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Everything posted by sims796

  1. This is really, really good. I'm not gonna use it just yet, as my current playthrough is more story based, but I'm stealing ideas from this for my character.
  2. Bonuses on shield always stack... (I don't understand why are you saying the the character sheet indicates something else) When I Durganized Badgradr's Barricade a while back, rather than having the character sheet say that my guy has 20% reflection from the shield, or 10% from the shield's main effect, 10% from the steel, it just said 10% from the steel, nothing else.
  3. Durgan question. There's a shield that provides reflection towards projectiles. Does Durganizing it override the reflection effect, or adds to it? The character sheet seems to indicate the former.
  4. Hah, preach it! I don't even allow auto casting of spells, so having to babysit the fighters is a pain at times.
  5. Really depends on the playstyle preference. If you're the type that does the RPG beginner's mistake and conserve everything to the end, yeah they can feel like a liability. But if you're willing to go through their resources in most encounters, you'll find they have a huge edge over the other classes. I myself am very trigger happy with spells, so I find my Wizard usually dominates in overall efficiency. Druids are a little underwhelming though, since all their best spells are congested in 4th and 5th level, so it does feel like they have less casts than a Wizard at times. The former is my biggest issue playing as a Wizard. I need to stop conserving spells, only resting when HP gets low. It wouldn't be that way had I used spells more often.
  6. We get it already! You don't like rangers and prefer spellcasters to guys with physical ranged weapons. Enough already! But IMO, you're wrong to say that Storm Caller doesn't justify selecting a rangers because all you do is use a bow. That's YOUR opinion. Other people disagree. And you should say so a LOT more clearly, like starting the sentence with "IMO". I personally prefer a playstyle that isn't nearly so arcane heavy. I prefer to have as few spellcasters as I can get away with, because that's how *I* prefer to play! And that's ALL the justification I need to play a ranger, with or without Stormcaller!!! Er, we all know it's his opinion, based on the fact that it's an opinion that he said. We don't need a clarification.
  7. I use the Staff on my Druid since he's a primary staff user (for RP reasons). It's...I admit, it's not the best weapon for a Druid. The Elemental summon effect is nifty when it procs, as I have a free flank, but I wish I could replace the Nature's Mark effect. Now that we don't have Per encounter spells like before, it's a bit more useful as it saves me a spell cast, but still, not the best for a Druid. Free Beetle Shell is cool when I remember it, and I'm glad to have Iron Skin even though I never use it. All in all, the reason I use it is because there aren't too many good unique quarterstaves out there. It's a good weapon class, don't get me wrong, but none too many good uniques.
  8. I'm really not hating this Spell Mastery change as much as I thought. One one hand, I lose out on a lot of options, and that sucks (as a Druid main), but on the other, I'm not outright better than every other non spellcaster on the team in terms of efficiency and what I add to the group as a whole. I don't mind being forced to rest more, hell, that was the purpose of this change. I never really had to rest before, and my encounters had no thought, since I can skip using my doom spells and spam Sunbeam and Slicken or whatever.
  9. I tend to swap my team out every now and again, so I wanted a healthy mix. Main: Quarterstaff/Sword & Board/Hunting Bow He's a Druid, but since he's always on the team, I keep him flexible. Aloth: Scepter or Rod I don't care what he does with his non spellcasting time as long as he auto attacks. Eder: Sabre and Large Shield Durance: Arquebuses With the Intense Flame perk, I have a weapon to keep him out of harm's way while still contributing damage. Kana: Flail I wanted to try out One Handed style, the new graze-to-hit conversion thing seems cool, and it stacks with flails. I'll give him the draining one. Sagani: Hunting Bow (soulbound weapon) I'll do the same for her with the Soulbound bow. Or give her a Warbow. Pallegina: Greatsword (soulbound weapon) Same here. Hiravias: Pike So he can stay back and melee. Grieving Mother: Crossbow I dunno, why not?
  10. Oh, and start using potions and the like. I've found myself using consumables far more often. God, I love that Paralysis scroll.
  11. Same here, just weapons for me, and possibly traps, I haven't paid much attention to those. And yes, they disappear on transition to a new area, and saving & immediately loading will allow you to keep those items.
  12. And I've run into another bug with the Brave Derrim quest. Similar to the Guilded Vale bug, whenever I start the Brave Derrim quest, the game freezes. Unlike the Guilded Vale bug, I'm unable to even load a new file, I'm forced to Alt-Tab and close the game. This is an odd one. Upon further inspection, it seems that the game doesn't quite freeze. Instead, it becomes somewhat unresponsive. The mouse cursor disappears, the Enter key stops functioning, effectively locking me out (along with locking out the ESC and Quickload key, which the Guilded Vale quest did not), however I'm able to progress through the quest if I Alt-Tab out of the game, position the mouse at the END DIALOGUE button, Alt-Tab back in, then click. Here are my files. I've learned Dropbox! Save File https://www.dropbox.com/s/wttjokgrf7p6lhx/f1481cd21459414e98e49940dfe13a5b%209017944%20OndrasGift.savegame?dl=0 Output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/pywy0ctx0f4ujzc/output_log.txt?dl=0
  13. I unfortunately don't have any saves before this, I erased them for a clean run through the expansion. I can say that this happened before, though I can't pin point when - I wrote it off as a lapse in memory at the time ("I must have sold those items", when they actually vanished) I have found a workaround of sorts. If I save the game after retrieving the items but before transitioning to a new area, and immediately reload, I get to keep the items. Very cumbersome, however.
  14. I have used a Spiritshift mod in the past, but patch 1.6 (1.06?) more or less replaced the files the mod replaced, rendering said mod inert. I also never had this issue before this recent patch. If it's an issue on my end, should I do a clean install of the game? Would I have to delete my files as well? I'm not terribly far, I suppose, but I'd rather it not come to that.
  15. I think I did it right, sorry for the delay. output_log.zip f1481cd21459414e98e49940dfe13a5b 8717020 PurniscsHouse.zip
  16. As the title says, there's something seriously wrong with the stash. Every time I kill a few enemies and pocket their weapons in my stash to sell, they all disappear as if I never picked them up at all, and of course, they aren't on the floor where I originally received them. It seems that they survive if I put the gear into my character's inventory, and it seems to just be limited to regular and enchanted weapons of blue quality and lower. Yellow weapons seem to last in my stash. EDIT: Nope, certain weapons don't even survive an individual character's inventory.
  17. The game becomes unresponsive when doing the Windmill quest in the Gilded Vale.
  18. THIS. Wut. You (lameover) were the one who said you thought this now made druids OP. I only posted to state that no, this, while cool, is certainly still not better than just casting druid spells and as such obviously not OP. Yeah, wasn't trying to step on your toes, since you were stating fact. I take umbrage to people saying that spiritshift is garbage simply because it isn't the bestest choice evar in a role playing game.
  19. To all those saying that this isn't the most optimal way to play a Druid, you get a resounding "duh". Nobody is saying that this makes Spirit shift an optimal, power-gamey way to play. That was never the issue. The problem was before, Spiritshifting was bad to the point where it was barely viable to play at all. It was a straight nerf going from Humanoid to Werewhatever. Now this is looking like a much more attractive feature where I have a viable, alternate way to play. We know what the best way to play is, nobody is questioning that. Do you find yourself going to the battlemage thread to tell them to stick to spellslinging as well?
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