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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Having played a sizeable chunk last night, I can confirm that disengagement attacks can be exploited to a degree that encounters become trivial.
  2. Unless you could legally prove that the Kickstarter creator never had any intentions to provide the product/service it described then I don't think you'd have a legal case to sue them (and they have no money anyhow, aparently). Kickstarter's legal agreements put the onus onto the pledger for the loss of their pledge if what they backed falls apart so I doubt you'd have much room to go after them for re-embursement.I just don't understand how someone could make a public statement: "I have money, but I'm not deal with my debts. I'm going to give them to these people instead."And it's okay? I believe that dodging the IRS is grounds for legal trouble, but I'm not sure if the kickstarter policy forbids it. In any case, it's morally wrong at the least. I doubt any journalists will report on it, as she's one of the right crowd. As an aside, I think I'm not going to bother with Kickstarter any more after the recent crap their people have said. Indiegogo and PayPal donations for me now.
  3. I just broke into your house, can you write me a check?
  4. It was the SJW Vivian James Twitter Account angry about transphobia in DAI. Apparently enslaving nations through necromancy is fine, but the PC being transphobic isn't. I don't think any harassment is acceptable and I think trying to compartmentalize it by type and target is not a good way to solve the issue as a whole, let alone address it. IMO, we should be targeting individuals who take part in harassment, not demanding entire genders take responsibility for the actions of some anon they have no power over and have likely never met. With that, I should really try to get some sleep. Try not to have the pro-corruption side harass a woman in the next 6 hours please.
  5. Googling online harassment, these are the graphs I found. %Men harassed: 47% %Women harassed: 37% Source: http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/10/22/online-harassment/ Men and Women Standard v 18-29 years old Standard v 18-24 Men v 18-24 Women Harassment by Age and place of occurance Harassment by Gender and place of occurance "Welcomeness" in online situations. It seems to me that harassment is more of an internet problem generally than a gaming problem specifically. In addition, women seem to be more welcome in most gaming environments then men. Therefore I'm going to remain skeptical on the unsubstantiated claims made in that video, until they can prove their statements.
  6. http://amherststudent.amherst.edu/?q=article/2014/12/03/gamergate-controversy-extends-beyond-computer-screen Pretty decent article on problems with corrupt journalism. http://s2b20blog.mukyou.com/voice-parappa-threatens-death-fan-steals-100-2-year-long-escapade/ Dude gets a death threat from a VA who he paid $100. Oh Milo, you beautiful bastard!
  7. I didn't find any masterwork/superb tier 3 stuff for mages. But many schematics are random drops, so it isn't guaranteed that you find them. Although I would guess if you farm giants in Emerald Graves you probably eventually get every random drop schematic that there are. I know there's the Archon Staff, which you get for doing a long string of missions for Iron Bull, but no word on any other schematics.
  8. http://gamergate.me/2014/12/struggle-of-the-pen/ Muslim guy talks about being compared to ISIS because he has a problem with the state of gaming journalism. Because the entire thing is [citation needed]. That's what I thought, you don't really have a reason to dismiss it. Its just a knee-jerk reaction because it raises the reality of harassment of women on the Internet and it appears that this view is not something that certain people who support GG want to really accept or acknowledge...or even discuss Do you think this then undermines the objectives of GG somehow? Is it not possible to support GG but also support a video like this and the message it is trying to convey ? If you don't see the lack of proof for said statements as "a reason to dismiss it", I honestly don't know what to say. If you want to convince me that harassment of women is exponentially more common than harrasment in general, you're going to have to show some hard evidence, not anecdotal musings.
  9. http://www.littletinyfrogs.com/article/459705/Have_people_lost_their_collective_minds I'm also feeling very good now. We helped get the FTC to revise their guidelines concerning affiliate links. This e-celeb attention grabbing doesn't mean ****.
  10. There's some controversy regarding the page and the moderators who are pro-corruption and Jimmy Wales doesn't seem to believe there's anything going on. I'm just wondering how the hell Literally Hitler has a more neutral article.
  11. So I read the Wikipedia page of GamerGate. It's about as neutral as Glenn Beck is on US politics. If this is the standard of Wikipedia, then I an certainly happy to keep my money to myself when they're begging for donations.
  12. Misogyny was spread by having a woman's game being greenlight on Steam. What games has Statdock published or developed? I have extra cash and would like to support our glorious Patriarchy.
  13. Are there any tier 3 masterwork mage schematics for staff, armor, and upgrades?
  14. What about? A guy drew some comics that Brad liked and asked for a resume. ZQ did some digging and found out that he did some NSFW-comics as well about her, and is now accusing Brad of trying to hire bullies to Starsoft. RPS and Jim Sterling(huh?) jump in and condemn him for this: https://twitter.com/draginol/status/539809241515962368 That's mind blowingly idiotic, but par for the course with those people, I guess. Probably just butthurt her medium tantrum about ethics wasn't picked up due to being full of ****. Also, what's the deal with Anthony Burch? I keep hearing something about neopotism, porn, and failed marriage but I have no idea what's going on.
  15. My last final for this semester is a week from tomorrow. I think I may buckle down over the weekend and study till my eyes bleed. Then get really drunk.
  16. Yeah, I'm glad to have a nice Latina MILF to look at when I......take my gentleman's time.
  17. Putin is ugly and short, but he had a wife and still has a platoon of hot chicks at his disposal. A platoon of terrified chicks. More than what I got.That ain't saying much. Don't normally like to post porn stars, but Mercedes Carrera is sexy as hell.
  18. "25. Because it was created by a straight white man, this checklist will likely be taken more seriously than if it had been written by virtually any female gamer." Nope, it's more full of **** than my toilet this morning. What about?
  19. Old, but shows the double-think some are capable of.
  20. I've been carrying around a Battlemage staff for almost 6 levels because the party can't use it because the level requirement.
  21. Yeah, and that makes tactical view really awkward.
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