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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. That's what I entered in the survey, for which franchise I'd like to see in a game, Trek. 


    Although an isometric Pathfinder Star Trek game from Obsidian would easily overload my capacity to withstand such awesome. I would pass out right here at this keyboard and never wake up.  

    • Like 2
  2. Transformers, Dark of the Moon. Found it underneath Prometheus in the back of the cabinet.


    Buzz Aldrin, awesome. Leonard, on screen as Spock and Sentinel Prime ... super awesome. Literally says out loud, 'the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many'.


    Most of the rest of the two-and-a-half hour movie, quite a bit less awesome.  

  3. Never tell me the odds. 



    The San Diego Chargers are a one-in-30 million story. The bad kind.

    Mike McCoy's team is 1-4 and in the cellar of the AFC West. But it's how the Chargers got here that separates them from the pack.
    According to Pro-FootballReference.com, the Chargers had two instances in their first five games where they had a 99.9 percent chance to win (Week 1 against Chiefs, Week 4 against Saints) and managed to lose both games. Additionally, they had a 84.7 percent win probability against the Colts in Week 3 and a 77.9 percent chance to prevail against the Raiders on Sunday. They lost those games, too.
    "So if you ran a computer simulation of these games from these points 30 million times, the Chargers would lose all four just once," financial analyst Seth Bienstock told The Wall Street Journal.
    That's right. The Chargers had a 0.0000034 percent chance of losing all four of those games ... and they pulled it off. The Chargers are lottery losers for the ages.
    Welcome to the Pain Rankings, guys.

    By Dan Hanzus nfl.com

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