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About Malavinious

  • Rank
    Icewind Warrior of the Obsidian Order
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Texas, USA


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Like some others have said, I would like to see the results of this project before I fund another one. It's easy to just go crazy funding tons of projects without actually seeing any results - time for some patience. That being said, looks like this game is progressing.
  2. I'm from Texas, USA here. I see lots of Europeans and others which is great.
  3. Haha, that's hilarious. Seems like I saw somewhere that the developers meant "mature" in regards to the story and using themes such as slavery, racism, etc. etc. - not sex. Even if sex is included I have no problem with it if it's handled appropriately and actually adds something to the story.
  4. Death animations seem like a reasonable request, it makes sense that an axe to the head and a magic missle to the chest should result in a different looking kill. I have a feeling this may already be in the works anyway, but a good suggestion if not.
  5. Yep I agree, this kind of thing would be neat to have in our strongholds.
  6. I'm glad you guys are utilizing Steam as one option. I know some folks have a problem with it and that's fair, but I like having all my games in one place - thanks for giving us the option. (Plus, Steam achievements, awesome!)
  7. Wow some of you guys are epic, if only my bank account was bigger I would have given more as well.
  8. Tell me about it, my wife won't be happy......but well worth it, I have until April 2014 for her to get over it.
  9. I was skeptical that we would hit $3.5 once upon a time, I'm impressed, well done everyone.
  10. Interesting question since there is no publisher involved. I'm thinking the beta won't have an NDA attached but would be limited to a section of the game/world, such as the first chapter or something.
  11. I debated for along time, and honestly could change again before Tuesday night, but am currently set on the $110 tier. I wanted some goodies but would prefer them to be all digital.
  12. I never got around to trying Alpha Protocol, the reviews may not have been great but I always wanted to see how the story played out.
  13. I have fond memories of spending lots of time with that Baldur's Gate 2 manual, studying up on new classes to try and such.
  14. Fantastic news, I keep forgetting to count the PayPal amount. I still maintain $3.5M will be a stretch, but maybe we can make a final push on Sunday/Monday.
  15. Wow, lots of new members just in the last 24 hours or so (including me) - great to see the support.
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