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Everything posted by ManifestedISO

  1. I had a riot at the Hobbit. Heart pounded out of my chest during the battle with Galadriel and Elrond and the Nine and Sauron. So much hand-to-hand combat in the rest of the film, too, loved it. Thranduil's elk lifting up four orcs and then he decapitates them all at once. Bolg's death was ultra-satisfying, maybe more than Azog's. Cate Blanchett gets the nod for favorite performance, brief though it was. Totally didn't cry at all when Bard's son slays two orcs, saving his sisters!
  2. Nothing. Will see no one. Just stay home, minding my own business. Like an adult.
  3. Just a pic of a 14-year-old. 18, which is why I freaked, I thought she was 24. Edit: Oh and thanks very much global mod power, sorry to have been a bother, won't happen again.
  4. I hate myself. Why did this happen. What did I do wrong. How could I have been so blind. God hates me. There is no god. The Austrian is right, I don't exist. None of this does.
  5. Is it gone. Please be gone. I made a terrible mistake. I am returning to page 320, like you said. Please I don't want to go to jail.
  6. Okay, I am onboard with this reference.
  7. Oh man, there is nothing like taking a bunch of pictures of yourself to so easily destroy a month's confidence. Oh well, at least this beer can't judge me. Life really is all in our heads. Wait ... maybe that means all those crappy pics weren't crappy. Maybe self-image can only be seen by the self. Maybe I'm okay. I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Thanks, non-judgmental ninja.
  8. Haha, you are literally a cat in human form.
  9. Cassandra's voice actor is even more mind blowingy.
  10. Don't be put off by the idea of "blind dating" through this experience. This is normal to meet people who you won't necessarily connect with but trust me I have met some awesome people as friends through these types of initiatives So keep on trying to meet people, don't become jaded I don't want to meet anyone else. I can't. I can barely withstand the natural adrenaline and dopamine I get just from text conversations.
  11. Don't think about all those things you fear.

  12. Assume another eight inches. Maybe another stone, too, I can't be sure. All I know is those low-rise jeans are flat across the front.
  13. So this happened. If she wasn't 125lbs and taller than me I might not have laughed. As it was, at work, I brought her a turkey bacon sandwich instead.
  14. Yeah, well, watching the SportsWrap program now. All the presenters, former Chargers and whatnot, have that typical fallen crest. Next year ... whatever.
  15. Could use an update on the 2-Series, there, Denver. It's been a month. Can't just get a superfly sled and sit on it.
  16. One after the other, one ultra-hot mega stunner after another. Revenge on ABC, in the background at the moment. Emily Vancamp leads the cast and my affection. I have no idea what the drama is about, since my Pandora station is playing over the show, but ever since I saw Emily in Winter Soldier ... this one-hour TV show is a feast.
  17. It's a dark secret, I know, shameful, even, but I only played New Vegas for six hours on Xbox. I don't even know how I call myself a player of games. Anyway, I just got the Ultimate edition for the price of a sandwich. So, no work this week, no Hinterlands, no toaster repairs, just Vegas and some bottle caps.
  18. I know the depths of winter always mess with my bio-oxygen intake/exhaust mechanism. Humidity levels seem to be the culprit, although I don't snore, sometimes I'll wake myself up with a big breath through the voicebox ... gah!
  19. Never. The cycle is broken. The pedals came off and the chain disintegrated. Plus the girls are actually talking to me now, like, I mean up close. No way I'm going back to the stank.
  20. Wow, that makes my quitting smoking seem like a trivial accomplishment.
  21. Now I'm super confused, some say role-playing is headed downhill, others it's traversing up an incline. Even money Obsidian levels the playing field.
  22. Ah, Latina! 70% chance of being batsh!t crazy, stay cautious my friend!! True, although they may prefer the term passionate. No, I'm safe, she has a career with work in LA and New York (doing what, no one would ever believe me in a million years, unless I posted a photo, which would be an act without tact, so I won't yet), for months at a time. My sole purpose at the moment, is as a no-strings attached benefits package whenever it suits her.
  23. Premium comedy, thanks, now I get to clean lager from my monitor.
  24. I can't believe it, either. That is her name, though she is not from there. She's part white, part Latina, and totally from a late-night forgotten dream.
  25. She said yes. Technically she asked me, and somehow I managed to reply. Sunday we'll go see five armies battle, then come back to my place and put together this brand new pub table I got for the kitchen. Yes, that is a euphemism, though there really are two unopened boxes on the floor. We finally introduced ourselves, she's named for one of the seven continents, and is every bit as alluring as the best that faraway land has to offer. Gonna have a drink, now, and try not to faint.
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