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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I was under the impression Vampires were originally thought of as bloated corpses come back to **** their widows. Am I missing something?
  2. I restarted Grim Dawn several times to try out several classes. Ended up settling on Soldier and wish that Veteran wasn't the highest default difficulty because it's a bit easy. Still blasting stuff with a rifle is pretty fun and I can't recall the last time I ha this much fun with a diablo clone.
  3. The battle begins! Sanders is beating Hillary in Illinois polls
  4. I'm waiting for Wasteland 2 to install and have to do something with my time. It isn't about Trump per se, it's about mocking some of his supporters, namely those that buy into the hype of Trump as a strongman and can't take criticism. I could care less about what reasons Trump has for backing out, if some of his supporters get triggered when I call him a coward or weakling that needs a safe space I'll exploit that.
  5. I did. If Trump thinks a bunch of scrawny liberals disrupting his safe space is a serious danger than he's either delusional or a coward. Take that up with Meshugger then, he's the one who made it after all.They didn't look scrawny to me, looked like a bunch of thugs. If it was so safe, why didn't police remove them? Probably because Trump ran away before the rally even started and they didn't do anything illegal yet. If he's too incompetent to keep the nig- uh thugs I mean out of his rally and too much of a coward to hold his rally outside of a safe space then that says more about him and his organization than the brutal thugs from the warzone of twitter and University that protested his rally.
  6. I did. If Trump thinks a bunch of scrawny liberals disrupting his safe space is a serious danger than he's either delusional or a coward. Take that up with Meshugger then, he's the one who made it after all.
  7. Trump ran like a bitch. He could have stayed and faced the protesters but clearly he lacks the courage to do so.
  8. I haven't laughed this hard in a while. It was Sanders supporters and other leftists disrupting Trump's rallies, I've never seen any Trump supporters trying to disrupt Sanders rallies. As far as cancelling, it was the right call, there was a near riot inside as it was, and apparently they were planning to rush the stage if Trump showed up. Sure, there are elements of people disrupting some of Trumps rally's But aren't people allowed to do that...freedom of speech and the US Constitution ? Yes. In fact the police assured Trump it was safe for him to hold the rally but he pussied out anyways.
  9. I've thought about it, and am wondering how dirty Hillary will play now that he's perceived as more of a threat.
  10. 17 year olds can now ote in Ohio primary
  11. Ted Cruz looks like he should be playing a pedophile on a CSI clone or something. Him wanting to start a war with Russia and the extremely close ties to Goldman Sachs are troubling as well.
  12. The White Walkers turn out to be Mr. Freeze in a stunning reveal that the story is actually an extremely elaborate Batman fanfic.
  13. Bernie and Trump almost debated but Trump backed out God damn it Trump.
  14. I would say that socialists can't really agree on what socialism is, with anarchists and marxists and social democrats and every other snowflake getting into arguments over pretty much everything. But I'd agree with you.
  15. I am going to assume 'screen on phone popping out' is code, given the second part of the sentence. Afraid not, it's just my phone showing wear. I don't speak in code and it looks like it's (maybe) quickies until Friday.
  16. Polling suggests Michigan is favored to Hillary, but the lead has dropped and I expect the debate helped him out. I wouldn't bet on Sanders winning, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did or if it is very close.
  17. I'm going to try Grim Dawn tonight. Soldier/Arcanist any good?
  18. I keep my Steam private because I like to play videogames alone and I hate all of you*. Anyways the screen on my phone is popping out and my gfs work schedule isn't compatible with mine till the weekend. *Not intended to be a factual statement.
  19. 16 attacks on Bernie in 16 hours from Amazon owned Washington Post The same Amazon that used Neo-Nazis to bully Spanish immigrant workers in Germany. Hillary sure gets support from the best of people.
  20. With the TPP incoming and now this, I fully expect states to become more authoritarian and less democratic to ensure that companies retain power by curtailing privacy and worker's rights. I hope they push too hard soon and it all collapses so we can escape hell in ten years instead of fifty.
  21. I did, unfortunately she quickly ran out because she had to get to work so I'm all alone right now. Did you hire an escort? No, I have a girlfriend and would not pay some poor woman in a bad situation for sex. My bad....but KP you mustn't see hiring an escort in a negative light You could treat her very well in the same way as any girl so the overall experience is a good one It isn't how I treat them, its the situation they're in with pimps and other unpleasant realities of prostitution. I know you liberals think turning everything into a commodity to be sold is good, but I have no desire to contribute to a situation that turns women into products to benefit pimps and treat said women like slaves. Not to mention it's illegal and I don't want to end up in jail. Oh no I'm not talking about a hooker who has a pimp, I mean a professional escort. They dont have pimps, there cliental would be businessmen. So you would hire them for an evening, you can have dinner, movies and you dont have to have sex ...its more about the company Regardless I really like my girlfriend and don't see the point in paying for (subpar)company or sex, which I find...strange to begin with.
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