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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. No problem, myself doesn't trust me to be objective, either. Is a failing we recognize that prevents honest review.


    Maybe overt female physical strength reads as threatening or off-putting. Terminator and MDB and those mentioned may not have hinged success on a character known to many yet seen by none on the big screen. Pretty, exotic, and ... relatable, perhaps. 


    That episode summed up the whole season of Flash. Could have been good, but too drawn out and too much stultifying and senseless relationship d-r-a-m-a in between the good bits.



    Savitar = Barry was actually a decent enough reveal despite it being by far the strongest possibility after Wally got out of being trapped in the speedforce so quickly. It was pretty well foreshadowed even as far back as ep1 (Eobard's "now who's the villain, Flash?" line). But it felt like half the episode was Joe/ GF and Cisco/ Julian drama for absolutely no reason other than to get to the 41 minute mark and I can't help but feel that they've left the reveal an episode or two too late as well.



    I figured HR was Savitar due to him referring to Wally as Wallace, saying "you know me, I love a good story" and the trend of having a new Wells each season. It could still be wells what with him having that tech that makes his face look different.



    I'm watching the first two seasons trying to figure out Savitar, but, nothing doing--although it's obvious the writers love to flip the table after setting up certain scenarios, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're right about a double reveal ...


    Favorite shot from the entire series ... season two, on Earth 2, in Barry and Iris' house, the rotary phone push-button speed dial contact list: "Bruce ... Hal ... Diana"

  3. IGN, pretty funny ...



    My wife’s reaction as I sealed the deal with human biotic commando Cora was to state, matter-of-factly, that, “This is porn. And it looks weird.” She’s not wrong on either count – especially since male Ryder appears to have painstakingly removed every hair on his body below the neck –


  4. Was forced today to initiate a first-ever Level One Disaster Emergency Response Protocol (L1 DERP). Parked, got out, opened the rear hatch, point zero seconds later a full, fresh gallon of premium exterior paint committed an unprecedented gravitational error, free-falling from vehicle deck-height, face-planting and popping open without remorse onto a private, sloped, black-asphalt driveway. The only other eyes-on in the area were five dogs and two cats. 


    Ignoring panic and a bemused Doberman, the on-site operator laid down perfunctory canvas, right-sided the deformed container, brush-scooped the impressively aggressive puddle back into the can, activated pressurized water from a local source, and manually affected a hand-held wire brush to remove on-contact residue. After sixty minutes, no trace remained. An impressive recovery. So much so, no incident report was filed with local authorities who arrived hours later, unaware.

    • Like 3

    Actual good episode of The Flash last night as well, which shows that they can still do it.


    Who do you suppose Savitar is ... everyone seems to think Wally, or HR. I'm gonna go girl and suggest Savitar is actually the lady speedster who died last season from injecting Velocity 9, in a storm of blue lightning ... Caitlin's friend from Mercury Labs, Trajectory.


    Obviously I'm wrong, but, maybe.   

  6. Tried a new whiskey, Old Camp, developed by two dudes from Florida and Georgia and some line. 


    Was okay neat, slightly better with a cube. In the end, tonight's episode of Supergirl was the best television I'd ever seen--Kevin Sorbo and Teri Hatcher upcoming teaser roles notwithstanding.

  7. After Bobby Null outed himself as a virulent and genuine though misinformed Star Wars nerd during the Deadfire stream, I was morally obligated to watch Episode VII and confirm his assertion Rogue One is better. Broadly now I agree, but specifically all I could see were Carrie's scenes and I just lost it.  ;(

  8. You're kidding me, I just watched Contact not ten minutes ago. Jodie Foster, so good, pensive and passionate in the same instant, eyes more blue than what's his name Frodo.


    Speaking of the Shire, Peter Jackson and Weta Digital are also credited. I thought The Frighteners and Fellowship were their first forays.

  9. Ground Zeroes on PSN super sale.


    Gave me that old-fashioned frustrated feeling, where you take one hand off the controller and look down, or up at the ceiling, or anywhere but the Mission Failed screen.


    But only a few times--it's actually mostly fun, if incredibly short, as the stand-alone prologue to the brilliant Phantom Pain. Tactical infiltration with barely a handful of weapons. Have to work hard to suspend disbelief, though, the setting is a Marines-occupied installation in 1974 Cuba, occasionally forcing the player to use lethal force during side-ops.   



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