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PK htiw klaw eriF

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PK htiw klaw eriF last won the day on May 18

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About PK htiw klaw eriF

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    Houston, Texas
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    videogames, my fiance, funnybooks, movies and tv shows, friends, labor politics


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  1. I read the Harry Potter books as a kid and they haven't really stuck with me in the way (some) Steven King books did* or Lost Highway, which I credit for breaking my mind when I recorded it by accident and went in completely blind. By the time the last movies dropped I had really lost interest, retrospectively it's worse because not only are the films mostly uninteresting to me, but because the last one started the horrible trend of releasing movies in parts. JK going far off the deep end doesn't really help either. Even if I was interested in that universe I wouldn't want to be supporting someone that awful. At least Daniel Radcliffe seems cool, and it's hilarious that instead of trying to be a mega-star or whatever he does very weird films/shows and stage plays. *I guess reading IT when you're around the same age as the Losers Club is going to make it hit a lot closer to home.
  2. It's a shame, because "The Critical Drinker" sounds like a good name for a ****tail channel. I guess that doesn't pay as much as "Star Trek: Picard CUCKS Riker" or whatever 20 minute rants they can **** out.
  3. That 175+ hours includes all permutations and counts dialogue scenes as cinematics, there aren't 175+ hours of cutscenes. Counting dialogue scenes there's probably 10-20 hours of cinematics in a playthrough, discounting dialogues I'd be surprised if there was more than an hour total cutscenes stretched out over a playthrough (which took me 85+ hours, not counting reloads or reroll). On that BG3 playthrough I can confidently say I spent more time fighting or exploring more than I did talking or watching cutscenes and it certainly felt different than watching a movie. I'd think a gameplay trailer should be at least somewhat representative of how a game will play, and based on that DAV's gameplay trailer it looks like Bioware is going for the cinematic cutscene and cinematic dialogue heavy games they've been doing consistently since Mass Effect 2. There's nothing wrong with that, for me at least the bigger problem with DAV is less that it's set up in the same way as ME3 or DAI but in that it's doubled down on action combat in a way that doesn't look particularly interesting.
  4. This is what happens when you let The Ultraliberals run things. That's cool and all, but it's perplexing to see the bolded as a core element that you detest in BG3 given your excitement for Dragon Age, a series that has been very much about cinematics and full va since 2011 and where the gameplay trailer for the upcoming title in the series is at least a quarter cinematics.
  5. Unfortunately you're not wrong, The Boys very much stopped being satire and just being depiction (with superheroes) a while ago. Perhaps the most unrealistic thing is that the feds are trying to put a stop to supe nonsense...though that can largely be explained as business interests from the existing military industrial complex (as it was in the comics). But it is a good show and so far is holding up. I think it is how adaptations should be done, in the sense that the material is adapted both for the format and to update references, because hot damn does the Vought Cinematic Universe as the big superhero thing made by Vought hit closer to home than Vought comic books would.
  6. Star Trek: Discovery s1 It doesn't have the episodic highs of individual TOS or TNG and didn't stick with things long enough to compete with DS9, all things considered it's like any number of CW shows with a premium channel level of freedom to curse and show....weird lizard people Klingon nips. Not particularly impressive and feels both too short and too long.
  7. I still can't get it to work because I don't have time to play mod wack-a-mole. But I did watch a 30 minute video that showed off the archetypes, so here are my thots. Kinetic Sharpshooter doesn't seem to have much synergy with base kineticist and has to pay for Archery feats. It doesn't gather power and instead pays burn up front. I'd have to get around to actually checking it out, but right now I'm not optimistic or very interested. Arcane Deceiver isn't actually an Arcanist, it just hangs out there. It loses everything from that class, including spell casting. It's a 6th level spontaneous Charisma caster who draws from a very limited spell list and has a selection of subclasses that I'd say are on the same tier of feature as the sorcerer bloodlines. Notably it doesn't get bonus spells from attribute scores, doesn't get to metamagic their merged spells, and can't merge spellbooks or do the Lore Master import. I think it may be able to attempt a bluff check to not use a spell slot or something depending on subclass, but I'd rather just have more spells. Perhaps the most surprising is that the fused spell interface doesn't appear to be that much of a cluster ****, the only thing is that attack roll spells seem to be an auto-hit instead of using the roll, which means less Arcane Trickster shenanigans until at least level 14 (with respec). Mantis Zealot has some cool powers, but it's very dependent on a specific new weapon type so will be tied to how good those are. Which I have no idea of right now. Bladebound gets a pet....at level 12. Not sure if the pet takes up a slot or works as a summon. Not going to knock off Arcane Rider, Scion, or Sword Saint. Living Grimoire gets locked to their book (mechanically a cold iron light mace with scaling +× bonuses) and uses Intelligence instead of Wisdom. Chelaxian Diva gains some sonic damage abilities and can increase their Bard song DC, but most impressive is a song with a 60 foot aoe that is haste but gives bonuses that are a fifth of bard level. Doesn't lose anything particularly great either. Inciter is an upgrade. You get sneak attack and rogue talents and can share some of that via inspired rage. On top of that you can debuff enemies in the area of inspired rage. Titan Fighter is designed to dual wield 2-handers. You "lose" half the feats to get the Ranger's 2-handed combat style, which means you can do dual wielding without investing in Dex. Maybe it gives Mutation Warrior a run, but it could also be a decent dip to get Sword Saints the ability to use a fauchard in one hand. Drunken Master can't be Chaotic or worship the Chad god but has an ability called "Cayden's Trick". 0/10, buggy as hell. Some abilities seem cool and now you have a way to use all the booze instead of bulk selling. Sable Company Marine is another straight upgrade. It gets a better pet earlier and that alone makes it a good dip. You have to wait 2 levels until you grab favored enemy, at which point it progresses normally. Bloodseeker loses all Slayer Talents to grab special magic powers (most of them copy existing spells). It also gets a bite attack and has a capstone that gives +6 Profane bonuses to Str, Dex, and Int. Not bad, but it's locked to evil and most of the spells are best spent on buffs.
  8. That's a crazy amount of time spent on a game you'll never play. I don't even spend that much time on things I like.
  9. I think that's gonna depend on what mods you use. If you do get it wo work and have the inclination, let us know what you think about the new archetypes.
  10. I've also had similar login issues, both on mobile and PC.
  11. I'm in the position where I wish it was bad, it's so generic that I remember next to nothing about the gameplay a day later. I remember that the player is some kind of ninja doing superhero flick stuff and is being guided by a depressed middle-aged alcoholic dwarf to fight an uncanny looking albino twink elf, but there's just nothing specific that is interesting to recall. Maybe superhero fatigue has spilled over onto videogames that ape that kind of maximalist action spectacle.
  12. I guess we'll wait a couple of days to see what gameplay looks like, but it looks like Bioware is doing Bethesda's thing of having one type of game put into different settings across different series. Retrospectively I don't think any Dragon Age is particularly great and that generally Mass Effect has a stronger stable of titles, even so I don't think that porting that kind of gameplay to a more melee centric setting is going to work particularly well. Also, for a developer that pivoted to creating "cinematic experiences", it's kinda funny just how unimpressive Bioware's cinematics are.
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