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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. I like puppies and football.


    Kaepernick should be in town, scheduled to start Thursday. I feel like his conscience may keep him seated most of the evening.



    The San Diego Chargers will celebrate the 28th Annual Salute to the Military, paying tribute to hundreds of thousands of current and retired military personnel who live and work in San Diego, when they host the San Francisco 49ers on Thursday, Sept. 1 at Qualcomm Stadium. Kickoff set for 7 p.m. PT.


    Fans in attendance will enjoy pregame entertainment provided by the Marine Band San Diego along with the Frog X parachute team, featuring retired navy seals who will be leaping into Qualcomm Stadium.
    The National Anthem will be performed by Petty Officer 1st Class Steven Powell from the U.S. Navy while 240 sailors, Marines and soldiers present a U.S. Super Flag and service emblems from all branches of service. Color guards from the Navy, Marine Corps and Army will present the flag.
    At halftime the Chargers will recognize six Vietnam War veterans as a remembrance of the 50th anniversary of the war. The Chargers will also have wounded warriors as special guests and a patriotic fireworks show to wrap up half-time.
    At the start of the third quarter, Petty officer 1st Class Steven Powell will return to the field where he will perform God Bless America.


  2. Came home to a four-year Bosa contract and Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach Deluxe Edition boxed copy signed by everyone from Kaz to JES to FU. No Polina signature ... thinking of returning it. 


    No I'm kidding. The game box and content are exceptional. Couldn't be more pleased. 

    • Like 4
  3. DC Universe: Rebirth, three titles. Girl of Steel, WW, and one with Lois Lane and Lana Lang briefly vying for the name Superwoman (Lana is credited in BvS but I can't remember who her character was). Diana's book is twice-monthly, alternating an origin story with a current timeline, wherein Steve Trevor is a Navy Master Chief special warfare operator. Can't vouch for the Batman or Superman or Green Lantern titles, but the girls are getting their due. I'm so hooked I'm trade-waiting Black Widow and Punisher.  

  4. It doesn't sound viable, but it plays well. Much like the '10% Stun on Crit' seems paltry on parchment, somehow it feels like dudes are frozen more than one time in ten. My custom four-member party was the fastest-leveling, most fun I've had in PoE, although I never went solo. 

    • Like 1
  5. This sort of thing never happens, which is why I can't forget it. Today was the second day as a working guest on the second floor in a small office building ... a two-story rectangular with a central hall, lengthwise front to rear, four or five interior doors spaced on either side, like a Vegas hotel. Yesterday at random, she almost bumped into me at the entrance ... she said, 'excuse me', I said 'excuse me'. This morning, in the hall, I passed one door, heard it click open, then that feeling you get when you know someone is ardently striding behind you, assessing your shape, pace, and attitude. I reached the destination door, card key, green light, pause, open, look behind, that's her immediately on my six o'clock. Enter, hold the door, step aside, she says 'thank you', I said, in my mind, you are a high-speed hard body, your will is my command ... nothing actually came out of my mouth, thank god. Hours later, the exact same thing happened, in the opposite direction. I strode east, instead of west, past the same door, it opens, same feeling. I reach the exit, open, look behind, it's her. Exit, hold the door, two other females are approaching from the outside to enter, hold the door, step aside, a trio of platitudes. She was already at the bottom step by the time I allowed the door to close. Pride and decorum disallowed me from staring as she left, so, that was the last time I saw her. 

    • Like 1
  6. I was gonna post a post about how I don't have AMC, so I have to wait for blu-ray releases of The Walking Dead, which released today, Season Six, and how interesting the black-and-white/color past/present juxtaposition is, but then I saw a picture of Lion-O Richie and got distracted. Say You, Say Me, Say HO! Say It Together!

    • Like 1
  7. Rad Games, Rio, great job, loved every minute. Except Ryan Lochte, who can go to hell/and/or Florida.


    The only difficult part, I've been waiting for the Winter Games two years, now I have to wait TWO MORE years.

    • Like 1
  8. Oh man, I'm sorry, chronic pain is a cross we wouldn't be able to bear. Once again I realize my problems are minor.


    We are the addictive type. Smoking was a problem until we made an effort. I can understand painkillers, how they not only eliminate emotional deficit, but add a physical reward making you feel how you think you deserve to feel all the time. Never got in trouble or hurt anyone, but we have learned to channel energy into constructive things ... video games, movies, comics, beer.




    Any luck with the food trucks, today.  

  9. I'm not unfamiliar with Kubrick, although I haven't watched everything he did. 2001: A Space Odyssey is a thrill for me.


    Just couldn't figure out why FMJ has 'discipline' in abundance the first half, then it goes out the window--not the porthole. I'm no expert, but depicting long-haired 'Marines' who display zero combat discipline undermines what came before and what follows for the rest of the film. The 'period-accurate' sexism and racism in the movie didn't seem natural, either, just there to jar.



     Anyway, no movies today, need to read and stuff.  



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  10. "Okay, two meatballs, one tuna on wheat, and a lemonade ... that'll be $7.84"  Point Break, 1991.


    Was great to see Patrick. 


    Full Metal Jacket, up next. Haven't watched in years, don't remember everything, except the outstanding R. Lee Ermey.



    *edit* sorry, nevermind, my bad, I don't know who Stanley Kubrick is, but FMJ is an overt affront to sensibility. Maybe I just forgot how to watch movies. I'm going back to superhero films.

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