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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Chatter has occurred 100% Derailment 100% -insert something witty- /done
  2. Well I would say that we have moved beyond the intent of this thread. thank you for your feedback and do indeed feel free to continue a TOEE discussion in C&C.
  3. Patches & Utilities Simulation Star Trek: Legacy (1.1) Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh Diagnose (7.48) Benchmark
  4. Very exciting ... not so much a MMORPG, but that we're still flying ... thanks for sharing this atr0creep!
  5. Please feel free to add your input to the ongoing discussion here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...84entry721284
  6. Thanks for this thread Riftworm. As we continue to try to limit NWN2 threads owing to Atari/Bio discussion being directed their way, I feel that patches and the subsequent threads need also to have a voice. So, this thread has been moved to Skeeter's where I hope it will encourage constructive discussion and input. Respectfully, Fionavar
  7. Software Adobe Reader (8.0)
  8. Ugly scaly green (nekkid underneath) monster eats thread ...
  9. Patches & Utilities RPG Warcraft Franchise World of Warcraft (2.0) (MMORPG)
  10. Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh UI (7.72) Windows Optimisation WinRar (3.62) Shareware Archive Manager
  11. Please do feel free to explore this issue here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...08entry718908
  12. At the present moment we are hoping to upgrade the board software next week. I am REALLY sorry for both the frustration this likely causes the community and the extra load it puts on the Mod Squad. In a twisted way I am grateful for them ... as I get to see the membership publicly and PM let me know their concern and extend their care. So thanks! Hopefully not too long now ... Respectfully, Fionavar
  13. Patches & Utilities Strategy (Real Time) Warhammer Franchise Mark of Chaos (1.3) Software VLC Media Player (0.8.6) Multi-Platform Media Player & Streaming Server Utilities BitTorrent P2P Protocol Core (Linux/Windows 5.0.2/Mac 4.4.1)
  14. Thread Pruned: Let's walk a little more lightly and respectfully please.
  15. Welcome Diego - feel free to post SW items in the KotoR fora. Thanks for arriving and if any of our usually borderline trolls seem too much, feel free to send me your concerns ...
  16. Please do feel free to continue this conversation here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...59entry717359
  17. I am sensing that we may be moving toward a timeout in the sandbox ... could we try to avoid baiting and the like ... /rhetorical observation
  18. Do feel free to contribute in the ongoing discussion here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...48entry717248
  19. [quote name='
  20. Patches & Utilities FPS Call of Juarez (
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