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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. 1. Huh? The majority of media portrays cops, even renegade cops, as the heroes and thieves as the villains. Heist films are the exception and in those cases cops are corrupt and thieves have redeeming qualities that fit with much of common morality. 2. Tumblr doesn't like egoism because it categorizes identities as spooks, ie fictional illusions of the mind. Such a realization that they have built an identity based on fiction shocks them to their core and results in strange reactions. And I never had a cat avatar. 3. They are dreaming most of the time. Who is to say their dreams are an endless repetition? 4. All of those can be destroyed or forgotten. Why should I concern myself the value of my actions when I can do what pleases me instead?
  2. You've never encountered an ancap it seems. Regardless that isn't an answer. In most fiction we see the lawman is the hero while the outlaw is the villain. Why is it that we are meant to sympathize with those who support order and disapprove of those who oppose it? If I wanted to spout edgy bull**** I'd be complaining about jewish plots to cuck the white man or the vast cispatriarcal oppression of whatever to fuel the patriarchy. As it is, I despise both conformity and routine and as such spend my time celebrating myself as the unique one with everyone and everything existing as my property. Does this opinion come from your experience as an Elder One? If not how would you have an informed opinion on the unknowable? What legacy is that? Genetic donors for offspring who will forget you? Building a monument to another entity's glory? Your life is meaningless in the grand scheme, a grain of sand in a vast desert. You might as well do what you enjoy rather than chain yourself due to false morality.
  3. Or perhaps the villains were likeable but one was held back by misplaced morality. Why is the thief who does what pleases him less likeable than the detective who unquestionably serves against his material interests? How is becoming a mass of tentacles less desirable than becoming enslaved by repetition? Doomed to complete the same tasks everyday with no hope of escape while having one's will crushed until all that remains is an organic automation seems no more unappealing than becoming a bizarre creature. Then the realization that the human life is a blink of the eye and you will be forgotten in two generations should suffice.
  4. They are. True terror is not witnessing a horrendous monster, it is realizing the horrendous monster is a person driven by self-interest.
  5. Then why the hell do you need unlimited time and money then? I already have it. You know it is pointless to keep this up if all you're going to do is keep using circular logic. Speaking of Elder monsters, where is Nepenthe? Everything is pointless so you might as well do what makes you happy. And Nep ended up becoming a deep one.
  6. Then why the hell do you need unlimited time and money then? I already have it.
  7. "Turn"? I've been an old one feeding off the insanity of promancers to grow stronger the entire time.
  8. "Starting" At any rate I will use my power to sacrifice humanity and become a god-like being that travels the universe consuming worlds.
  9. If we had unlimited resources, what would stop us from creating artificial islands or colonizing Mars and the moon? More realistically, as realistically as immediate post-resource scarcity is at any rate, why would the response be to start killing rather than utilizing infinite resources to build new shelter or moving somewhere else? Especially considering that killing is the option with more negative consequences and effort involved. The standard response to the time machine is "kill Hitler".
  10. Why would you want to live in hot sweaty areas when you can live in temperate forests? Why would you live by the sea when you can enjoy the open plains? People have different tastes in all kinds of stuff, including habitats.
  11. Why would everyone want to live in two areas. Did humans transform into hive-minded creatures who desire to live in tropical climates overnight?
  12. Why would you need to kill over land if you had access to all the food and shelter you need?
  13. Bruce, in a world with unlimited resources don't you think that capitalism would kind of obsolete? The premise of the thread is unlimited resources for YOU And you could give everyone else unlimited resources because your supply is unlimited.
  14. ^I was talking about practical numbers found in Warzone matches, not dummy parses. While the latter can be useful, it's simply too dissimilar from actual combat to use as a reliable indication of combat ability. I've been in situations like yourself where the prec window gets interrupted and the burst gets screwed up. It's even worse for watchman because getting thrown off merciless slash or dots eats a big hole in your damage output that can be difficult to recover from. Comparatively my PT or Gun have a much easier time pulling off rotations and benefit from easier mobility. I agree completely with balancing for PVP and PVE. It's neurotic and leads to severely broken mechanics for one or the other, or in this case for both. The lack of pvp matchmaking really sucks, especially when you end up with 8 sentinels, and is baffling because they have a matching feature for flashpoints.
  15. Make sure everyone has access to food, water, shelter, and tech then ride off into the sunset.
  16. I just started playing again and you want to nerf my favourite class (Sorc) already, warm welcome back indeed ;) Well they pull similar dps to sent/mara and ass/dow at range so somethings off. Personally I'd say the melee classes could use a buff but buffing classes seems to be out of the question for some reason.
  17. Yeah, it seems that companions can now outperform a bad player at whatever role you set them at. Frankly I'd say the things that need nerfs in 4.0 are ranged characters, particularly sage/sorcs, and companions.
  18. Not surprising. Sanders is the most pro-freedom candidate in the race, if you believe freedom means a federal government that isn't able to monitor you.
  19. I'd honestly prefer they go classless for the next one. The issue is that pretty much every conceivable archetype allowed by PoE lore should be available with the current classes, such as Spellthief(Wizard with mechanics and stealth) or Assassin(sneak attack heavy rogue), but are clunky due to clumsily designed "multiclass talents" and locking most abilities based on class. Giving players several talents at each level they are able to select abilities with would be a better way to establish a Spellthief than creating a new class that is just a gestalt of wizard and rogue.
  20. 9/11 first responders. They gave a lot of health problems due to breathing in stuff and a lot were unable to pay for health care to properly treat it.
  21. Apparently the difference between the ant's wages and the value of what he produces.
  22. What happened to "a similarity in core values is the foundation of community"? Sitting around and sniping so close before christmas? Tsk-tsk. You make it sound like you cannot have core values and similarities without having the same political leanings. Life doesn't work that way. The only exception is of course if you cannot queue. Trying to cut in line and you are forever my mortal enemy, i will hunt you down, i will find you, i will.end.you. Merry Christmas! Now time to read something topical, which describes Trump pretty well: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/01/the-great-republican-revolt/419118/ What is with that guy on the right? He looks like he's about to fight his own fist. He looks like he pulled out something gross and is trying to decide what to do with it.
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