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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. transcript from Helsinki was altered, by WH; press conference video of Acosta was doctored, by WH; little reason to expect complete transcription with Zelensky

    contents of complaint are all that matter; if 'multiple acts' are indeed documented, falsifying the Ukraine call transcript may be one ... 

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  2. neither decently documented nor universally accepted


    Once he won the presidency, though, that changed. Ukraine has become a repeated and obvious political playing card for Trump over the past several years, in part because of its oppositional role to Russia. When questions about Russia have arisen, Trump and his allies have often tried to redirect America’s gaze to Ukraine.

    The earliest iteration was an effort to wave away questions about Russia’s role in the 2016 election by suggesting that Ukraine was engaged in something equivalent. It was a line of argument that leveraged a January 2017 article from Politico, describing how a consultant working for the Democratic National Committee had sought information from Ukrainian officials largely centered on Paul Manafort, previously a political consultant in that country but at the time Trump’s campaign chairman.

    When news broke about Donald Trump Jr.'s having embraced an offer of dirt on Hillary Clinton that he believed came from the Russian government, the incident with the DNC contractor was lifted up as a counterpoint. Trump Jr.'s only media interview in the immediate aftermath of the revelation of the Trump Tower meeting was with Fox News’ Sean Hannity — who opened his show by walking through the DNC-Ukraine story in his own loaded, spottily accurate way.

    Where this particular look-at-Ukraine effort fails is largely in scale. What’s alleged is that one contractor — who stopped working with the DNC in July — worked with staff at the Ukrainian embassy to examine Manafort’s record. Such research wasn’t part of her role with the party, and there’s no evidence that the DNC was broadly aware of her efforts. There’s no evidence that the Ukrainian government was actively engaged in a large effort to aid the Democrats or Hillary Clinton’s campaign. By contrast, U.S. intelligence officials uncovered evidence that Russia was trying to aid Trump at the highest levels — and was actively doing so in various ways.


  3. feel for you

    betting that was the one who were extreme attractive and 'no one could see us' ...

    can't speak either way, but seems like the new many variations on the form could include a semi-solution to pain or sleeplessness without the fear of losing intellect or film meta-knowledge, dunno, but truly hope you find a way through

  4. dude is a malignant narcissist manifestly incapable of conscience and empathy required to understand intent by another, let alone prepare for, calculate, and apply gratuity


    if the Times is accurate, then extorting Ukraine for political gain isn't the only high crime in the complaint ... 




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  5. finally did it ... just now, little bit ago ... pre-made morning coffee, like usual, the night before, nothing out of the ordinary, trying to save time, as a night person, who abhors early morning, except this time failed to warn self was still nighttime and pushed the brew button immediately after, like you do, in the morning

  6. striking thing is the inspector general who deemed the complaint to meet the legal threshold of 'urgent concern' was himself appointed by the president


    says here ... that legal threshold requires '[a] serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of law or Executive order, or deficiency relating to...an intelligence activity involving classified information'


    so can't just be about Siberian forest fires or 'normalizing relations' with Russia ... more likely the dude promised to out the spy working for us in the Kremlin


    also I don't have any tattoos, but if I did, I would want the essence of Barry Berke's demeanor in the face of abject stonewalling disdain

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    is ok to start weak. is ok to begin a story with a female character who is flawed and ignorant and in need o' help

    HA! Good Fun!


    not offended; appreciate perspective from the few remaining well-read


    mentioned Ms. Marvel ... who is distinct from uberfrau Captain Marvel, in the form of a flawed, ignorant, and in need of help, teenaged kid from Jersey City ...

    Kamala will get her own live-action on the Disney streaming service, which should be ostensibly incapable of continuing the noted instagood trend

    some potential to avoid that terrible sameness: high-schooler with immediate family from Pakistan, gifted unwittingly, bit of a dork, no idea that, with great power must also come --


    only bring it up because this character leapt off the page in a way Diana or Jen, Carol or Rey didn't quite ... as human, as flawed, sometimes weak, self-unassured, yet indomitable in spirit

    • Like 1
  8. Control ... weird, but cool


    it's third-person action, shooting with cover, bonkers narrative, well-implemented 'paranatural' abilities



    not positive yet, but the PC's inner monologue seems to break the fourth wall (a thing that usually is bothersome) in brief, interesting ways ... like it fits right in, storywise


  9. also shows up on Xbox Game Pass under PC games, which I assume means you don't have to buy the game to play it if you have a subscription ... 


    which I do now, apparently, for three months, from a bundle included with a new CPU ... 


    it's like, do I want to waste time with Epic or waste time with Game Pass just to play The Outer Worlds on PC in October

  10. interesting civic duty venture, on-call all month for federal jury service, downtown, 36 miles away, literally across the street from the Hall of Justice, which I can't help but imagine Superman or Martian Manhunter ground-pounding a superhero-landing right on the sidewalk there on Broadway


    couple dozen prospective jurors in a federal courtroom, plus FBI, prosecutors, defense attorneys, a judge more affable than most, and a microphone ... I am not a public speaker but managed to enunciate relevant details without stumbling, as is our wont


    was not selected, ultimately, but it was an exceptional and affirming experience (still on-call 'til the 25th) ... in spite of everything, I still have faith in our system and rule of law

    • Like 2
  11. half-way through a first-ever eight-entry Fast & Furious run, for real


    was told Tokyo Drift is the low point, but disagree completely ... the ethos of family, trust, and corner speed are more honestly represented than in the first, second, and fourth films combined


    bonus subtext knowing Vin Diesel is a D&D nerd makes early F&F ten times more enjoyable ... and seeing how far Gal Gadot has come as an actor and entity totally validates Gromnir's suspicions back before Wonder Woman in 2017, *eight years after her debut in this series (vaya con Díos, really)


    the hope now is that 5-8 ramp up the hardware ... got a GT-3 and a GT-R in 4, not much besides Evos and Eclipses prior

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  12. sorry to semi-necro, but, I just started a turn-based run as someone who is not at all conflicted about this style of gameplay having zero merit, and yet ...


    combat hits like always, only in a different flavor, as if someone turned my favorite bourbon into gin -- a new challenge that so far is practically fun, rather than the chugging regression we expected


    still in Port Maje with barely a party, so future full encounters might change my mind about Initiative, but, if true that Relentless Storm lasts even longer in turn-based, the glee may be never ending

  13. felt this one like crazy, even though this county is on a different plate than most of CA ... last time we rode a big P-wave was April, 2010, in the drive-thru ... cashier and I looked at each other in a most peculiar way ... tonight was just me, milk and cookies


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