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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Enjoying a batch of Voodoo Ranger IPA from New Belgium. 


    I usually pour into a glass, too, although citrus hops and flavors seem to taste better/more vibrant in the bottle. This Voodoo and NB's Citradelic are like that. 

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  2. I was wrong earlier, Pillars hadn't changed, it was my perception. Five times through Tyranny erased the lesson of the cave bear and PoE's more-open encounter design, where it's possible to delve a dungeon designed for higher-level characters.


    I'm glad I stuck with it, presently up in the White March with a Goldpact Knight PC, four hirelings, and Maneha. The rogue is pretty deadly from stealth with a bow, not sure why some say the class is under-powered--unless the metric is solo PotD runs, or something, dunno.


    the bills presser 


    HA! Good Fun!


    I mean, the uncertainty of relocation is what's chilling, not so much losing McCoy or a perception of disorganization. Moving to L.A. is a specter of dissolution that's haunted fans for two seasons ... made real in November by voters. Not really the end of the world, but for sure the death of something. I will, uh, keep images of Kara off the board. 

  4. Sundays can be brutal business, something Chargers fans know all too well. This was the second straight home finale that served as an awkward potential goodbye. The departure of McCoy creates one more uncertainty for the most uncertain organization in the NFL. No one knows where this team is going to play next season or who is going to lead it.

    "I remember walking out of here last year crying my eyes out, thinking it was the last game. This year, I think we're convinced. We've accepted it," season-ticket holder Terry Montello said.

























  5. Well, and now I feel sheepish for being amused with Aarik D. getting party-wiped during the Developer Commentary stream. The only change to the game since June, when I completed it with Snidely Whiplash the Priest, was 3.04, yet none of the patch notes indicate how they solved the fun I was having. Dunno, maybe because of Tyranny, but I don't remember enemies in PoE moving so quickly, targeting specific classes, ignoring typical engagement, and pantsing my waterboy who's supposed to be safe on the sidelines. At times, party positioning feels useless, so then I do, too, at times. Total time is now 317 hours, I was just about to finish Act II.     



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  6. I'm bumming out, too. Tyranny may have ruined Pillars. Or maybe Pillars ruined Pillars. Haven't played since July, started a custom five-member squad and am just getting bum-rushed with difficulty spikes and low feelings of reward despite massive micro-management--ultra attention to Deflection, fastidious Enchantments, hawkish Recovery, perspicacious Perception, mondo Interrupt, resolute Resolve--none of it seems to matter to swarming high-speed hordes. Singles or duos or triplets of enemies are not awful, but more than four and it's Code Red to Wound City.


    looks like this is for a Pillars 2 crowdfunding campaign.



    You mean like on Fig or something ... I can't imagine a return to Kickstarter. 



    Collectible game items are fun, but idle. Put a secret pass inside the PoE2 collector's box good for access to an Obsidian brand store, where I can get a pair of black-on-black Havaianas, couple t-shirts, a black pirate flag with a big 'O'. Maybe that's a little too specific. 

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