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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Thread Moved.
  2. Thread Pruned: I am hoping that a some more constructive feedback may be offered to Zellsillusion ... hope springs eternal you know ...
  3. Miami Vice Casino Royale Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
  4. Thread pruned ... do please try to play nice in the sandbox with new members.
  5. I would indeed be disappointed should the intent be lost in our translations ... so perhaps we will take this one out of the sandbox until a more accessible thought might be offered to the community ...
  6. Moved to PnP with the suspicion it should fit better ...
  7. Thread Pruned: Could we try not to derail this thread before the actual day itself ... ? /rhetorical question
  8. Please do feel free to discuss this topic and explore the ongoing discussion here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=44432
  9. Well I think it is time for a broom, a dustbin and time-out in the sandbox ...
  10. And with that affirmation we will return to the geeky tech tendency for which Skeeter's exists ...
  11. Fionavar


    Hi Bob and welcome to the community! Hopefully someone can help you here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...19entry729219
  12. It's alive? Which one of you is responsible for giving a bot AI?
  13. And not that I would assume that this thread would be derailed in the early morn ... prudence seems to dictate a moment of quiet while mods take a moment to pause from the sandbox ...
  14. Patches & Utilities Action/Adventure GTR Franchise 1: (1.5) 2: (1.1) Strategy (Empire Building) Sid Meier's Railroads (1.1) Strategy (Real Time) Command and Conquer Franchise Generals - Zero Hour (1.04) Utilities CCleaner (1.36.430) Freeware Windows Optimisation IsoBuster (2.0) Shareware Data Recovery
  15. While I am most respectful and grateful for how this conversation has remained constructive, I also do feel that the topic at hand is on the 'cusp' of what is acceptable for Obsidian's fora. I will trust that the posting in this thread will remain civil and will maintain an awareness of the age diversity of the membership. Please do keep this in mind as you post.
  16. Well rather than entertain a long explanation of the real and difficult reality that suicide poses to many people - a possible lecture - I will offer for reflection that enough concern has been shared that this topic affects real people in difficulty places. Fionavar
  17. Apparently the festive salutations have come to a quick and unfortunate end. I pray all in the community are well and have had many opportunities to celebrate Hope and Joy. Fionavar
  18. Thread Pruned: Please do try to avoid the ever-present threat of smiley derailment ...
  19. Take 2
  20. Hey White Knight, Try here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=45530
  21. Wise guy indeed It is also nice to pull some of the doings and goings from other sites ... hence the 'news' aspect Nonetheless, lest more wise guys show up, I believe the topic can continue in the Aliens thread Re: New possible forum ... we will see what admin feels about that following the fora upgrade ... Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, Fionavar
  22. Thanks to Planet AvP and our own [GSI] Dave for taking the time to offer this headline! Most appreciated to see gecklings of all stripes play nice Fionavar
  23. Patches & Utilities FPS America's Army (2.8) Rainbow Six Franchise Vegas (1.02) Software Mozilla Firefox Browser ( Utilities Fraps (2.8.2) Freeware/Commercial Benchmark/Screen & RT Capture Samurize (1.64.2) Freeware Advanced System Information/Desktop Enhancement
  24. Welcome [GSI] Dave! Feel free to explore here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=45325
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