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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Maybe I'm just too young at an age barely under 30, but this sounds just like the Republican party I knew growing up post 9/11. My dad listens to the talk radio and they've been going on about Soros funding various schemes to cuck the white manundermine 'merica for at least 14 years now. What some of yall can't recognize is pretty much all I've ever known.
  2. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/532407-gohmert-talks-of-violence-in-streets-after-his-lawsuit-is-dismissed I look forward to those who were pearl clutching about antifa and BLM to condemn their friend Louie.
  3. Cobra Kai season 3. It felt like maybe half a season stretched out, in some ways it feels like a reset to make it into good karate dojos vs bad karate dojos instead of Danny and Johnny being a couple of dudes who can't let high school feuds go. Overall it felt less enjoyable than previous seasons in all respects and I was frequently bored with the episodes when they were retreading stuff they had done over the last couple of seasons. I'll probably watch season 4, but it's going to the backburner. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - season 4 (or season 2 part 2, it's kinda confusing) episodes 1-3. This continues to feel like a cw show where the producers said "cuss it", which is a good thing because it cuts down on a lot of the worst aspects and beefs up some of the better ones. I guess it's a shame they it cancelled, but hopefully they had enough forewarning to tie it all together unlike Marco Polo. It's also refreshing to see eldritch terrors not just be Cthulhu knockoffs so far, even the tentacled one is different than some ugly demigod who took a long nap.
  4. I watched Dreamland (the one with Henry Rollins and Juliet Lewis, there are two movies titled Dreamland from 2019) and I have to say it's one of the weirder things I've seen over the last few years. I'd recommend it. I also watched The Wolf of Snow Hollow which is a decent enough horror movie to watch while you're drinking. That's at least half of Bruce Willis movies.
  5. I guess 2020 had one last middle finger. MF Doom dying on Halloween but us only finding out on New Years Eve is probably the most MF Doom thing though.
  6. I finished Alice in Borderland. There's some silliness and some of the action is corny looking, but over all it's an enjoyable show that I'd recommend. And unlike some show called Discovery which I've never watched, you do actually end up caring about the characters enough where emotional moments work. It will make you dislike the first series? I only remember bits of FMA but after watching Brotherhood I couldn't keep interested.
  7. Well if you listen to that lady who the WSJ strawmanned, SS (unless that means something completely different from Social Studies) is the perfect opportunity to make kids read such things as the books in question. Maybe you'd even get a write up for "de-cancelling" the classics or be accused of poisoning young children's minds, depending on how you talk about them in class.
  8. Too bad, you should have made better life choices when you were conceived.
  9. By the time they're done, you'll get a $50 voucher for rent and a coupon for a peanut butter snickers with a purchase of at least $10 or more.
  10. Eh, can't find any sources that aren't blatantly biased. The only thing I could find from the excerpt is this: https://www.slj.com/?detailStory=weeding-out-racisms-invisible-roots-rethinking-childrens-classics-libraries-diverse-books "I’m not advocating we ban classics. Or erase the past. Classics are undoubtedly examples of excellent writing, or they wouldn’t have survived the test of time. I’m just suggesting we study classics in social studies classrooms, where inherent ideas of inequity are exposed and examined; where Huckleberry Finn may be viewed as an example of literature that showcases the white lens. Delay the study of classics until readers are mature enough to question, debate, and defy subtle assertions. Dissect classics in college by setting aside time to delve into both literary merits and problematic assumptions. Redefine parochial notions of what “well-read” means; after all, British children are unaware of many celebrated American authors." Seems to be fairly uncontroversial, but I'm not enough of a hackpundit to write for WSJ or THE BLAZE so what do I know?
  11. Something we've all done. I finished Seeing like a State last night. Will probably end up starting Against the Grain sometime this week.
  12. I didn't really play too many video games this year. I finished Pathfinder Kingmaker after dropping it a few times over the last couple of years. It's good for a D&D "totally not D&D with a kitchen sink thrown in" romp, but you can ignore much of the story and not really miss anything. I played a **** load of Smash Brothers Ultimate. Probably one of the better fighting games out there. I played a coop DOS2 with my fiance and she ended up killing me to become a god. Finally got around to Vampyr. Was pretty good but controls are funky.
  13. My signature can change on a daily basis due to poor writing, so not a good thing. Of course the idea behind a lot of this stuff is to invalidate votes so I guess it works for that.
  14. The most important thing is you do what's fun, if you aren't enjoying the game then I don't see the point of playing it. Toning down the difficulty for a difficult fight is something I would definitely do if trying to slog through it on higher difficulty was tedious or boring. Well it is called "Insane" after all.
  15. If the shrimp want to survive they should simply stop being eaten and move to an area that isn't in danger of pollution.
  16. I think Trump wants to be seen as the guy who got $2k in people's pockets going out the door when others wanted to settle for $600 in order to gild an otherwise horrible legacy. Biden will probably not get much done over the next few years, both because of Mitch's strategy and his own position as a centrist, so in the fairly likely event Trump runs again and we have some economic problems it's a good image to project.
  17. You're overthinking space wizards and pew-pew fights my dude.
  18. I got more of a godzilla enemy vibe from the big monster. Not enough overemphasis on madness. Ma Rainey's Black Bottom. Solid movie, but it felt short and you could tell it was a play adaptation. Will be weird if this is Chadwick Boseman's last performance.
  19. I'm not even that old but my muscles feel uncomfortably stiff in the cold.
  20. I dunno, it seems kinda cussed that the folks rulingrepresenting us can potentially profit from say a plague that has seen a lot of people driven to destitution and 300000 corpses with information the lowly peasants ain't privy to. Looking it up congresscritters are already getting over twice the median income so I don't really have much sympathy for investment woes of some rich folks when people I know barely can afford rent and are on the gofundme healthcare plan.
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