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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Nice, Batman: The Animated Series remastered to blu-ray, coming next year. No word on aspect ratio, audio, or if they're replacing frames with new animation. I would expect 4:3 and maybe 5.1, compared for no reason with TNG's live-action 1080p at 4:3, 7.1 DTS, and all-new CG planets and ships. 



    Speaking of Trek, Marvel's Inhumans continues to induce face-palms with its writing and a pace that bores even forgiving viewers.    

  2. Supposedly Doohan's accent was one of several performed by James at audition, that Gene liked best, and Walter was added to appeal to a demographic. After TOS (or before, don't know), Roddenberry declared American English the language of the Federation and its member planets.


    Regional accents were to become officially rare, an excerpt from page 23, 'Star Trek The Next Generation Bible', written by Gene in 1987 as a show-writer's reference: Born in Paris, France, Picard betrays a gallic accent only when deep emotions are triggered. Otherwise, since ethnic accents are no longer common, he carries only a touch of French phrasing in his speech. I can't recall ever hearing even a touch.


    Also it states Data's name is to be pronounced with a short 'a' (that-a), among other points never-realized, so, the accent situation must have been fluid, too.

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  3. sorry, I can't help it, it's a sickness, selective, cruel ... the letters 'STD' form an initialism, whereas initials forming a spoken word (NASA) constitute an acronym.



    Lucifer premiere was fine, a little cheeky, needs more demon. In case Maze did show up for the last half ... switched over midway to re-brief last season's Super G finale ahead of Monday's premiere. 

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  4. Condorman was mine, as an awe-struck nine-year old. Literal steely-eyed bad guys in fast cars, out-driven by a bumbling, earnest hero on land, in the air, underwater ...



    Been letting the hype build for Justice League, thought I better bring expectations down to zero by watching BvS. Who threatens someone's mom two movies in a row with different villains and expects anyone to enjoy that. Diana's debut doesn't disappoint, at least.

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    edit: Because it clearly worked. He made a major impact by taking that knee.


    But I thought the protests were against state-level police action. What major impact is a federal constitutional rights debate going to have on city and state police procedures ...

  6. Car, take me to ocean.bacon.bikini



    Engineers at  What3Words have divided the entire world into 57 trillion three-meter-by-three-meter (10 by 10 foot) squares. Each has been given a unique address composed of three-word combinations. Starting next spring, Mercedes-Benz will be the first automaker to incorporate the What3Words technology into its new infotainment systems, making three-word navigation a standard feature.



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    the thing is, josh is the only guy we know from wisconsin who actual tweets 'bout cheese.

    I know there is another one at Obsidian. I can't remember whom exactly, but she's often included whenever Josh talks cheese, or he re-tweets her whenever she talks about cheese.



    Katrina, our host for the recent video updates, sorely missed during #ObsidianPlays streams.

    • Like 2
  8. For me it's just a shiny new toy* and I have no problems admitting that



    *to also include cars, guns, and computers and anything else where there is a much cheaper option that provides the same basic functionality


    Is the Model 3 going to materialize this year ...

  9. Asian Box would be most welcome. Quik Wok won't even know what hit them.



    True, after the trainspotters crash out, a cottage industry of breakfast enthusiasts converge along the coast, pre-dawn to sunrise. Possibly the best local and regional fare for mexican, or waffles, veggies, eggs, fish, bacon, avocado everything ... the usual, but somehow so much better, served in open-air sidewalk cafes that vanish by 11am. Reasonably priced, too, for the most part. Should be criminal to settle for Jack in the Box.

  10. You should have no problem on Normal difficulty, by the sound of it. Turn off party AI by clicking the head/brain icon button thing glowing blue next to individual character portraits. I believe you can adjust AI as well in the menu, but I prefer to manage each member's actions individually. 


    The height of difficulty spikes depend on how prepared you are with a variety of offensive and defensive capabilities. Battling Shadows, for example, drove me up the wall until I realized fire and other tactics make it easier. Although some battles simply cannot be won until higher level, even if you can access them now. 

  11. Am thinking about it, mostly for the music streaming, despite the words 'first of its kind' and the half-pound bulk. Designed by a company here in SD, a helmet-mounted HUD--head-up display creating a virtual image floating 4m in front, line of sight.


    With standalone GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, wireless LAN, 1080p camera for video/stills, accelerometer, gyroscope, altimeter, smartphone-grade CPU/memory, 8-hour rechargeable battery, headset, mic ...






    Always check tire pressure like this guy before leaving the garage. His phone map shows a route from PB to Palomar Mountain. 

  12. Combat especially can be quick, assigning actions I mean. Maybe faster than PC.


    Agreed with OP for the most part ... I'm not loving merchant inventories blocked out completely by the first item-description tool-tip panels. Manually activating other tool-tips can be slow, reducing the joy of stat comparison and upgrading.


    Not bad, though. Paradox Arctic clearly worked hard to get the controller scheme playable. Obsidian had little to do with porting.



    Now if this real-life heatwave would just chill the f down I could continue. 

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