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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. in the off-chance new players come across the above misinformation by the OP ... most enemies are not immune to everything, and bounty quests from the Warden were not intended to be 'very early' or for 'beginner' parties ... the player stronghold must be rebuilt and upgraded over time before Warden bounties become available


    above all, over the course of the game, save often; if your party gets wiped clean in seconds by an enemy, do not reload 50-60 times ... reload once before the battle and travel to a different map or pursue an alternate quest to gather experience and upgrade items and weapons before returning to a difficult encounter ... try it, it's fun

    • Like 2
  2. was great, really enjoyed escapism with Batwoman and Supergirl, only to return to an insane reality


    In a major shift in United States military policy in Syria, the White House said on Sunday that President Trump had given his endorsement for a Turkish military operation that would sweep away American-backed Kurdish forces near the border in Syria.



    imagine if Johnson had sided with the NVA in Vietnam ...

  3. not long, but will include the 'dumb' projection attack the president uses on African-Americans ... Don Lemon and LeBron that I remember, likely more


    if 'multiple' means at least three, there may be four current whistleblowers in talks with representation ... one IRS and three re Ukraine


    (so thankful my superhero TV season begins tonight  ... hit pause on the fury and fire, get reacquainted with hope and justice ... well, after 60 Minutes)

  4. he will; no one is immune from attack by a cornered psychopathic narcissist under threat of exposure and accountability


    if the president continues to call for 'impeachment' of Congressional Republicans, as he did with Romney -- likely jurors in a Senate trial -- removal from office may actually occur

  5. my theory is, since 5pm Pacific is technically midnight zulu time ... Microsoft is secretly planning to rename Project Scarlett the Z-box ... think about it -- the next console release is holiday 2020 ... what colors are associated with the holidays: red and green ... Xbox official color is green, Scarlett Johansson, Black Widow, has red hair ... how else to explain a video game releasing seven hours early

    Playstation version of The Outer Worlds does not release until four hours after that, at 9pm Pacific ... 4hrs -- PS4 -- coincidence?!

    • Like 1
    • Gasp! 1
  6. wasn't me ... never had FB or twitter* accounts


    appears Pompeo has his own Giuliani ... Gorka is literally flying to Europe with the Secretary, on the same plane, with no security clearance

    *had a profile for one day to say hi to Wil Wheaton but then a swarm of bots descended and it was deleted




    • Haha 2
  7. On 9/29/2019 at 1:27 AM, ShadySands said:

    Now if only I can get around to watching the last episode of Elementary. I think part of what's holding me back is that I can imagine how the show could tie everything up satisfactorily in only one episode.

    was satisfying personally

    will miss Joan's outfits, week after stylish week, Jonny Lee Miller's delivery, Marcus' fidelity to friends and neckties, the brownstone, Denethor, and on and on ...

  8. not only did Barr know, he was the impetus for the call


    President Trump initiated the discussion in recent weeks with Mr. Morrison explicitly for the purpose of requesting Australia’s help in the Justice Department review of the Russia investigation, according to the two people with knowledge of the discussion. Mr. Barr requested that Mr. Trump speak to Mr. Morrison, one of the people said. It came only weeks after Mr. Trump seemed to make military aid to Ukraine contingent on Mr. Zelensky doing him the “favor” of helping Mr. Barr with his work.


  9. holy crap, now it's Australia


    President Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William P. Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that Mr. Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation, according to two American officials with knowledge of the call. -- NYT


  10. The predictable and co-occurring idealization and devaluation are two emotional states that generally define a narcissist’s attitude toward himself (idealization) and others (devaluation; see the insults discussed above). He projects them, primitively — i.e., without any self-reflection or inhibitions, as there is no functioning conscience to impose such “obstacles” on his mental processes and behavior — onto the world and constructs an entire ideology from them.


    horrifying, explicit description of the president's pathology, from three years ago ... also includes explanation for what may have happened to today's Congressional GOP: narcissistic collusion; again, June of 2016 this was published, by Elizabeth Mika



  11. 3 hours ago, Gromnir said:

    for those who is advocating impeachment and removal, is worth reading 'bout the andrew johnson trial as a cautionary tale.  

    HA! Good Fun!

    this from Yoni Appelbaum in March is long but riveting and rife with history

    The case before the United States in 1868 bears striking similarities to the case before the country now—and no president in history more resembles the 45th than the 17th. “The president of the United States,” E. P. Whipple wrote in this magazine in 1866, “has so singular a combination of defects for the office of a constitutional magistrate, that he could have obtained the opportunity to misrule the nation only by a visitation of Providence. Insincere as well as stubborn, cunning as well as unreasonable, vain as well as ill-tempered, greedy of popularity as well as arbitrary in disposition, veering in his mind as well as fixed in his will, he unites in his character the seemingly opposite qualities of demagogue and autocrat.” Johnson, he continued, was “egotistic to the point of mental disease” and had become “the prey of intriguers and sycophants.”



  12. wow, Volker is one of five officials summoned to appear before House committees next week 


    the nothingburger, by Alexandra Petri

    Graham gestured to Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), who was gazing happily at the transcript with an expression of calm. “There’s nothing there," Perdue murmured, confidently. Graham pointed to Mike Pence, who was smiling vaguely at nothing in particular.


    The senators knew too well that they dared not look at the whistleblower complaint. Not yet. The horror of it was the knowledge that their minds were not yet perfect. It would be awful to look at it and see something. No, they could not look at it. They must not.

    So they breezed past the reporters asking whether they had read it. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said he had been too busy running around. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he was left with “more questions than answers."

    Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said they should not begin circling the wagons yet, and a horrible pain erupted on his right temple.

    He joined the rush of senators to Lindsey Graham’s (R-S.C.) office, where they clasped their hands and begged, humbly, to be allowed to really see that there was nothing there.

    “I want to see a nothingburger,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said sorrowfully. “I am trying to see a nothingburger. But I cannot help but think that I am a little bit troubled by that transcript. It seems like, well, a somethingburger."

    Graham sighed a sigh of infinite patience.

    “You are worth taking time,” he said. “That is why the party is taking time over you. But you are laboring under some expensive delusions that I wish to root out. You still believe it is possible to be troubled by any action the president might take."

    “Yes,” Romney said, looking a little puzzled.

    “I know I shouldn’t think that,” Sasse started.

    “Would you like to be quite happy and content to support the president in all things?"

    “Well,” Romney said, “if I could do so in good conscience.”

    Graham emitted another heavy sigh. “Have you considered that the problem after all might not lie with the president, but with you?”

    “I had not considered that," Romney said, a little uneasily. “Please, I look at the transcript of the president’s call to the president of Ukraine, and I am, quite frankly, disappointed and put off. It looks like the kind of thing you would not want your president to be doing. I want to see something different. If you would tell me how to see that, it would be a great weight off my mind. I want to see what you see."

    Graham looked on, unruffled. “That is good," he said. “To want that. That is the first step. For all of you. You wish to be like me, and I see no crimes here. There is nothing here to see. Nothing to fear or be uneasy about — except that you have not controlled your mind. Certainly no reason to leap to something as grave as impeachment."

    “Didn’t you impeach President Clinton?" Sasse inquired.

    “President Clinton never was elected, because of the emails.”

    Romney blinked repeatedly.

    “You are thinking of the past,” Graham said. “Do you think the past exists, Senator Romney?”


    Graham sighed. “Think how much happier you would be if you entertained the possibility that, actually, it did not. Think how happy goldfish are. Would you like to be as happy as a goldfish?" He stared at the two of them, not blinking. “I am happy.”

    Graham gestured to Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), who was gazing happily at the transcript with an expression of calm. “There’s nothing there," Perdue murmured, confidently. Graham pointed to Mike Pence, who was smiling vaguely at nothing in particular.

    “Would you like to see what Vice President Pence sees when he looks at the president?” Graham asked. “Believe me, it is very beautiful, and nothing at all like what you think you see. Think how happy you would be if President Trump were entirely different, senators.”

    “But,” Sasse started.

    “Do you think the vice president goes around thinking your Donald Trump is in the White House? Would he look so happy and so eternally unruffled if he thought that? No, of course not. He sees what is truly there: a good, great, brave man who is governing this country better than it has ever been governed.”

    Romney sighed. “I wish to see this. If only it were there."

    “If it were there!” Graham’s laugh echoed. “Did you hear the director of national intelligence testify? These things only need to bother us if we let them. What is simpler: to alter the president’s behavior, or to discipline your mind, so that you are never bothered by anything that takes place? Please; I think you already know the answer."

    “What would Senator John McCain have done?”

    “Who?” Graham asked, blinking amiably. “You must try harder. There is nothing to see here, if you would only let yourself see nothing. It is not so hard when you put your mind to it. Now sit. It will be painful, but then it will be over, and you will be much happier. You will be able to look at the complaint, and really see nothing. Wouldn’t you like to see nothing?"


    • Haha 1
  13. editorial board, NYT


    The decision to impeach a president is inherently political, in the sense — the noble sense — that it must be made in the public interest. But it should never be political in the narrow sense of being dictated by the latest poll or the next election. This is a moment for political courage. Americans deserve a government devoted to addressing their real problems. But to get that, they need a government balanced as the founders intended, with free and fair elections and a president checked by Congress from the selfish exercise of extraordinary power. Mr. Trump has disparaged and degraded the institutions of American governance, and it is now time for them, in historic rebuke, to demonstrate the majesty of representative democracy.


  14. couple quotes appreciated recently

    'Rudy Giuliani is the Trump administration’s point man on Ukraine. Just remember that, and everything else will make a lot more sense.'  - Gail Collins

    'Once you realize that "deep state" is code for "the rule of law," you can translate their jibberish into something more like English.' - David Frum 


  15. preparing a redacted version, according to the Times

    if the whistleblower does testify this week, would expect Friday, which is Native American Day observed, in CA ... some kind of poignant irony if the beginning of the end of authoritarianism in the United States coincides, nevermind that this whole thing came to light on the birthday of the Constitution

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