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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Croatia have now gotten away with multiple obvious handballs, one in the box which should have resulted in a PK. Edit: Mexico scores! Justice has been served. Edit 2: Mexico scores again. That will do it.
  2. If I were Derrick Rose I'd rather have Kevin Love than Carmelo Anthony too. What Chicago would want more than that would be a Derrick Rose with functional knees.
  3. I started building my manor in Falkreath Hold in Skyrim. So far I've just built the entryway and main hall, plus the bare minimum furniture (a double bed, some shelves, a dining table, some chairs, and a fireplace), plus a stable, animal pen (no animals to put in it yet), and a garden outside. Now I have somewhere to dump Lydia. I hope she keeps the place tidy while I'm out there slaying draugers and such. I left her a broom as a hint.
  4. When I heard that I thought that they were blowing it out of proportion. I'm pretty sure they can get investors on board, and they will get more support if they change their subscription plan. But if Nintendo has managed to make terrible decisions and stay afloat so can Crytek too; although that's mostly due to competition being dead. While Nintendo has certainly made some bad decisions, they've also hit some massive home runs. Past runaway successes, like the DS, have given Nintendo quite a healthy cash reserve to fall back upon during hard times. I don't know if Crytek has ever had that type of crazy money making success, or if they'd been smart enough to sock some money away for a rainy day.
  5. Judging by the histories of Steam sales past, I'd say there's a good chance Metro pops up at that same discount on a daily or a flash sale again before this sale is through.
  6. I'm just waiting to buy a plot of land and build a house so I can dump my companions there for storage. Eventually, once I decide to go up to High Hrothgar and unleash the dragons on the world and progress through the main quest and eventually resurrect The Blades, I'll take them all and have them become Blades, that way they're both off my hands and out of my hair, and I can pretend like they're doing something useful, rather than blocking passageways for me.
  7. They didn't lose. It was a draw. The US got a point out of it and are in decent shape in Group G. Germany is in 1st with 4 points and +4 goal differential, they're through almost no matter what. US is in 2nd with 4 points and +1 GD. Ghana is in 3rd with 1 point and -1 GD. Portugal is last with 1 point and -4 GD. The US could lose against Germany and still go through on goal differential depending on how things shake out. A draw or better and they go through no matter what.
  8. I should probably mess with the ini files to see if I can push the draw distance a bit further than the standard menu lets me. I'm sure my card could handle drawing prettier mountains and trees to a further distance.
  9. I bought Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light in a tactical move. Both are on a flash sale right now (for about 10 more minutes). What I really want is the upcoming Metro Redux versions. However, there is a pre-order on the Metro Redux games where you get them half-price if you own the original versions. So, basically, by spending $10 now I save $15 as it would have cost me $25 more to buy both Metro Redux games without owning the originals. Granted, I could have waited another 12 months and gotten the Metro Redux games even cheaper on a Steam sale, but I had every intention of getting them the moment they released.
  10. Still too airbrushed for my tastes. I want to see pores and/or blemishes. Also, I was wrong about the unofficial patches causing stability problems. The unofficial patches are fine, it was the official high res patches clashing with the 2K high res texture mod. Once I dumped the official high res patches everything ran fine again. As an aside, I'm using all my willpower to keep from murdering Lydia in cold blood. She's useful to some degree, but the frequency with which she gets in the way and blocks passageways is insanely irritating. I've also imposed several rules upon myself while playing: 1) No auto-magic fast travel. I'm fine with fast traveling by coach, but none of that open up the map, point at a location, poof I'm there stuff. 2) No running in towns unless I'm doing something time sensitive, or the quest description makes it sound time sensitive. Running down town strrets is for children, not adults. 3) No insta-resting. I sleep in my own bed, at an inn, or I find a bed or bedroll somewhere. 4) I have at least 2 meals a day. I also try to balance my meats, grains, and veggies. An orcish woman needs to eat right to keep her figure. 5) I take my helmet off in towns. I'm not a guard, no need to wear a helmet and get sweaty when in a safe area.
  11. While I agree the vanilla Skyrim faces could stand a bit of an upgrade, I'm not looking to turn all women in the game into airbrushed glamour models, and every face replacer mod I've found so far seems to do just that.
  12. It's a good thing you're not within arms' reach right now.
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ****ing Portugal escapes elimination.
  16. A lot of really sloppy play on both sides so far.
  17. Ironically, the unofficial patches, which are supposed to make the game more stable, cause horrific stability issues for me. The game runs like a champ without them, though.
  18. Oh wow. What an absolutely horrific giveaway by Jeff Cameron. Portugal 1-0. You could not possibly play defense any worse than that.
  19. It's almost time for the big game. I've been saving some beer just for this. Go Stars & Stripes! USA! USA! USA!
  20. What a lovely goal for Algeria. Absolutely beautiful long pass and a quality composed finish. Well done. Edit: And Algeria score again just a minute or so later.
  21. I'm playing Skyrim for the first time in about 2 years. Luckily, Skyrim runs on Linux via wine pretty much every bit as well as on its native Windows right down to performance being on par, so I can push the game to maximum settings and I can add graphical enhancement mods. I've been messing around with different mods and am currently using Skyrim 2K HD (higher res textures than the official high res textures), Ultimate Lighting Overhaul (SweetFX settings, more subtle than ENB replacers and far less performance hit), Pure Waters, Pure Weather (as a bonus, makes nights much darker), Splash of Rain, Apachii Sky Hair, Quality World Map, Auto Unequip Ammo (this should have been the default behavior in the vanilla game, why leave the quiver on the back when you don't have a bow equipped?), Caliente Better Bodies Mod with nevernude option (I want bodies to look better, but I don't want a bunch of naked women lying around after I strip corpses of their armor). Anyone got any suggestions?
  22. The last 5 minutes of the match were exciting, but the first 85 minutes were sitting through an elementary school dance recital level boring. It kills me that Belgium get rewarded for parking the bus for 85 minutes then deciding to have a go at it in the last 5 minutes, but they scored and won and advanced, so kudos to them, I guess. Boy did you luck out!
  23. Good lord Belgium and Russia just had a dreadful match.
  24. Germany does indeed still have the metal On a serious note, Germany was my pick to win it before the tourney began and Colombia was my dark horse. I see no reason to change those picks. I also said England would go out early, but that wasn't so much a prediction as stating an inevitable fact, so no reason to pat myself on the back for getting that one right. Jaded, Y U No Like Colombia's lightning quick counter-attack?
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