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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Great Weapon Fighter is relatively underpowered at lower levels. I was constantly toward the bottom of the list in therms of DPS when groupling, which is concerning for a DPS class. However, things turned around at about level 30, and my character has been climbing up the damage ranking when grouping. At level 46 I'm dishing out pretty ruthless amounts of damage now.
  2. That's a pretty cool looking beasty. I'm getting a harpy/banshee vibe from it.
  3. I usually start several time consuming profession tasks before I go to work, then they're done when I get back. It helps to have several slots so you can run a couple of lengthy tasks while also doing some shorter ones at the same time, or all lengthy ones, or whatever. You will unlock another slot at lev 20. I currently have 4 slots, so while the tasks take a long time, I can get a lot done. I'm up to lev 46 and fighting in Icespire Peak. You have to really be careful with pulls in that area as there are bunches of large groups precariously close to each other, and they respawn really quickly too. If you're not careful, or unlucky, you can wind up fighting like a dozen or more at the same time, and that's a brutal fight no matter how good you are.
  4. I can't wait to play around with this. I'll download it when I get home. Hopefully you can make someone else the main character besides Geralt. I want to make an adventure starring Triss Merigold.
  5. I think you can go to any area on the map you want, regardless of whether Sgt. Knox has sent you there already or not. The areas marked in red are well above your level (i.e. not recommended), yellow is appropriate level or lower. Also, you can always do some foundry quests or skirmishes to get yourself levelled up. Currently I'm questing around Pirates Skyhold, but I'm starting to get too powerful for that area now. I'll have to move on soon.
  6. You can earn free zen by doing surveys and completing offers (just be wary of anything that asks for your credit card # and use a secondary email that you don't care about getting spammed into oblivion). I've earned roughly 750 zen so far.
  7. You can earn astral diamonds every day by doing quests for Rhix. It will take a LONG time to get 980k, though. I've earned close to 100k in all my playing so far. I'm level 42 now, and I decided to stop wasting my ardent coins on any seals lower than the tippity top. I'll wind up swapping any of the lower seal equip out after a few levels anyway, so why bother when I can find gear that's only slightly worse?
  8. Do you get any knockback attacks? Nothing is as rewarding as sending enemies flying off of buildings I have one "encounter" attack (8-10 sec cooldown) that knocks enemies prone for a few seconds. I have another "daily" attack (build up action points to use it, on average I can use it once every minute or minute and a half) that pushes every enemy around me back, knocks the enemy in front of me way back and prone, and my character lunges in and stabs him while he's prone. Edit: And yes, as cyberarmy wrote, rogues seem, unsurprisingly, to be the ultimate single target DPS class right now. GFW is better suited to handling large groups of enemies.
  9. Still playing Neverwinter. Great Weapon Fighter got really fun to play from around lev 30 onward, picking up some really badass special attacks.
  10. The characters getting wiped is a definite possibility, particularly if they tweak the skill trees. If it happens, it happens. I'm not super invested into my character anyway. This is mostly a "trial run" to figure out how the game plays at different levels. I'm up to level 40 and still having fun with my great weapon fighter. My build is centered around doing damage to large groups of enemies at once, and high critical chance/high critical damage. I'm currently at about 21% crit chance and +95% crit severity. I'm sure rogues probably have higher crit chance, but I think that's pretty decent for a fighter. I'll max this character out and wait to see what class is introduced next, as none of the other 4 current classes appeal to me. Did you ever play the pen and paper game D&D and if so how are the rules in this MMO similar to that? Pretty much not at all similar. It's EXTREMELY LOOSELY based on 4E D&D.
  11. The characters getting wiped is a definite possibility, particularly if they tweak the skill trees. If it happens, it happens. I'm not super invested into my character anyway. This is mostly a "trial run" to figure out how the game plays at different levels. I'm up to level 40 and still having fun with my great weapon fighter. My build is centered around doing damage to large groups of enemies at once, and high critical chance/high critical damage. I'm currently at about 21% crit chance and +95% crit severity. I'm sure rogues probably have higher crit chance, but I think that's pretty decent for a fighter. I'll max this character out and wait to see what class is introduced next, as none of the other 4 current classes appeal to me.
  12. I get a kick out of dumb***es losing their **** during PvP matches. This is hardly a phenomena exclusive to Neverwinter, but regardless, I always chuckle at people going ballistic over stuff in a PvP match. You get your astral diamonds win or lose. I guess you get more (of the mostly worthless) glory if you win, but that's hardly worth losing your **** over. I can understand getting pissed at AKFers, that's ****ed up (I play a great weapon fighter, and by all accounts, that's by far the weakest class in PvP, but I still do my best, I won't AFK during a PvP match, that's just weak. Currently, rogues DOMINATE PvP, clerics don't do much but are hard to kill, wizards can do real damage if they cooperate with teammates, guardian fighters don't do much but are hard to kill, great weapon fighters are just screwed), but losing your **** over someone trying but not doing well, that's just stupid. Heck, even losing your **** over AFKers is silly.
  13. The Idris dungeon run in Ebon Downs is badass. Tough, but not unfair. The final room has some brutal pulls, where it's real easy to accidentally pull a massive group, which generally means death. My great weapon fighter is fully specced for mass group damage, I really excelled in that dungeon, smashing up huge groups with massive sweeping strikes and AoE stop attacks.
  14. Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I'm sick of sword after sword after sword after sword, and a bunch of scale mail and helms that look nearly identical. From what I've read on their forums, they're working on introducing more item variety. This is likely a case of limited in-game assets at this early beta stage leading to so many mirror image items. Hopefully it gets rectified in the near future.
  15. I want details. I want exact descriptions of where you're putting every slider.
  16. If you want a challenge you should try the Lair of the Mad Dragon dungeon, it's considerably tougher than anything else I've tried to do so far. A few issues with that: 1) It's now too low level for me (I could still enter, but I'd have to find my own group). 2) It seems it's super hard to get the right mix for that dungeon via queue. At appropriate level, going through that run without a healer and a tank is suicide, and the queue always seemed to pair me up with rogues, wizards, and more GFWs. 3) I'm not a big fan of dungeons, anyway. They're really time consuming. I only really do them to get astral diamonds for the daily dungeon from Rhix. Now that Mad Dragon Lair is no longer eligible for that for me, there's no chance I'll be going back in there.
  17. I'm getting ahead of the curve in the game. I have a couple of quests left in the graveyard, but I'm not even going to bother doing them because I'm way too powerful for that area now (I could probably solo whatever the final dungeon is). Similarly, I went to Helm Hold only to find that I'm already too powerful for that area, so I won't even bother doing anything there. Straight to Ebon Downs for me then. Edit: As an aside, I laugh every time I open up the launcher and Chesty McCleric stares me in the face.
  18. I've honestly never thought of Space Marines as 'good guys'.
  19. Out ****ing standing! This looks like a heavily modded SR3, to be completely honest, but I'm okay with that. Every game should include a dubstep gun. All of them, even low magic fantasy world games and farming simulators. Volition, you had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.
  20. Not yet, anyway. They will be adding more classes, which classes, I'm not sure. If I had to guess, I'd say an archer (likely ranger) would be next. The game is severely lacking an archer right now.
  21. There are axes for great weapon fighters, guardian fighters, and even trickster rogues, but they're very few and extremely far between. Hopefully that's something that's rectified in the future.
  22. Bioware has pushed forward with same sex romances, so I assume that will be in there too. I wonder if the Adeptus Astartes have a don't ask don't tell policy? I don't happen to have a copy of the Codex Astartes in front of me.
  23. It gets better after the tutorial. There are, of course, fetch quests and such, but they're dressed up better.
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