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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well if they didn't shave they couldn't fit in the bunkers.
  2. I think it's a strategy to paint himself as an outsider who wants to help the working class while establishment politicians are more interested in political theatre. He's drawing a lot of people so clearly something that he's doing works.
  3. I don't care for then either, at best they're just there like flavorless chunks.
  4. It's remarking on the success Trump has had running with nationalist rhetoric with some riffs lifted from leftist economic rhetoric and how an advisor to Pat Buchanan recommend doing so about twenty years ago. You can say something similar about Sanders, given his focus on better conditions for workers and it shows with him polling better among folk the Democrats normally don't get.
  5. I'll have my drones drop habeneros and jalapenos on your pizza and you'll get the love then. Then I'll have them remove those disgusting mushrooms.
  6. This isn't the place to talk about your sex life.
  7. Anything but mushrooms on a pizza and I'll be willing to eat it. My mood changes too much to select a favorite pizza, but right now a thin crust with chicken, garlic, spinach, sun dried tomatoes, and olives on top of parmesan, provolone, feta and olive oil sounds good.
  8. Clinton will win, obnoxious liberals will praise this as a victory for progressivism, the right will be emboldened to support even stupider and more destructive economic policies, and the moderate to far left will continue to be completely irrelevant all the while being blamed for everything. More than likely, but I'm still holding out for Sanders v. Trump with Sanders grabbing the popular vote but Trump winning due to electoral tomfoolery.
  9. The Labour leader said it would be better to engage with Trump, who has made inflammatory comments about Mexicans, gay people, women, Muslims and other groups, than exclude him from the country. Corbyn you sly devil.
  10. Looks like the Bern will stump the trump.
  11. Man, come on. I had a rough night and I hate the ****ing eagles man.
  12. Can I ask you a question, aren't you concerned about the numerous concerning comments Trump has made about USA foreign policy and he would do things? When all the choices are bad what does that matter? Bluster and arrogance on one hand vs. cowardice and obeisance to enemies on the other. Who's cowardly and displaying obeisance toward enemies?Anyone but Sanders because they don't want to destroy the banks.
  13. No, you have to be a citizen at the time of birth, which means either you are born in the US or one of your parents were a US citizen. It only got obfuscated because some people thought Obama was born in Kenya, which wouldn't have mattered because his mother was a US citizen. So Trump is an edgy teenager and Sanders becomes a ghost?
  14. Oh, I thought this thread was about how the EU pushing neoliberalism is destroying the standard of living in Europe.
  15. Bruce, I don't give a **** what you think. You're a rich guy who works in banking and I'm a working class guy working my way through college. Our material interests are completely different and as someone who does not benefit from the economic system in place nor is hindered by false morality, I have no stake in preserving the prevailing system that is relying on increasingly authoritarian measures(such as CISA and TPP/whatever the europoor version is) to keep itself afloat that affect me in highly negative manners. You're not going to convince me to follow your worldview because I've heard it all before and you're terrible at arguing for anything. Just deal with it or gtfo. I will now go back to posting Sanders memes that will trigger conservacucks and lolbertarians.
  16. It seems me much of it is role-playing from the comfort of pseudoanonymity so perhaps not being tied to real life emboldens some to voice their seldom revealed opinions or act edgy. So the phenomenon of clickbait is the logical response given material conditions to such internet radicalism.
  17. Opposition to what? Aside from the conspiracy bluster they don't really say anything outside the mainstream of liberalism(in pol-sci terms). I see it as a containment forum for the chemtrails-, UFOs-, flouride in water- and etc-people out there. So /x/lite?
  18. Opposition to what? Aside from the conspiracy bluster they don't really say anything outside the mainstream of liberalism(in pol-sci terms).
  19. First thing I heard about when I woke up this morning. Not sure how to feel, kind of a numb shock with him and Lemmy going so close.
  20. I saw hateful eight and laughed way too much. Overall it was pretty good, but the ending was too predictable after chapter 4. At any rate was a good time and will probably watch again sometime.
  21. Apparently my privilege doesn't exist. At any rate I'm slightly drunk and am waiting for another hour to go out and get up to some regrettable acts.
  22. So how long until the kickstarter to finish the second half of the game?
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