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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Thanks for the question. FYI: It has been shared with Admin & hopefully there will be some clarity offered shortly.
  2. Made a whack of new fora and even added some community members to the Squad! Play nice in the sandbox trolls in our midst
  3. Beating laundry dry on the Roost!
  4. Thanks for sharing this aVENGER! SS2 remains one of my favourites on multiples levels!
  5. Still FO: NV @ 50 hours and just arriving @ Boulder!
  6. Happy ending? Bruised but standing. I took two weeks off my running routine owing to post surgery reqs, so always helpful to get realigned ... but still tender after the session. Thanks for asking!
  7. My massage therapist beat me up today!
  8. Thanks for the update Hurlshot! Happy she is home and prayers & light as you navigate next steps. Hope you are able to find some space to care for yourself too. Caregivers getting burned out is - in my experience - a concern too at times like this.
  9. Patches & Utilities OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) K-Lite Audio/Video Codec Pack (9.3.0 32b/64b) Software Ahead Nero (12.0.02000) Commercial CD/DVD Burning Software Google Chrome (22.0.1229.79) Freeware Internet Browser Maxthon ( Freeware Internet Browser Mozilla Firefox Browser (15.01) Trillian ( Adware/Commercial Multi-Network IM Client Utilities BitTorrent P2P Protocol Core (Windows 7.7.27987) CCleaner (3.23.1823) Freeware Windows Optimisation
  10. Most welcome. Enjoy the community - they're not half bad
  11. To what would you like your name changed Ohmigish? PM me ...
  12. I also think that LC's analysis is correct. But I would wait for an official update from Admin, as so much is in flux with the phenomenal support!
  13. You have done nothing wrong Some of the badges can be found here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/posts/316398 I also believe that Admin is working on other possibilities and I have let them know this thread has raised this question. with respect, Fionavar
  14. @ Hurlshot: Thanks for sharing the hopeful news! Handing out shiny new OOoE titles and now off to walk the pack ...
  15. The man must be quick, seems mine has already changed I'm big, green, scaly and like never to leave the Roost. This is just one other distraction that allows me to procrastinate
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