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Posts posted by ManifestedISO


    Deadfire Archipelago


    This southern region is still a frontier in many respects. Aumaua settlements and pirate-infested islands are often as inaccessible as they are lawless. Those who call the Deadfire home are necessarily hardened survivors, accustomed to extreme climates and cultural variation. Boreal dwarves, aumaua, and a mixed variety of other races populate the islands in unknowable masses. Many consider the Deadfire the last frontier on Eora, since the waters beyond swarm with deadly monsters that have halted even the most determined expeditions.



  2. This has never happened before but I went to put in my contact lenses so I could see to drive to the comic book shop even though it was raining on my day-off when a single hair strand fell on to my index finger danger-close to the upturned contact lens forcing my other hand to attempt to remove the hair except it accidentally came in contact with the damp lens just like bait on a fishing line flinging it down into the sink underneath the little screwy thing above the drain right on the rim where microbes are probably waiting in silence to murder me but thankfully I didn't panic and managed to unscrew the screwy thing enough to access the lens with a miniature rubber plunger thing normally used for in-eye removal since you can't pick up a hard lens convex-side up by touching it and now my germophobia suspects a supervirus could be inside me.

  3. Eighty miles to the StubHub Center from here, 400 miles from there ... if I show up and don't see a Grand National in the parking lot I will be disappoint. 


    The new LA logo is like in the comics when Lex Luthor wears the Superman 'S'.

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