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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I ask myself the very same thing every day when I open the fridge
  2. I had about 145K in cash in Troubleshooter when I decided it was time to upgrade Albus' equipment. So I now have around 85K in cash (having accidentally crafted the same Jacket twice... ) So after crafting an equipment set which cost me about 10K in materials per item, I decided to bask in its awesomeness. Then I noticed it gives no bonus whatsoever to Speed. Doh. Guess I need to change my masteries.
  3. Well, Vaeliorin really liked it. Which makes me happy, because one of my insecurities is getting excited about a game and infecting people who then don't like the game
  4. Once you overlevel a mission, remember to do them in challenge mode. My biggest problem with that one was Hassan on his balcony one-shotting people trying to charge him when I did the mission at low level. Scent is halfway through chapter 4.
  5. @Vaeliorin If you have or when you get to Scent of the Past, I'd be interested in what choice you went with.
  6. I didn't want to warn you about Ryo. Didn't want to spoil the surprise. For me only Anne made it out of that confrontation because he spotted me before I spotted him. I went back through the Case File time travel and Irene made short work of him. Fire gets a revive mastery - Phoenix, which comes with its own mastery set. And one of Irene's unique masteries gives her "Hero" on revive. So in some tough battles you don't mind her taking all the damage, reviving and ending the fight with the fury of a red panda. "Justice Win!" The tricky thing with mastery sets is that it may even be one that the character can only use with their other class.
  7. There is also Learning which increases xp gain by 30%. I am not sure when you get that. Have you got the case files in the office unlocked that allow you to replay story missions? It is the way to get rewards from different choices. Albus spending the evening reviewing notes and pondering what if. Edit: and that is a martial artist Irene. I switched back after maxing Battle Mage, to get the mastery slots I wanted.
  8. There is a support mastery called Yearning. You should have that. Put it on Anne to increase her XP gain from when others gain XP. For Irene giving her a lot of fire related masteries works. Here is mine (though lvl 47) : I have never gotten my action time over 300 yet...
  9. No, we are talking about the same thing. After A Spreading Magenta, when I saw Magenta Backstreets unlocking as a Violent Case I went "Oh, that explains why that mission was so rough." I have Albus as the counterattacking person with forestallment. I have Irene as a fast, hard hitting dodging person. And I made her melee attacks push, so she can run up to enemies and stun them (if you push and the target can't be pushed, they get stunned). The problem with Counterattack is that it delays action time, so whoever you have counterattack specced may not get to do any actions if they are in the thick of it. I found Lightening Timas to be the scariest Timas. Especially in maps with water. Anything with electricity attacks becomes terrifying in water. Most of all Lightening Boy Scion. You have either played quite a bit already or are progressing faster through the story. I got Irene at around 10 hours into the game if I remember. Someone on Steam was complaining that it took him 30 hours to get her. I have no clue what they did for those extra 20 hours. I do like the build up to getting her into the team. She isn't a stranger by the time she joins. I expect you have figured out who number 4 is?
  10. Early on you are weaker than most npcs who'll help you. Definitely weaker than the named ones. That Plaza introduction mission where you talk to everyone, half the people at the location could have cleared out the area by themselves. Selfish gits. Generic SWAT will start falling behind but never become completely useless. For one, half of them usually carry smoke grenades. And the supressor's second attack increases the target's action time. I got Albus as a melee beast right now. Though I may need to have a look at updating his equipment. Chapter2 Mission1? That is the Magenta Back-Streets. The first "Violent Case". The map should have opened up in the mission list with a purple symbol with swords instead of the usual blue with handcuffs after completing it? That mission is rough. Which I guess means it is Scion and you in the company right now? Edit: I find it usually not a bad idea to split up if the mission gives the option for deploying in two groups. Mission parameters can change and then it can be good to have people near the swat fallback positions. I also do get into a lot of trouble when I decide "Ah, Albus can handle running off in that direction on his own."
  11. Yeah, ignore the online/offline tag. All it does is tell you in situations like this what percentage of players chose which option:
  12. Since you like Final Fantasy Tactics and Fell Seal, I would recommend it. The combat is closer to XCOM: Chimera Squad, but the spirit of the game is closer to FF:Tactics. It is jRPG meets XCOM. So your characters (because you have a cast of unique characters similar to Chimera Squad and do not create your own soldiers as in Fell Seal) will have two actions. Using an attack will end their turn. You will need to dash for cover. Everything you are used to from XCOM. At the same time though, you have infinite time to do repeatable missions before progressing to the next story mission and all missions have their level marked. You can farm missions for loot and XP more in line with a FF:Tactics title. To a certain extent you need to do repeatable missions. Mind you, as I want to do repeatable missions, I haven't felt forced to farm for XP. The simple fact that by doing missions I drop the crime rate is reason enough for me to do them - the fact that my current story missions are level 40 and I am level 46 is a bonus (I currently do 4 repeatable missions per story mission). You can farm. Crafting awesome equipment requires so many resources it is silly. But I craft quite a bit and still don't feel the need to do targeted material farming. You can completely ignore Online mode. All that online mode does is that it shows you the percentage of players on the server who picked a specific dialogue choice. You are not locked out of any content. In the future they may add some sort of PvP arena match. If that happens, offline companies will not be usable, as you can transfer from Online to Offline mode but not the other way around. But for the single player experience you can absolutely ignore it. The translation isn't perfect and as it has been getting a lot of fan help, the farther you get into the game, the fewer people have given input on the translation and it shows - the writing is very... Asian. It has this super politeness that feels strange. Abilities can be worded a bit odd: instead of saying "if within 6 tiles of" I have an ability saying "If adjacent by 6 tiles". I may have to drop a line about that in the proper forum thread. Until then I understand what they mean. Characters can become very powerful. One of my characters reminds me a bit of a XCOM gunslinger specced sniper clearing out a lot of trash mobs. But difficulty can spike - especially if you do missions on challenge mode and those extra masteries the enemies get combo just right. Last story mission everything went swimming, but then I thought the villains were making a run for it, so I sent my main character to cut them off. He did. Even took down a boss enemy. The boss self-rezzed got an auto-crit buff doing so and got to play before my character. He got what I expect was his max crit 4500 damage when I had 2000 HP. It happens. Aggroing too much of the map (or all of the map) at once is also something that happens. You have to go to the options and up AI speed then. With the way initiative works, I have had to wait for thirty AI activations before I got to move again. At the same time, some of my most memorable moments in the game were when too much of the map aggroed at once and I was surrounded and trying like crazy to stay alive. I have 120 hours in this. I expect to get probably another 60 out of it before the next content patch. Possibly more. edit: A think to note though when comparing to XCOM: this does not have random maps. All maps are set. Spawns may vary a bit, but if you do a specific Magenta Streets scenario, it will be the same map with the same objectives every time. If you can't see yourself playing some scenarios half a dozen times or more, then it isn't the game for you. XCOM had the maps generated from preset parts, so you at least had the illusion that you were doing a different mission each time.
  13. Adventurous Dorori discovers vending machines
  14. @213374U I found my review from October: It is not the shortest review I have written in this forum. Edit: The game was also voted Best Writing in Games 2020 in the gaming retrospective discussion. Getting the prestigious award having gotten 1 out of 1 votes from me.
  15. I mentioned it, but didn't write too much. As it is a VN it is impossible to talk too much without spoiling. If you like the World of Darkness, it is great. The whole game is about the character awakening to the WoD. It isn't about running around as a werewolf eating people, it is about realizing you are a werewolf. You get the feeling that your choices matter and you get the feeling that Rage and managing Rage is a thing. Of course, if you play more than once to get the various endings, you do see that the key moments always are the same, just part of the path to reach them changes.
  16. Shows who they think their target audience is and what they think will provide better press coverage.
  17. Freelancer was great in its simplicity. You could fly around and trade Niobium to afford a Titan, but you did not have to.
  18. I didn't like any of the npcs in that game.
  19. I want a good Dune strategy game that isn't an RTS. i would have liked a proper Necroumda cyberpunk gang simulator tactics game. I want a Mutant Chronicles tactical rpg. Or just rpg. I want Modiphius nowhere near that project. I want a World of Darkness: Changeling the Dreaming RPG. I want a well written World of Darkness: Hunter the Reckoning Visual Novel, possibly done by the same team that did Werewolf: Heart of the Forest.
  20. Oh, I had Challenge Mode on. That explains a lot. In Troubleshooter you select your game difficulty as usual. Easy, Normal etc. I went with Normal. Story Missions unlock the map to play as a repeatable Case. So if you clear a gang out of an area, you get a repeatable mission to clear out remnants or to stop them re-establishing their presence. Same map, similar objectives, but with the Main Story replaced with a new briefing for the repeats. The repeatable cases are either your average missions or violent cases. They can be played in Normal or Challenge Mode. Violent Cases you will have a large map with multiple objectives - from what I can tell that usually means taking out the various boss enemies. Every time you beat an objective you get the option to continue or to retreat. If you choose retreat, you have to hold out for a set time, then your team extracts (no need to run to an extraction zone - which is good on large maps). Challenge Mode means all enemies level to your highest character level and get a random mastery (read: ability). So I thought I'd do a Violent Case on Challenge Mode. 11 Bosses. If you beat them all the option to retreat or clear out all remaining enemies. The map had robots. And robot bosses. Robot boss' random ability was to go berserk on death - stay at 1 HP and attack anything nearby for several activations...
  21. Not on the screenshot: VCPD Striker - out of action VCPD Striker - out of action VCPD Supressor - out of action VCPD Supressor - out of action VCPD Supressor - out of action VCPD Supressor - massive injury T1 D1 (robot pet) - out of action Freddy Fire-Frog (giant frog pet) - out of action (And Irene died and resurrected while extracting) 4 of 11+1 mission objectives completed (the fourth while extracting (because the AI thought it was smart to rush and kill the Hero Irene)). The rating system calling that "Good" mission result.
  22. Well, that mission went downhill fast. The Out Of Action list doesn't even fit on the screen...
  23. Funny you should say that - I was very interested because it is a world of darkness game, but I was turned off by the trailer.
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