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About RottenBrain

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  1. "Ooh! Shiny ones!" They should totally add Cespenar to the keep instead of the statue.
  2. I find your suggestion that I need treatment insulting. Furthermore, why should I alter the forum on my end, when it's clear that someone else is the cause of my distress and it's obvious that all that needs to happen is for them to simply change their avatar? @rheingold: why do you insist on distressing me? Please, change your avatar.
  3. Corrected this for you. Well i don't know why did you buy PoE since it's a game that claims to be the Baldur's Gate 3... If you didn't like the BG series i really can't see why did you buy PoE and also why do you waste your time on this forum. I never said I didn't like BG. I actually loved it, as well as all other Infinity engine games, however, this doesn't stop me from seeing the flaws it/they had. I also generally try not to let rose-tinted nostalgia dictate my opinion of things.
  4. I am offended by your Pinky avatar, as it presents tall and slim guys as bumbling idiots. As a tall and slim guy myself, being the object of ridicule my whole life ("Hey, how's the weather up there!"), I feel really hurt by the picture you've chosen. Also, my father used to hit me, lock me in the basement and play Pinky and The Brain non-stop, so there's that. Would you mind changing your avatar, as it is severely disturbing my forum browsing experience and I feel really victimized?
  5. It is a bit unintuitive, however your paper doll does light up a bit when you pick-up a consumable, so there is a kind of a notification in the game that it can be done.
  6. In this thread: people having a skewed perception of Baldur's Gate 1 (and to a certain extent 2) and the fact that it was actually full of repetitive combat, questionable mechanics and bland characters.
  7. Why not just led it slide because inclusion doesn't remove anything for the game and it's optional content that no one is forced to read? Here's the thing - Its inclusion hurts and angers a number of people. Some people don't mind it, but its inclusion adds nothing for them. And again, isn't part of Obsidian's vision. So why not just do right by other people are remove it from the game? Why should they "do right" by anybody? Seriously though? Yes, I understand that people are upset and I'm probably coming on as a real **** right now, however, I can't seem to understand what is this constant strive to please everybody. The thing is that, there are people that will always be offended by minor things. You can't, and more importantly shouldn't, mollycoddle them. If you like that but find the game offensive - mod it out. Not to mention the fact, that the limerick in questions doesn't even have anything to do with transgender people. Oh, the humanity! I can see the PTSD already! Suffice it to say, that if a single out-of-the-way line in a video-game is enough to push you over the proverbial edge, then maybe the problem is with you and not the game. It does. Meaningless censorship in order to please a vocal minority that's over abused the word "offended" is stupid in and of itself.
  8. From the profile settings on this very board: So if a person is not cisgendered, they have to hide it, is that it Obsidian? You think people should be ashamed of who they are? Is this some kind of transphobic message board? I request, nay, I demand that you add at least one more option such as "Other". Not that clumping everybody together under it is any less oppressing, but it's the least you could do. *the above was a poor attempt at sarcasm, but I just couldn't resist when I saw the options in the settings. Whatevs. **on an unrelated note, just noticed this smiley -> awesome
  9. Is that because of the bear?
  10. I'm sure once they finish reviewing your attached logs, they'll send someone over to your house to fix it.
  11. Define "many". A PC game is bound to have bugs upon release, much of it due to the fact that you have to account for different hardware and OS configurations. Are the current bugs "game-breaking" in the true sense of the word, as is the case with a lot of games nowadays? Not by a long shot. By many, I understand, that I cannot play anymore, because I can't travel from one destination to another and I cannot save my game, because it makes it crash. And also there are this problems with buffs, cloaks not displayed, etc etc. Are you using a 32bit version of Windows by any chance? How much RAM do you have? Regarding the "other problems" that you mentioned - your character model not displaying an equipped cloak is hardly game breaking. I'm not saying that it's not frustrating - everybody has a different threshold for annoyances, however, I think everybody should take a step back, take a deep breath and dial back the drama a bit.
  12. Define "many". A PC game is bound to have bugs upon release, much of it due to the fact that you have to account for different hardware and OS configurations. Are the current bugs "game-breaking" in the true sense of the word, as is the case with a lot of games nowadays? Not by a long shot.
  13. Slightly off-topic, but I didn't want to start a new thread - my fighter currently has the Weapon & Shield trait which grants me extra deflection. I recently found a shield with the bash property - considering this gives me a a second attack with the shield, will the Two-Weapon Fighting trait apply it's bonus while I'm using that specific shield?
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