually contribute something sort of on-topic, I think that both sides of the argument are correct in their own way. Me, for instance, I played a hundred hours of Morrowind hoping it would finally become something I liked down the road. It just didn't. I also watched the entire run of Andromada hoping it would at some point find its way back to the cheesy but thoughtful goodness I loved during its first and a half seasons. It just never did, but I am like that. I like finishing TV shows and games that I started for some reason. But I also know a good deal of people who don't. They stop watching a TV show once it goes bad and they stop playing a game they don't like even if it comes with recommendations and is part of a series they enjoyed without ever looking back. Every now and then I envy them.
  14. Fare thee well, noble soul. Sad to say it but I lost contact with him after he closed his Coffee Shop board. I'm sitting here and remembering the good "old" times when he used to be the calm center of the flame chaos in YOP (and later on his own forum) and yeah, I'll be missing him. =(
  15. That's the worst part of today's Uni courses. Java, Java and then some more... Java. I'm not sure if it is really a good entry language (well, I started coding in COBOL...).
  16. Some of these points apply to standard and idividual software application too. I do have the advantege of learning that the hard way in Secondary College already. We had to create 3 seperate one-year spanning projects (last three grades in a five-year school) - the first was an underdesigned mess, in the second one we tested extreme programming (which is IMO a tad overrated, but highly interesting nonetheless) and the last one was an overdesigned madness. It wasn't the most pleasant experience (as our school worked closely with real world companies there were deadlines to meet), but certainly educational.
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