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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'll probably eventually buy Far Cry 3 just so I can play Blood Dragon, because Michael Biehn. It's not standalone, right?
  2. Yeah, the companion cleric makes life a whole lot easier. You can use portable altars to build a healing spot also, I must have like 30 of them by now, you get them often enough that you don't have to skimp on using them. What are both your guys @global (your perfectworld account usernames)? Mine is @keyrock42. I'll add you to my friend list. Once we're all on at the same time one day we should group up to form an Obsidian Forums guild (I was thinking "Obsidian Dawn", since I'm trying to recruit folks from the Grim Dawn forums also, plus it sounds cool to me). You need to go to the guild registrar with a full group to start a guild so we'll need 5 of us. @Bokishi - If you're still playing a cleric, I can make you some armor, seeing as I'm an aspiring mailsmith. Sorry, @Gfted1, I'm not much of a leatherworker so I can't do the same for you. My cleric is in another server, I joined mindflayer as a guardian warrior, but she does need new armor, can you make armor for that class Sorry, guardian warrior armor is platesmithing, I'm almost completely unskilled in that. Platesmithing: plate armor for guardian warrior Mailsmithing: chain armor for devoted cleric, scale armor for great weapon fighter Leatherworking: leather armor for trickster rogue Tailoring: cloth armor for control wizard Leadership: exp, item packs, etc.
  3. Have you made a Bearhammer 40k in the Game Dev game yet? Honey for the Honey God?
  4. Okay, I misspoke a bit, I guess. I'm sure there's just enough bits and pieces of D&D rules in there to satisfy WotC, but as far as skills and feats and weapon damage and combat modifiers, none of that really resembles D&D at all. I mean the have things like Armor Class, and Heroic and Paragon feats, but they all work much differently than tabletop D&D, at least that's how it feels to me. I'm sure the amount of experience needed to level is likely the same as in tabletop D&D, but the way you gain experience is different. Not to mention that in tabletop D&D you're generally not going to be slicing through hundreds of mobs per hour. This is all fine with me, since tabletop D&D is a terrible system for video games in unmodified form, particularly for an MMO where you will be constantly battling huge numbers of mobs.
  5. Neverwinter is Dungeons & Dragons in name, setting, and races/bestiary only. The rules/system/leveling doesn't resemble D&D in the slightest bit.
  6. I think my global name is GftedUn but if I go to perfectworld.com and log in it says Im signed in as Gfted1 so I don't really know which is which. I don't know how far ahead of me you are but feel free to add me. So that's what those alters do, I was wondering. Where do you go to learn professions? I thought I scoured the map pretty well, I found the profession mats vender, but I didn't see anywhere to learn the professions themselves. It also seems a little bit limiting that you can only have a certain number of your abilities mapped to your UI. Around lev 10 you should have gotten a quest that sent you to the professions merchant. After that you can just press "N" any time and do jobs from there. Yeah, I wish I could have more slots on my UI also. I'm thinking this is being designed around a controller, despite the fact that, to the best of my knowledge, there is no controller support at this time, because the amount of skills allowed on the UI seems to fit a controller perfectly. Anyway, sent a friend invite to both @Gfted1 @GftedUn. Whichever one works, I'll just cancel the other invite.
  7. Yeah, the companion cleric makes life a whole lot easier. You can use portable altars to build a healing spot also, I must have like 30 of them by now, you get them often enough that you don't have to skimp on using them. What are both your guys @global (your perfectworld account usernames)? Mine is @keyrock42. I'll add you to my friend list. Once we're all on at the same time one day we should group up to form an Obsidian Forums guild (I was thinking "Obsidian Dawn", since I'm trying to recruit folks from the Grim Dawn forums also, plus it sounds cool to me). You need to go to the guild registrar with a full group to start a guild so we'll need 5 of us. @Bokishi - If you're still playing a cleric, I can make you some armor, seeing as I'm an aspiring mailsmith. Sorry, @Gfted1, I'm not much of a leatherworker so I can't do the same for you.
  8. If you mean Mars: War Logs, then I've been playing it. Almost finished, but I took a break for a bit due to a sudden Neverwinter addiction. Anyway, I like it. For a $20 budget title the graphics are really impressive. The production value stumbles though. Lipsyncing is off, some of the character models look just plain creepy (Mary, I'm looking in your direction), and the story is fairly disjointed. Still, if you can look past that, there is a fun game underneath. It's basically Dune meets Chronicles of Riddick meets Rage with character advancement and combat like The Witcher 2. Like any other game, the combat gets repetitive after a while, but I find it to be fun and engaging (zapping fools with force lightning electric arcs never gets dull). It's a game where the developer had a really grand ambition but fell well short due to working on a meager budget, but to me it's an enjoyable game well worth the extremely reasonable $20 (I bought it fro $16 with a 20% off GMG voucher) asking price. I don't regret purchasing it one bit, in fact I feel like I got a bargain.
  9. Look at me, now look at your woman, now back to me. I'm on a horse!
  10. We should form a guild on Mindflayer shard, on account of that being where my character already is.
  11. Yeah, there are 3 of them: Beholder, Mindflayer, and Dragon.
  12. Cool, will do, melkathi I play on the Mindflayer shard in case folks want to group up and/or form a guild.
  13. Just to prove that I'm not always getting drunk at the tavern : That was from a straightforward, but nevertheless entertaining community made adventure where I sliced up a bunch of gladiators and slavers, and rescued a bunch of scantily clad slave girls.
  14. possibly the best in the series. What do you mean "possibly"? It is unequivocally the best game in the series. If anyone tries to tell me otherwise, I take the mature, diplomatic approach and stick my fingers in my ears and yell "La la la la la, I can't hear you!"
  15. Ha. I was suspicious when you posted that "push-up" picture but this confirms it. 1. Spends all her time at the tavern. 2. Falls over repeatedly. 3. Dances without any inhibitions. Your character is a drunk! A drunk, and the game has only been in open beta for two days! Hey listen, I'm out there putting my butt on the line against bandits, assassins, orcs, and all manner of beasts, every day. After you've stared death in the face repeatedly, you're entitled to drown yourself in a barrel of ale and unwind on the dance floor.
  16. Gettin' down on the dance floor at the Moonstone Mask:
  17. Yeah, that is weird. All I had to do when I first launched the game was a popup came up asking me whether I wanted to allow the program network access, like it does for any new program that wants to connect to the internet. Once I allowed access everything ran fine. The browser you use to set up your account should be irrelevant. Like melkathi wrote, maybe it's something about linking to a browser when you click news links in the launcher window. I use chrome and have zero problems. Edit: Maybe you just caught it at a bad time? They're doing frequent server work because the game just went open beta. Maybe something got bamboozled because their login server was acting up or they were performing maintenance? I don't know, I'm spitballing.
  18. On your 5Gb/s connection? Oops, I meant 500 KB/sec. Anyway, level 12 now and in the Tower District fighting orcs. I kind of wish I could join the orcs and slice up some humans instead.
  19. @LadyCrimson - Download it via torrent, I was getting nearly 500 MB/sec on average.
  20. Doing push-ups inside of Driftwood Tavern (a girl's gotta stay in shape): Stretching (don't want to pull a muscle):
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