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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. I know, brevity can't always convey an apropos comedy of errors. Sorry if multiple tweets come across similarly to putting ketchup and mayo on your burger.


    Bolts fans, tomorrow, Tuesday, 1pm to 1am Pacific, don't miss it, your Los Angeles Chargers offering free team-themed tattoos from Shamrock Social Club, West Hollywood. Be there, or, don't. 

  2. Not that unreasonable. The White March improves the base game imo by about 192%, but I would never have known that without playing vanilla to the end prior to the release of the expansions. If real-time with pause is not your thing, or if reading is boring, there's no reason to triple your misery.


    I'd recommend buying now, playing through Act 1, up to Level 8 or 9, then start the expansions, getting all the good loot before continuing with Act II and III of the main game.  


    Just today I finally defeated Llengrath and her nasty dragons. Spared Falanroed, so to speak, in case Deadfire makes use of an immortal in a mortal vessel.


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    Between the shelves it was dark and cool and smelled like old books. I loved it. It's gone now. Replaced by a nice, modern, sterile facility with nothing of the old places charm or mystery.


    Same, ours was a 19th-century stone-built pioneer building less than 800sqft with no room for tables. I remember a donation cup with a picture of Mt. St. Helens on it and the smell of old books so unique.

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    The least the community manager could do is tell whether this is going to be hotfixed in the coming days, or included in a bundled patch 3 weeks from now.


    That this kind of bug made it through QA is hard enough to defend (again I should know, I got flamed for defending OBS), the absence of further communication is undefendable entirely.


    They did not stop communicating, the tooltip patch releases in a few days. 

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    In all honesty I wouldn't be surprised if all three heroines above have already been looked at as potential candidates for their own solo films, but perhaps they've yeat to hit on a project that would be appealing and have them at the lead. Dunno, but either way I don't think it's their lack of bankability as characters that has kept them from having their solo ventures.


    Some believe it was the boss of all Marvel who disallowed female leads, until Captain Marvel, though no one knows why he chose the examples he did in the email, nor why he couldn't be arsed to spell Elektra correctly. Others say the studio now has more control. 




    Supergirl being stronger is (supposedly at least) comic accurate.


    Modern comics Supergirl was at one time portrayed as 'stronger' due to not having grown up having to suppress her powers like Clark did as she arrived as a teenager.  Not sure if that applies to the episode as I'm not watching the show.



    Young Kara uses her powers once in a first season flashback, saving a woman and child from a burning car, until Pa Danvers admonishes that their lives are at risk if she continues. Every episode in both seasons begins with a monologue explaining she was forced to conceal herself as a child on Earth, so it's unlikely lack of suppression influenced Supergirl's defeat of Superman. I didn't mind it, I thought it was unexpected and fun. 

  7. you know how when you go to set down a cardboard box and kinda let it slide a second before hitting the surface, I did that in line at the grocery store with a twelve of Stone and the vertical edge inside my right thumb sliced it open like a titanium razor seconds before greeting the cashier with a genuine how are you today, when he looked and asked if I was alright and I said not really, I just cut myself on this box, do you have any band-aids ... he said no but I have paper towels and quickly grabbed the roll and handed me one. I said, perfect, sorry about that and bandaged the wound at the same time as entering my debit PIN and smiled and said thanks and took the receipt and left to go home to sickbay.

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