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Everything posted by Barothmuk

  1. From the same article Which basically fits my very basic understanding of early 20th century Pole-Jew relations.
  2. As I understand it 1930's Poland was incredibly anti-Semitic.
  3. There is a trend of reducing privilege theory's "In X society you as member of race Y have racial privilege over race Z" to simply "You are of Western descent so I'll assume you and your ancestors were well off middle to upper class white people." I blame Americans.
  4. And none of this was integral to the foundation of the Mongol Empire thereby contradicting your claim that "no great civilization has existed without a founding religion".
  5. 150 years is a decent length for an empire and in that time they drastically improved infrastructure, opened trade routes and all that other "great civilization" stuff. That's a trait shared by most great civilizations and leaders alike.
  6. How are they not a great civilization?
  7. The Mongol empire. That, said this is absurd thinking. I'm a big believer in "incorrect belief leads to incorrect action" so basing social policy off blind religious dogma seems a recipe for disaster. To be honest I have no interest in preserving any particular skin colours or cultures.
  8. Sarcasm? Not really sold on crypto-primitivist societies as a solution to unsustainable resource exploitation. What constitutes "homogeneous"? What happens to those who don't conform to group homogeneity? How does one maintain self-sustainability in these small communities? Rationing? Killing off chunks of the population? Most importantly of all though how does one reconstruct the existing state of affairs to bring about these "small", "homogeneous" societies? Personally I'd rather humanity seize conscious control of its development and restructure society so as to benefit all rather than regress into petty tribalism. You already stated that their purpose is material. Your issue is not purposelessness but the fact that people's purposes are not the purposes you want them to be. Aren't you one of these people?
  9. As a backer who hasn't paid much attention to development I'm happy with what I'm seeing in these alpha videos.
  10. Nationalism is modern. What people, culture and values are you referring to? Do the people in your country/state have uniform culture and values? And how on earth is organising around this an effective means of combating unsustainable resource exploitation?
  11. I'm assuming you're wanting to bend over for some nationalist group, yes?
  12. Best not to treat it as an inevitability. Assuming we're referring to stuff like this Way things are going this sadly won't happen.
  13. Your first mistake was aligning with those responsible. Your second was thinking they'd care about you.
  14. Sadly it won't be as dramatic or egalitarian as it sounds.
  15. SJW journalists write SJW articles to drum up clicks. Marketeers pander to anti-SJWs to increase publicity.
  16. I'm afraid my knowledge of modern Africa is quite basic so you'll have to forgive my generalities. And yet the consequences of colonialism and the conditions that brought it about were not. You'd have to be pretty stupid to believe centuries of political destabilization, subordination, exploitation and destitute poverty could be done away with overnight, and you'd have to be pretty ignorant to assume after the 1960's the former-colonial powers didn't still have a vested interest in the continent. Off the top of my head look at Patrice Lumumba. Somewhat progressive guy, anti-colonial, democratically elected; unfortunately a little too left and certainly a little too cosy with the Soviets so America backed a coup, overthrew him and installed Mobuto Sese Seko, one of the most corrupt leaders in Africa. Not that that matters though because he was their guy.
  17. You incorrectly believe that countries exist within a vacuum and that the success or failure of individual states has nothing to do with their relation to others. Because of this you erroneously treat "Western" success as purely a product of "Western ideology" and thus falsely assume the solution to non-Western states' conditions is to simply adopt "Western values". This of course obfuscates the material conditions in which these states exist, and perhaps most importantly, denies the role economic domination and subordination enforced by these "Western" states plays. We have already had discussion with Haiti being the example.
  18. Just a heads up, if you ever want to know why you butt heads with so many posters here it's because of this kind of political analysis.
  19. I think global climate change is going to make sure your children won't need to worry about any of those things. Yay! God ancaps are embarrassing.
  20. We will bring freedom to the masses via sickness, poverty and illiteracy!
  21. Liberals and feminists support these empowering new job opportunities.
  22. It seems like anything left of far-right nationalism is "left" nowadays.
  23. Foot-binding or people defending it? If the former, I'm pretty sure it no longer happens.
  24. I took a Women's History course at uni and when the topic of foot-binding was brought up the majority agreed its a practice we have no business critiquing or judging as Westerners. Thankfully the lecturer took the stance of "you're all ****ing stupid, foot-binding is barbaric".
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