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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. We want proper screenshots in the write up that illustrate the points made in the review or the sexist exploitation of women in the genre.
  2. Yeah, I was tempted as well, but I tend not to be underwhelmed by Firaxis games.
  3. If good gear has been dumped in a container within scan range, then AI will loot it. It will go for corpses and things that have been actively dropped, not things that only spawned there, as far as I know.
  4. I'm backing this: Goblins of Elderstone - The Goblin Tribe Simulator http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=774042010 You know you want to back this project too. It is the goblin thing to do.
  5. Or wait for a sale and play something from your backlog
  6. GOG introduces Two-step login on all current accounts
  7. Civ6 or something like that. Some AAA release anyway.
  8. That is DARK, a bloodlines wannabe. Fun art and music. Some nice abilities. At least in the beginning terrible writing.
  9. I enjoyed unlocking all the heroes. Yes, it can be very punishing, and in multiplayer it can be frustrating when the other person runs and opens one more door when you told them that it would be best to just run for the exit And as with many good games, always worth pointing out that it was created by just a handful people (I think the DE team was 5 devs, with some people - like the writer - taking some little bits of time every now and then from Endless Legend to quickly help out when needed).
  10. Man O War revamped the way factions control regions, and added faction relations. Since then basically everyone is at war with everyone - this is warhammer, I guess. Love the new system, since it actually means you do not have all the info every time you look at the map and the world does start coming alive. After a long stretch in Bretonnia, the independent galleon "The Insufferable" returns to the Sea of Claws (because we still needed to get paid for that job in Marienburg). Hearing rumours that Dietershafen had been razed, I decided to sail that way and see what was what. Past Manaan's Teeth things got ugly. And when we got to Hargendorf, the port was under attack by a large orc fleet Was that all of them?
  11. I completed Dex. It is a fun game once you get past the initial combat aggravation. That whirling chain attack will always be annoying though.
  12. Arguably the best game in the Endless series, since it had this awesome dude - who won't brag - testing a lot of stuff
  13. We are not used to such low res from you edit: also, is Ciri hidden somewhere in this screenshot or should I stop searching?
  14. So steam says I have 32 hours on Earthlock. I am nearing the end - read: I am at the point where I am told not to forget to do stuff before going for the final confrontation. Am doing a bit of a completionist run, so I may have to waste some time now to fully level up my herb garden. But the game surprised me. When the devs started on this journey, they said thy had some 3 hours of gameplay planned for episode 1. After the kickstarter went well they expanded on it. Now they say that they think they have reached a gameplay experience that can take palyers up to 20 hours - I am at 32? This is a new experience for me, a game taking longer than promised
  15. Earthlock. The bloom in the desert simulates when you have been too long in the sun. There is a part of the desert area where you have to run from shade to shade or succumb to the heat. So the bloom increases until you pass out.
  16. Due to the desert discussion of messieurs Keyrock and Hurlshot (or Cléroche et Lancercoup) I remembered to upload some screenshots. Not all with desert mind you.
  17. Hyped is a strong word, but I am looking forward to Expeditions: Viking
  18. I prefer apples, but I also prefer orange juice.
  19. For me it is the "rogue-like" thing so many games have going now that gets me bored.
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