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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm so excited. Larry Laffer back in the saddle again! Too bad I have to wait until I get home from work to play it tomorrow. Wait... I feel sickness coming on... nah, better not.
  2. Titan Set complete! Now I need to fuse together a bunch of rank 7 (or better yet 8 ) azure and dark enchantments, oh and also save up AD to eventually buy a manual to upgrade my worg mount to rank 3... It never ends.
  3. It still works out to be the same thing, it's 4 quests for 4000 AD instead of 1 quest for 1000 AD.
  4. Levitation spell CONFIRMED! These look great, fantastic work Obsidian.
  5. If I see Sacred 2 during Uncle GabeN's biannual wallet plunder then I'll scoop it up. I'm hoping to get La Mulana too. Anyone here played that? I hear it's fiendishly difficult. /rubs hands together
  6. I'm going to milk Protect Caravan for all its worth until they nerf it. I've basically had 3 of those running concurrently for the last bunch of days at all times (except when I'm sleeping). It's only 200 AD, but it only takes 2 hours and it doesn't cost any resources at all. Easy 300 AD per hour. I've pretty much given up on Alchemy for now. It's just too much of a pain to level up. I do want to get 3 professions up to lev 20 for the extra slot, so I started working on Tailoring. I've already got Mailsmithing at 20, Leadership at 13, and Tailoring is up to 5.
  7. Have you discovered if you can get them as drops at all? I have a few, but since they're still expensive on the AH I don't want to use them until I at least have a high chance of getting the T3 result (slot). Which will be a long time from now. There is a quest in the graveyard where you have a (undoubtedly super duper small) chance of getting one. Otherwise, you have a (undoubtedly super duper small) chance of getting them in profession packs (which of course cost Zen). I'll scoop some up in AH eventually. Getting the Titan's Helmet is my first priority right now. I'll likely wind up buying it from AH since running through Epic Spellplague again and again and again and again and ... doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun. I'm mostly burnt out on dungeon runs for a bit, except I want to do Castle Never, but that's the hardest one other than Gauntlgrym and it requires a massive time investment that I'm unlikely to be willing to commit to more than once or twice. Luckily the horse trade is as lucrative as ever and I do still enjoy doing different foundry quests.
  8. I really think how MoMX does will probably be the real test case; the Kickstarters - while successful - by their funding nature might make it an attractive but unsure area to dabble in. If MoMX does boffo, I think that added with the Kickstarter success, then yeah I could see more publishers looking at smaller budget but strong-selling niche games. The thing that most excited me about Kickstarters is that it'll serve (hopefully) as a point that "forgotten game styles" are still quite viable. I'm still trying to figure out who I need to plead to to make another X-Wing/TIE Fighter game! I'd love to see another TIE Fighter. I'd saw off my right left arm for Starflight 3.
  9. Nah, has to be the Predator handshake. Much better than a brofist. I would buy the game just for that.
  10. Aussies will still get SR4, just without the alien anal probe: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-06-26-saints-row-4-banned-in-australia-for-including-alien-anal-probe Here in 'Murica, I'll be probing the **** out of everybody in SR4.
  11. I have an issue with any game that strays too much from the original plot in a movie or plot. What you mentioned is like playing some game around Lord of the Rings and having Sauron come down from Mordor to arrange a picnic with the Hobbits, or rather that's more likely to happen than Little Finger bringing peace to the Seven Kingdoms [off-topic]See, I think people got Sauron all wrong. Morgoth (Melkor) got an idea for this great jam and he started rocking out. His pops showed up and told him to turn off that racket. Morgoth told him he was a fuddy duddy and didn't understand music. Later on, Sauron heard Morgoth's jam and thought to himself "Man, that's a rockin' jam, I want to rock out to that." So he did. Sauron just wanted to rock out, is that such a bad thing?[/off-topic] Anyway, in a game ruled by randomness all the developers can do is to design characters and situations in such a way so as to have the historical outcome be the most likely scenario. When there are thousands or millions of random chance rolls, the most likely outcome isn't always the one that will come out, thus weird **** happens. I'd personally much rather play a game where weird **** happens from time to time than a rigidly structured, historically accurate, interactive movie.
  12. Out of the blue, Double Fine releases Psychonauts 2. It's an improvement over the original in every conceivable way, a true triumph of character, storytelling, and imagination. No one buys it. England underperforms in World Cup 2014. No one is surprised. Apple releases iPhone 7. It's underpowered, behind on features, and overpriced. It sells like hot cakes. To fight struggling sales, Microsoft introduces a XBox One bundle that includes a year's supply of Mountain Dew and Doritos. Sales increase.
  13. It bleeds on the rest of my fantasy laundry when in the wash. I want my whites to stay whiter and my colors to stay more vibrant. I could purchase fantasy color safe bleach, but that's like 5000 zen.
  14. At the end of the game you'll get to fight either a green dragon, a red dragon, or a blue dragon, unless you purchase the day one DLC for 800 BW Points, in which case you'll also have the option of fighting a black dragon. In all seriousness, I do really hope this turns out good. I hope they choose one or the other, action RPG or tactical RPG, and not try to do both like in DA2. I'd prefer tactical RPG, but if they're going to go in the action RPG direction then they need to go all the way.
  15. At this point, BioWare is pretty much required by law to include at least 4 romances: heterosexual male, heterosexual female, homosexual male, homosexual female.
  16. The Daemon's snide remarks throughout the game were gold too. I've wanted to play Sacred 2, but the horror stories of horrendous breakage, particularly when the expansion came out, always steered me away from the game. I think they've take care of that now, either with official or community patches. Can people comment on the state of the game?
  17. Sacred 1 had some hilarious exploits though. For example, they neglected to put in a crossbow firing animation for the Daemon when flying using Soaring Daemon so the game reverted to the unarmed attack animation. This made it look like you were magically firing bolts out of your hip. The side-effect, and exploit, is that unarmed attacks are MUCH faster than firing a crossbow, so while in flight you could fire crossbow bolts at insane rates of fire, almost a machine gun. The Daemon was never meant to be an archer, she was meant to be a melee/caster hybrid, but with this exploit the Daemon became arguably the best archer in the game because of the insane rate of fire. Somehow the quirks and exploits made Sacred 1 charming.
  18. ****! Protect Caravan is my go to jam for leadership tasks. It gives you 200 AD, only takes 2 hours, and burns no resources. Well, I better get as much of it in as I can before they nerf it. There has to be more, though. I mean just nerfing a couple of tasks can't possibly be 1 GB.
  19. I need dragon eggs. If I had 2 dragon eggs then I could make a purple shirt and purple pants.
  20. I notice a big (1GB) patchy patch downloading. Is this fixing the Gauntlgrym stuff or is this adding something else? Hmm.
  21. I'm now 1 piece (helmet) short of completing the Titan Set.
  22. I remember playing Quest For Glory 2: Trial By Fire on my Tandy 1000, having to switch floppies constantly because I didn't have a hard drive (it must have been 6 or 7 3.5" floppies). Holy ****, that game was so incredibly awesome! They REALLY need to follow through with this. Indies have been the driving force behind innovation for quite a while now, while big AAA titles have, for the most part, grown stagnant. If they don't allow indies to self-publish their indie library will be a barren wasteland.
  23. Someday I'm going to create a wholly Orc-centric foundry quest or quest series. Like LadyC, I'm just too lazy to do it right now.
  24. Having a really good time with Unepic. There's absolutely nothing remarkable about the game. It follows the standard metroidvania formula of explore > run into obstacle > explore > find item > backtrack > etc. The combat is very simplistic. The RPG system is certainly nothing special, though it's a bit meatier that what I expected from a budget hybrid game. The humor, while it occasionally has its moments, is mostly eye roll inducing. Yet it all works well together, for whatever reason. The game doesn't try to reinvent the wheel, but it delivers a solid, enjoyable metroidvania experience with added RPG elements. The game is already worth the 5 bills I plunked down for it, and I'm likely only 10-15% through it.
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