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Everything posted by envida

  1. It's been stated is some previews that you will at some time in the game have cameos from Kotor 1 in your party....
  2. I don't bother with these magazine reviews, but still it's good that it got a great score, some people do trust these magazines. Hopefully others will follow up with great reviews too. Go Obsidian (w00t)
  3. That's true. Guess we will never know now...
  4. I found it interesting that 80% of sales came from Xbox, considering when you look at this forum where the majority seem to be pc gamers
  5. Here is some info on why xbox is coming before the pc version, maybe not new info but still interesting: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...ndpost&p=197145
  6. Being a pc gamer since the birth of the pc, I changed to an Xbox very recently. Mainly because I now only have a laptop (Required for my work/school) and I don
  7. A million? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Correct.
  8. Arnie is cool and so sexists it's just funny
  9. It's been stated several times in many threads. No multiplayer. No DLC. No Live capabilities whatsoever
  10. Well as many has already stated, the DVD enhanced guide is interesting to have for the extra info about characters, planets and stuff, not necessary for the walkthrough of the game. No need to offend and call people morons for nothing.
  11. I know it's not quite the same thing, but I find this statement a bit ironic and a lot hypocritical. By definition, a modded XBox (or PS2) is stealing, since the reason for modding such a system is usually to be able to play games you wouldn't be able to without dishing out extra money to do so. For instance, most people have modded PS2 systems so they can play "burned" games. What are burned games? That's right, games that are borrowed or rented and then copied for FREE. Now unless the reason for "modding" a XBox differs greatly from PS2, then it's basically the same thing. Btw, I'm not condemning anyone with a modded console system. But I just found it an ironic choice of words that I quoted considering that if it were up to the game companies, NEITHER pirating nor modding of systems would be permitted. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Where did you find that definition! It would be like saying just because you have cd-burner on your pc you only have it to pirate games! There are many reasons for modding a xbox, since Xbox is basically a pc, you can use a modded xbox as a server, linux, media center etc. Personally I use it to stream music and movies from my computer to the xbox, I hardly play games on it at all. So I don
  12. Did you play the game!? That would be a suberb way to reintroduce HK-47 (w00t)
  13. Would guees it's just one of the PC heads....
  14. You can't make them live in peace. You have to choose between one of them. The darkside option is to side with "the one"....
  15. To me the way HK-50 have been wrecking havoc on the Peragus, it sounds like he is going to end his days there too. Hopefully they bring back HK-47. Don't see why they would make another HK, who is the same as HK-47, instead bringing back the old one who everyone (almost) loves. I think HK-50 will end his days on Peragus and we will see more of HK-47.
  16. There are also the new pictures with snow on, which could be Hoth or something....
  17. I'm buying the game in December for use on my modded xbox. I see nothing wrong with that. That
  18. Dont care if it will beat Halo2 sales....it has no chance of doing that anyways. As long as Kotor2 is a great game I dont care for how much it sales. Of course for Obsidians sake I hope it will sale like crazy
  19. Im just glad there will snow I luv snow
  20. I also mentioned Fable earlier, where you can continue the game after you finished the game. There are still sidequest you can do. And you can get married, have sex and all sorts of things, but only dowvside is that Fable isnt a good game
  21. If you want that play Fable. Which by the way is a crap game...
  22. Hate zaalbar too. I used to like wookies but after zaalbaar I cant stand them. Hopefully Obsidian has made a great character for this wookie like chewie was. Seeing as so many disliked zaalbar I dont think they would bring him back.
  23. Studying Information Systems at a university in Australia.
  24. Can't wait to play this game, awesome (w00t)
  25. Good news, nice to see skills like security and demolition actually have a use.. Btw, why do people bother responding to hades, do as me every time I see a post, I jump over it. All he wants is to complain...for some people that's how they get off, nothing will change that....
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