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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I just don't bother with episodic games until all episodes are out. For example, I've had my eye on Kentucky Route Zero, but I won't buy it util it's finished, simple as. I don't care what the reviews are now, I'll read reviews of the full game when it finishes. I kind of take the same approach to television shows. Conventional television is dead as far as I'm concerned. I haven't seen a single episode of Game of Thrones yet and I avoid all discussion of it. I'll binge watch the whole show when it finishes. I watch shows on my time now, not on their time.
  2. I'm up to chapter 11 in Shadow Warrior. There very few FPS games with good melee, thankfully this is one of those few. Slicing up demons never gets old.
  3. Absolutely, I'd love to play more historical RPGs, and in all types of locations and time periods too. I'd love to see a historical RPG set in China during the Three Kingdoms period, or an Aztec RPG set a little before the Spanish conquistadors arrived, or an RPG set in Victorian Era England, like the new AssCreed, minus the AssCreed nonsense.
  4. Is that the People's Front of Judea or the Judean People's Front?
  5. The combat looks really good. It definitely needs some polish, but for a preliminary implementation I think it looks great. I'm a bit sad that polearms will likely not make it into the game, but I can understand why. Something like a poleaxe would require a whole new subset of animations for slashing with the axe blade, smashing with the hammer, thrusting with the head spike, thrusting with the butt spike, and blocking with the shaft, not to mention using any polearm that has a hook on it to dismount riders. I guess I'll have to live out my bec de corbin fantasies elsewhere.
  6. Nice to see it coming along. I believe the tentative release date is approximately a year from now, my guess is that it will wind up slipping (like all Kickstarter projects do) and release toward the end of 2016 or early 2017.
  7. Mechanical Apartheid Out of curiosity, what is the issue with said "mechanical apartheid"? I thought the trailer made it pretty obvious that "mechanical apartheid" bad.
  8. How combat-heavy is the game? Is there a lot to do outside of combat? Are there non-combat skills that come into play frequently? I ask because Pillars, quite frankly, burnt me out on RtwP combat and the combat that I played in the demo of this game was, quite honestly, dull as dishwater, granted that was with starting characters lacking much in the way of abilities.
  9. I choose to live in a world where Metallica stopped putting out albums after ...And Justice for All. Sure, it's a fantasy world, but it's a much happier world.
  10. Any game that helps teach little girls to play old skool Slayer can't be all bad.
  11. Out of curiosity, since I don't really do music games, is Rocksmith any good?
  12. I do agree that this information should be included on the Kickstarter page, either on the front page and/or in an update, and not just in a press release.
  13. I think it is unwise to disclose that information, the fact they are funding kickstarter at E3. They might as well fund the game without the KS. But to them that is risky. Therefore, They promote the KS to test the gauge of their fans. The last game cost a fortune to make and didn't sell very well with its reflective budget. I disagree, I have no problem with what they are doing and I appreciate that they disclosed that. This is the same thing as with the Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kickstarter and they were up front about it too, which I also appreciated. During the KC:D Kickstarter they said right up front that they had secured someone to finance the project, the Kickstarter was mostly to show the person(s) financing the project that there is sufficient interest in the project for them to have the confidence to bankroll it. One of the first thoughts that popped into my mind when this was announced, well after "Holy **** is this really happening!? Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?", was "Is Sony bankrolling this? They must be because 1) This is being announced during Sony's presser 2) You don't make a game like Shenmue for 2 million dollars". So I'm glad they confirmed what I, and a lot of other people, undoubtedly, were already suspecting. As for not disclosing that at the very beginning during the pitch, I don't suspect any malice or attempt to deceive. They disclosed that information a mere day later, plenty early in the campaign, and the way Kickstarter works is that you can always withdraw your pledge up to the moment the campaign ends. If they'd have waited until after the campaign had ended and the money had been collected to disclose this information, then I'd say that was underhanded.
  14. Yeah, I've done at least a dozen eye rolls so far.
  15. Holy smokes David Braben looked uncomfortable on stage.
  16. I didn't ask for this... ...much combat. But I get that it's a trailer so they need their shooty shooty and splushuns for the Michael Bay crowd. As long as I can play it ghost style I'll be happy.
  17. Mario Maker looks legit awesome. You can make some really insane levels. I'm pretty stoked about creating some fiendishly difficult levels. Maybe not I Wanna Be the Boshy level difficult, but difficult.
  18. So what you're saying is that this wouldn't have been the right approach? https://youtu.be/3eGJOqMHsDI Disclaimer: I purposely made this a link and not embedded it as there is profanity in the title, not to mention the clip itself.
  19. For once, someone else is making a sequel to an Obsidian game instead of the other way around.
  20. This is going to cross the million mark before midnight (EDT), isn't it? They may meet their goal by morning. And yes, announcing this at E3 obviously helps. Tons of eyeballs and all that.
  21. The most exciting thing announced so far has been the launch of a Kickstarter project Still, though, Shenmue 3.
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