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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Entering the parkway, complete with straw hat and Hawaiian shirt, naturally. It rained lightly on and off all day today. The silver lining to that is getting to see some sweet rainbows.
  2. Today I leave and go on a trip up the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Skyline Drive. This will be the first road trip for my trusty new steed. I'll be posting lots of pictures here from my 2 day trek up one of America's most scenic roads.
  3. I'll be voting today, just before I go on my road trip. Edit: Never mind, the voting place just down the street from me (public library) doesn't open for early voting until the 27th. I could find another place further from my home, but I can wait a week.
  4. I can't, in good conscience, vote for either Trump of Hillary, I won't be able to look at myself in the mirror. Jill Stein is several orders of magnitude further left than I am even remotely comfortable with. That leaves Gary Johnson...
  5. I just think the NX Switch is way too big to succeed as a traditional handheld and much too underpowered to succeed as a home console, not to mention a different architecture to the PS4 and XBone, which will quickly kill 3rd party support, and it will be the Wii U all over again.
  6. This thing has dead on arrival written all over it.
  7. I'll still play it, if for no other reason than being able to play as Święta Jadwiga Andegaweńska. That said, it's a Firaxis game , so no way am I touching it at launch. That Complete Edition a year from now, that's where I hop in.
  8. Yeah, the Packers offense is definitely off this year and Rodgers is missing tons of throws he routinely makes. The 4 turnovers didn't help either. That said, I'll happily take the W. I've particularly been impressed with the Boys ability to close games out this year. In years past they'd have a lead late in the game then continuously go 3 and out and let it slip away in the 4th quarter. Today, and several times this year already, they just marched right down the field and scored the game sealing TD, like you're supposed to do as a division leading team.
  9. My Boys are now 5-1 heading into the bye week after embarrassing the Cheeseheads in their own stadium. Dak finally threw his first pick, but not until after he broke the all-time record for pass attempts without an interception to start a career (new record: 177 pass attempts without an int) and being impressive throughout the day. Zeke had his 4th straight 130+ yard rushing game against what was previously one of the very best rushing defenses in the league. Dallas is rolling. Enjoy a heaping spoonful of ****eating grin Jerry Jones. Let it enter your pores, soak into your brain through osmosis, and haunt your nightmares.
  10. I think Panthers are pretty much done this year. While I'm not yet convinced that the dirty birds are the real deal, 1-4 is a start that teams very rarely recover from. Carolina basically needs to go 9-2 the rest of the way to get a playoff spot.
  11. That's rough, man. Hopefully you, and anyone that may have been with you, is unharmed.
  12. 2017. It had 4 miles on it when I drove it off the lot. In less than 2 weeks I'm going to take a Friday off from work and take it on a road trip up the Blue Ridge Parkway and through the Skyline Drive. The Blue Ridge follows the Appalachian Mountains up from The Great Smoky Mountains on the border of North Carolina and Tennessee to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. Over 450 miles of beautiful scenic road, including some nice twisty mountain roads that my Mazda is craving. I'm getting wood just thinking about it. Hopefully the weather cooperates.
  13. I guarantee you won't regret it. As an aside, it's amazing what a blue collar mid-sized sedan comes standard with these days. 10 years ago you'd have to buy a $50,000+ luxury car to get the features that come standard on the base model of most mid-sized sedans.
  14. I expected Cincy to be Dallas' first big test (and they still might be in the second half, it's not over yet) but my Boys took the Bengals to the woodshed in the first half. Dak continues to impress and Zeke and Morris are running the ball all over Cincy's D. More importantly, now with a couple guys back from suspension, the Dallas D looks much better. I still don't think they're a great D, but they're not terrible either. The pass rush was in Dalton's face all throughout the first half. Gotta keep it up for 2 more quarters and it's first place in the NFC East (thanks Lions). Edit: After a missed FG from Cincy my mutha****ing man Zeke just ripped off a 60 yard TD run! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO! 28-0! How 'bout dem Cowboys? Edit 2: Final Score Boys 28 - 14 Bengals. All 14 of Cincy's points came in garbage time (the 4th quarter, when the game was already over). Dallas is now 4-1 and leading the NFC East.
  15. The only other consumer car that's close is the Accord. Maybe a charger if you want to deal with dodge. The Cherokee that killed Anton was because of the ****ing stupid shifter design. I drove a 300 with that shifted and it doesn't provide enough feedback to inform you that you've changed gears. The Accord was my second choice, the Hyundai Sonata my 3rd. Anyway, the deal is done. Feast your eyes: It drives even better than it looks. Mazdas are always sports cars at heart (in this case this refers to the handling and transmission), even when they're family sedans.
  16. That's not just PC port problems. After GTA this will be a hard sell. Are we sure this isn't a Bethesda game?
  17. The ending of Saints Row 4's Enter the Dominatrix DLC. I won't spoil it, but I will say that I was so happy I cried genuine tears of joy. Best damn video game ending ever.
  18. Attaching game logic to framerate is some retarded game design. I thought we left that crap behind in the 90s, the early 90s? At least Souls had the excuse of being a console series previously, and you can get away with locking game logic to framerate on console, still really bad practice, though.
  19. All this Devil May Cry talk has me wanting to play Bayonetta 2 again. Best damn combat system ever made. Simple enough that just about anyone can pull off basic combos and beat the game at lower difficulties, all while looking like a badass, but with almost limitless depth and requiring insane skill and precision to pull off the most advanced techniques and to beat the game on the highest difficulty. What I wouldn't give for an RPG with the writing and character development of Obsidian and the combat system prowess of Platinum.
  20. I'm in a similar boat right now, as I'm shopping for a new car, though I can't offer any help since I'm in Murica and in the market for a sedan rather than a SUV. I've pretty much determined (I'd say 98% at this point) that I'm going to wind up getting a new Mazda 6, based on the fact that I drove it and all the other mid-sized sedans in its price range and the Mazda driving experience blew all the other cars out of the water.
  21. I'm trying to not get overly excited, since it was the Niners and the Niners D is garbage, but Zeke looked like a high 1st round pick last Sunday and, dare I say it, very Emmitt Smith-ian. He was being patient in the backfield, allowing the line to create a gap, then bursting through it, then finally taking defenders for severalmore yards when getting tackled. Plus, Dak looks like a legitimate NFL starting QB. Of course, the true test will be when the Boys play a top level defense.
  22. Valley just came out with their Mac and Linux versions so I scooped up and started playing that. It's like someone made a game specifically with me in mind. Developer: How would you like a first-person exploration focused game? Keyrock: Sure. Developer: What if we put in an exoskeleton suit that let you run really fast and jump super far? Keyrock: I mean, that would be awesome, can you do that? Developers: Of course. Plus, we'll put you in this cool looking forest with friendly spirits so you run around and get your platforming on. Keyrock: Sold.
  23. Wait what? I've heard plenty of arguments that TW1>TW2 (something I disagree with) based on strength of story and character writing and those arguments It'll entertain and agree with to some degree, but the combat in TW1 most definitely did need fixing, it was godawful. The combat in TW1 was essentially a glorified rhythm game; wait for the prompt and hit the button in rhythm. The 3 combat stances were superfluous and added nothing. There was no feedback of significance, you twirled your sword vaguely in front of the enemies and stuff took damage. TW2's combat was far from great, suffering greatly from sluggish responsiveness, but it was still an order of magnitude better than TW1 and a step in the right direction, even if the execution wasn't up to par.
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