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Everything posted by Luridis

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Translation = "What I like is good, what you like is stupid." Go home little children.
  2. He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Not anymore. Well, not as you probably think about it. http://www.dsm5.org/documents/gender%20dysphoria%20fact%20sheet.pdf From your own reference... DSM-5 aims to avoid stigma and ensure clinical care for individuals who see and feel themselves to be a different gender than their assigned gender. It replaces the diagnostic name “gender identity disorder” with “gender dysphoria,” as well as makes other important clarifications in the criteria. It is important to note that gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition. My point was basically what's in bold, unless I misunderstood your intention in posting it. Identity is how a person feels, regardless of what is between their legs and that, in and of itself, is not a mental disorder. Personally, I feel that people can be who they are around me and I'm not judgmental about that. Gender noncomformity and gender dysphoria are not the same thing. And I never said I was judgmental about what they choose to be around me. They can be whatever the hell they want, as long as they act like normal people. First, define "normal", I dare you. Some would say that "geeking out" over RPGs is not normal and should not be allowed.
  3. Link? fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising). Him. Eric. Don't you get it? They get to decide what her name and gender is. Her identity is their property. I'm pretty sure nature gets to decide gender. You're confusing gender with sex. Sex are male and female, as is typical yet not absolutes in biology. Gender is a social construct. "Women's work." "Man's food." Nature does not make such distinctions.
  4. He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Not anymore. Well, not as you probably think about it. http://www.dsm5.org/documents/gender%20dysphoria%20fact%20sheet.pdf From your own reference... DSM-5 aims to avoid stigma and ensure clinical care for individuals who see and feel themselves to be a different gender than their assigned gender. It replaces the diagnostic name “gender identity disorder” with “gender dysphoria,” as well as makes other important clarifications in the criteria. It is important to note that gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition. My point was basically what's in bold, unless I misunderstood your intention in posting it. Identity is how a person feels, regardless of what is between their legs and that, in and of itself, is not a mental disorder. Personally, I feel that people can be who they are around me and I'm not judgmental about that.
  5. Lol okay then... it sounded as if you were accusing them of not being actual game developers.
  6. He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Not anymore. Well, not as you probably think about it.
  7. It's all very sad isn't it. A less than polite joke about identity and a less than polite response about murder and now there are two polarized groups that will not stop arguing no matter what. Locking the thread would be fruitless because hackles are up on both sides now and more would be created. This will just have to burn itself out.
  8. This is the fundamental problem with internet arguments. For whatever reason, it seems to breed black and white thinking which is not logical anywhere outside a microprocessor.
  9. Especially because I've seen the Kill All men dude's picture. If you just showed that to someone there's no way they'd think he was female. Not even in a "can't pass" way, there's no sign he's even trying to look female. What does this have to do with what I posted? That person's identity and orientation are both irrelevant and absolutely not a guarantee that any person of any identity or any orientation would react the same way.
  10. @OP Regarding the title of your post... What do you do for a living? Whatever it is I suspect that at some point you've done something someone else did'nt like. It's too bad that one of those people never went to your manager and said "get a real employee to replace him" because then you'd know exactly how your title sounds.
  11. I think the act of removing it is likely to bring more attention through the Streisand Effect. As for the note itself: I know a few trans people and they would have probably snickered at that because it wasn't mean spirited as presented. More than likely the people making the most stink aren't the victims of the perceived offense.
  12. I'm going to stretch here and say that it will absolutely not happen. I'm not normally that sure of anything, and I could still be wrong, but I don't see it. They'd have to rework just about every bit of mechanics code in the game to facilitate its collection and transmission. That is, unless they could make it collected somehow like the combat log, but that won't fix the issues of each player needing to interact in real time and the need for action buffering in the case of time delays. Too much work and most of the backers and customers probably don't care. So, ask yourself this: Would you waste money changing everything to include a feature that might have minimal appeal at best?
  13. With all due respect, this game was made for people old enough to remember Baldur's Gate. I don't think you're the target audience. Yeah, when does those games were released again?... Its 2015, they should have aleviated those problems, or now its a good thing to have all of this problems again just for the sake of the nostalgia?, seriously, why bring those problems AS A FEATURE, thats stupid. 1. Some people see features where you see flaws. 2. The games development was funded by those same people. 3. This game just isn't for you and it is probably best if you find another.
  14. It is not... I played it extensively during beta. I hate to say it, but I personally think it's the big failure class. At least it is for me, anyway. Can you be successful with any other pet than a bear? No purely fragile buff pets either. I don't like it, don't consider it a "ranger", it's like some strange stepchild of world of warcraft hunter class. Don't want. I think the biggest clue they missed was that it's just plain boring. It's a single roll of the dice that determines whether or not each fight will be lost. That being massive crits out of the gate or it's dead. Getting aggro off one is painful.
  15. Like others have said, spells, abilities, talents. Back in early beta... I think it was perhaps Perception that gave a stat bonus to To-Hit and even that little bit made it the single most valuable stat to stack for anything but a dedicated healer. It's too sensitive to allow stacking in a non-predictable way and on attributes bonuses their value becomes far too high. Additionally, things like fatigue and blindness would cease to matter.
  16. I have the exact same problem, the transfer truncated my apartment number by one digit.
  17. When I try to talk to named NPCs all I am getting is the "read soul" dialogue. The cursor appearance is exactly the same as talk: ellipses in the tool tip. Is this a bug? Or, is it just defaulting to that because the NPC has no dialogue for me? If so, that's confusing as it makes me thing the talk cursor isn't working.
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  18. My thoughts: Well done Obsidian, well done... This is my second delivered game I pledged for. The first one did get released, but it was not as good as I hoped. It wasn't terrible, just not great. PoE however, is great IMO.
  19. Hah ... Weakling! It is... They really needed to label that one "I've never played a CRPG before." Because otherwise, it's just really easy.
  20. It would be fine if whomever imported it took the care to move the watermark into the margin.
  21. Are you giving it enough time to download? It's like 250MB+. Make sure your adobe reader is up to date, or the browser plugin if you're trying to "open" instead of "download". Barring that, I'd try another browser.
  22. I put it on the easiest difficulty, because that's what it suggests if you're "new to party RPGs" or, "you've not played a party RPG for a while". Since I haven't played party for some time I tried that... and it's way too easy. The only serious peril I was in came from trusting auto-pathing over a series of trigger plates. But, I sorta expected that, it was really more of an experiment in how much I'd have to screw up with traps.
  23. "Sky Dragon" Sorta makes me want to... https://youtu.be/kxRX6LXDpWs
  24. How is such vitriol helping either your plight or mood? It seems to me you're making yourself miserable over one mechanic decision and letting it ruin any possibility of satisfaction from playing. Additionally, by posting such emotional reactions you move to effect others, either souring their moods or forcing them to shrink away from you and your cause. "broken piece of trash" - This won't help your cause, the developers, your influence, the reader nor anyone else. Get a hold of yourself man!
  25. I'll have both, Steam for convenience, I've got the 10 years of service badge from Steam, after all. That said, I've also got a physical copy of the game coming with a DRM free disk inside. No compromises here.
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