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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Maybe the Polish squad will make it out of groups this year? Please? Pretty please? Obviously our big star is Lewandowski, who is phenomenal, but we have some other decent players too.
  2. Silent Assassin Suit Only Both Kills With Fish playthrough coming up
  3. LeBron might not even need to visit a doctor in Germany to play 20 seasons.
  4. Games from E3 I'm interested in: Cyberpunk 2077 - Unlike some others I'm really digging the colorful neon vibe. Metal Wolf Chaos XD - From Software's crazy over the top mecha action game? Yes, please. Dragon Quest XI - I'm a sucker for anything DQ. Yakuza Kiwami 2 -It's Yakuza, nuff said. Babylon's Fall - Not feeling the trailer, but it's Platinum, they get the benefit of the doubt. Nioh 2 - The first game was pretty good. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - I'm as surprised as anyone to be interested in an AC game again. It's been since Black Flag since I've looked forward to one of these. Metro Exodus - Maybe the closest thing we'll get to another STALKER Call of Pripyat. Ghost of Tsushima - Looks amazing. Dying Light 2 - The promise of the awesomeness of the first but with much better story and characters makes me grin from ear to ear.
  5. Only use your powers for good, teknoman2
  6. I'm always excited for anything from Platinum, but that trailer for Babylon's Fall was just dates, dates, more dates, and even more dates. Also, dates. So... Umm... Yeah.
  7. It had to be Overture, they removed the comat in Black Death, though you could still kill some enemies by luring them into an environmental trap, though that took some serious patience.
  8. In a weird way, I thought that Penumbra's wonky mechanics worked in the game's favor. It made combat extremely difficult and frantic and you're supposed to feel helpless and panicked. Play Penumbra Black Death after, it's superior to Overture IMHO and they really mind**** you in it.
  9. I'm waiting for them to get to the "alternative" part.
  10. I loved Dying Light. The weakest parts of the game were the QTE final boss fight and the story. The gameplay was terrific. Needless to say, I'm excited for the sequel with MCA on board.
  11. I would sell any of the other forumites' livers for a new Starflight game.
  12. The complete list of NBA players who have won multiple Finals MVPs: Michael Jordan 6 LeBron James 3 Magic Johnson 3 Tim Duncan 3 Shaquille O'Neal 3 Larry Bird 2 Hakeem Olajuwon 2 Kobe Bryant 2 Willis Reed 2 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 2 Kevin Durant 2 As an aside, Bill Russell, whose name sits on the award, would have at least 8 or 9 of them if it had existed back then.
  13. I understand the argument for KD as mvp. Game 3 could have been a big momentum swing game in the series and Steph had a terrible night and most of the rest of the team was pretty flat. KD put the team on his back and carried them to a backbreaking victory. That said, I think Steph should have gotten the mvp. He had 3 big games and 1 terrible game to KDs 1 big game 1 good game and 2 mediocre games.
  14. The Cavs go out with a whimper. I almost feel bad for LeBron. He carried that team on his back all the way to the finals and continued to play phenomenal in the finals, but against the Dubs it wasn't even close to enough.
  15. Skyforge is off to a less than brilliant start. The character creator is fairly mediocre. On the plus side, the game did allow me to make a fat character. It's sadly a rarity when a game allows you to make a character outside of the 2 normal video game body types: Muscular and lean. On the negative side, I can't make a bald character. How do you have a dozen different hair styles to chose from and not a single one of them is bald? What kind of crap is that? Anyway, you get a few presets to start you off then you can fine tune the settings, and by fine tune I mean make very small adjustments that make very little difference. The story is that I just found out that I'm immortal (convenient for any video game where you will wind up respawning a lot) and that there are monsters attacking everywhere because reasons. Yawn. Also, the way some of the characters' lips move when they speak makes Mass Effect: Andromeda's facial movement tech seem state of the art by comparison. Edit: After finishing the first tutorial island (it was literally a kill a bunch of rats quest, I'm not even kidding) and being transported back to the hub I was greeted with a screen giving me the option to buy stuff (with real money). I get that this game is f2p and they need to make money somehow and that microtransactions are going to exist, but you can be a little more subtle about your real money storefront and not literally thrust it in my face. I'll probably be uninstalling this soon.
  16. I think Skyforge is f2p, so I guess I could give it a try... for science!
  17. The Secret World has, by far, the best writing and most interesting world of any MMO I've ever played, but, as mentioned, the gameplay and combat are abysmal. TERA has, by far, the best MMO combat I've ever experienced, but the world, characters, and quests are all super boring. Also, that game is just creepy with the whole loli thing. If we could just get the combat design team from TERA and the writing and world design team from TSW together and get them drunk... As an aside, did anyone here ever try that Russian MMO that Obsidian worked or consulted on or whatever they did? I think it's called Skyforge.
  18. Does this mean that the next HBS game will have 27,000 DLCs?
  19. Looks cool. Too bad the demo seems to be Windows only. I suppose I could try to run it through wine. The final game will supposedly have Mac and Linux builds.
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