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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. I got a Xbox so I could play ReCore, coming Tuesday ... the first game I've seen requiring Win10, 8 GB of RAM, and 2 GB of VRAM ... which means on XB1 it'll be sofa king slow. Also I don't get out much, so probably it's not technically the first game with those requirements. Actually I do go outside a lot.

  2. Sherlock ... Molly Hooper, badass. The Christmas episode, I don't even remember how awesome.


    Anyway, usually I watch a show and be done with it, but right now I'm on a third view-through of the first season of this one super series. Can't stop. No regerts. 



    *wait, not the Christmas Special, that was okay, the other one where Molly dolls up for Sherlock and he pans her and everyone drinks poison champagne.

  3. By far an incomplete D&D collection. I'm missing Storm of Zehir, Temple of Elemental Evil (which I had, played, but never finished), and Planescape: Torment ... a game I admit I've never owned or played.


    My current Drow Rogue playthrough of NWN2 is fun. I forgot how finicky the camera options can be, but once you get the right configuration, you can whip it around pretty easily. 

  4. Dropped a full basket of wet coffee grounds from counter-height, reaching for the trash with both hands, where it rim-shot the garbage can, flipped and exploded. Tens of millions of moist black granules all over the wall, baseboard, floor, cabinet, recycling bin, and my imaginary chihuahua. I feel comfortable arguing this century will never see a robot that can clean this mess. 

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  5. Same, stinker. Not totally, though. Some seriously quality undrafted effort-makers. Plus, hardworking dedicated cheerleaders in military uniforms* make me happy.


    Let's make a deal ... we'll rough up Kansas City in Week 1 if the Pack tenderizes the Jaguars for the SD home opener in Week 2.


    *by uniform, I mean approximation. Can't decide if I should join the Air Force or Navy. Am thinking Aim High.





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  6. I just have zero sympathy whatsoever for the Chargers organization - all of my sympathy rests entirely with Bosa and Chargers fans.


    I know, I weirdly lose faith occasionally. But then they go and do something like this and totally redeem themselves.






    Left to right, Army, Navy, stealth Marine, Bosa, Marines, Blackhawks. Team visits MCAS Miramar today, including the head coach, GM, and a full contingent of Charger Girls--who are not pictured but I've seen the photos, three or four times. Maybe five.

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  7. Of course, by 'puppies' I mean all dogs. Except Rottweiler puppies ... they know how and when and where to **** right out of the gate. PERIOD.



    They said Bridgewater suffered a non-contact injury, but I don't understand. Branden Oliver is out for the season with the same ... they showed the replay in slo-mo and the vibration from ankle to knee was sickening but inexplicable. 

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