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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. is SPD that party which is lead by alcoholic commie with elementary school education?
  2. Good luck then, weed excluded, Jamaica is mess, economically and socially
  3. Nah, there was nothing wrong with Angelina.
  4. uh, what is the problem with high heels? And why we talk about it in politics forum? xD
  5. Its best MMORPG from Ultima online times in my opinion, there is grind but not for equipment with better stats but just for skins. Story is so so but for sure better than most other MMos out there and there is no monthly subscription so you can at least take it like single player RPG if you don't like it
  6. I haven't played World of Warcraft in years, but I do miss my druid healer. I'd gone through most of firelands at the time. I do miss raiding. I just don't miss the time it takes to be ready to raid. My holy paladin was a lot of fun. Great healing while wearing plate. What's not to love? I just finished the library scenario as the mercs in Mordheim. Sooo different paying the mercenaries compared to the sisters of sigmar. If you can get the positioning right, those archers really tear up bad guys. There are times where the enemy doesn't even get to my front line with even a quarter of his health. I imagine my leader giving his men the ol' St. Crispin day speech before battle. Yeah these archers are kick ass, best hanch man for sure
  7. Anyone with basic chemistry knowledge can make explosives. If suicide bombers have something similar its this - they are dumb
  8. does anyone care anymore? They can make daily show out of this shuff Well people local to the attacks do. People in other countries probably don't care that much. How much local? I would guess that people living in countries hit by this would demand their leaders to do something about it, but as you can see in France or UK, they don't. Only people actually care are those who's friends and families are affected directly
  9. does anyone care anymore? They can make daily show out of this shuff
  10. re - basilisks - I think protection from petrification scrolls are better
  11. hah, like anyone care what is going on west of Poland border, let them have it man
  12. “I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself”
  13. I would soo much like to take Might and Magic series but Uplay? Geez
  14. well, it will teach him to use proper gaming platform - PC
  15. I am waiting for some more diplomacy and spying options for Stellaris. I would also like some neutral trade fleets roaming around the map...
  16. Long live Ultima Online
  17. But... is there Muhammad as playable character? xD The devs said they wouldn't feature Muhammad as his ideals are against the religious beliefs that of the developers. Ironic? I think not but I guess someone out there will think so. Sounds more like escape goat
  18. Don't we have like 10000000 of these threads already?
  19. But... is there Muhammad as playable character? xD
  20. geez, I really don't remember much of Witcher 1
  21. disclaimer - strong language
  22. Did they do that with the original? Regardless, this is the only actual expansion, the other DLC is just minor missions and slight changes. This changes the entire campaign, much like Enemy Within did (rumor is even more so.) Also I wouldn't play the game with the expansion the first time. It will totally change the experience. I droped Xcom one in last mission when they announced expansion. I was so pissed that I have to replay it again :/
  23. there is another expansion for XCom 2? how long I will have to wait till they finish with it and I can buy complete edition? :/
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