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Everything posted by Seari

  1. You have to sacrifice duration, action speed and accuracy then. Which is why I said that stats are too spread out. Muscle wizard works tho. edit: I have no idea how essential these 3 are, so no idea how to choose between them.
  2. Well I just tried making a backline wizard with the attribute changes proposed by Sawyer( INT=def+AoE, RES=duration+conc), and I just can't see this working. The stats are too spread out for a caster, as Sensuki and Matt said. I'll try to experiment a bit more. edit: If interrupt is removed from attributes, then there really is something missing. edit2: Unless there's some other mechanic added, Sensuki's and Matt's changes are the best as far as I can see.
  3. Heavy swords can be used as blunt weapons as well, but let's not discuss stupidities. How about you answer my question Sensuki, so we don't derail this thread.
  4. I would be very upset if they removed the BG2 style health(endurance) UI.
  5. It makes sense since spell/skill duration is increased due to the character's resolve to see events to the end. This has been discussed countless times in other threads by myself included, and I wouldn't want this thread to change into another Might discussion. edit: typo
  6. @Cunning Would it really be a problem for dialogue? I would think that if fits really well. But I don't know enough to say. On the other hand, is changing INT as a stat really a bad idea? I mean right now it's just a go-to pick for casters. Separating AoE and duration would increase build variety, no?
  7. Who needs drugs when you have soul power!
  8. I don't mind the current health & endurance UI, but I'm not a fan of the separated health system in the first place. Don't have a problem with the idea of your character being KO'd, they just need to improve the AI to make it so that enemies can kill your unconscious character. Basically they have to make it more dangerous, so you don't want your character to get KO'd. Unlike how it is now where they just take a power nap.
  9. To me it depends if INT is changed to give deflection.
  10. I really like your idea of renaming INT to Cunning, if Josh does go with the aforementioned changes. It makes a lot of sense in dialogue as well. Renaming Dexterity to Agility would also make a lot of sense, since it's the attribute that would mainly govern action speed. It would also help to separate the attributes from d&d, and to prevent confusing them with the former. Agility - the power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness
  11. Potato potato. :D Evokes... slightly different connotations. At least for me. Let's say one is slightly more combat oriented. Intellect. Cunning. It would help to distinguish this attribute system from dnd as well.
  12. I do and don't understand that perspective. I understand wanting a justification, but it's always seemed fitting to me. Many AoE spells/effects originate at a point and spread outward. Fireball is probably the most obvious example, but I tend to think of most effects that way. You're a super smarty, so as you extend the AoE outward, you are able to selectively shape it at the margins, where it terminates. You can't do it on the interior because that's the origin of the effect, where it's emanating from. That's always been my view of it, anyway. I could probably accept that, but shouldn't there be some kind of drawback to that? Say having the outer part of the fireball, while party-friendly, do less damage than the unscaled/default part.
  13. Would changing the size of a fireball with your mouse even be possible in unity? That would be a really baddas feature.
  14. Maybe RES should be the one to affect action speed, or maybe not? Makes sense thematically at least - firm determination.
  15. Deflection makes more sense on PER or DEX. Does being smarter really help you with deflecting blows? I guess, but not really. edit: I think INT is fine as it is. It makes perfect sense to be able to shape your spells to be larger or longer lasting with your intellect.
  16. Variance is a good thing, no? You would only have 3 different hits, that would always be the same number with a set weapon. edit: Well mostly 2 numbers, since crits aren't common?
  17. Might - damage and healing Dexterity - accuracy, action speed, reflex Constitution - health, fortitude Perception - deflection, interrupt Intellect - spell duration & AoE size Resolve - concentration, endurance(stamina), will I wouldn't mind keeping health & endurance on Constitution, removing healing from Might, and adding healing received to Resolve. This would be ideal for me personally, but I care more about role-playing than I do about functionality.
  18. ^^^ Deflection on perception, that sounds right thematically. Accuracy does make more sense on Dexterity, now that I think about it. While it does also make sense on Perception when you have the graze/hit system in mind. Not sure if I like a crit chance increase, mainly because I'm still hoping for the BG2 style crits.
  19. Even if any such "penalties" were illusionary? Explain.
  20. I would still like to see penalties for going bellow 10(or somesuch) in an attribute, and an overall buff to the numbers to make them more impactful. Chargen is extremely important to me, and I would hate to have it be meaningless.
  21. The barbarian aoe interrupt build comes to mind, with the addition of attack speed. I just kind of find it silly, because I think of carnage as cleave, and I kind of imagine it with large weapons instead of stilettos.
  22. Amazing work you guys, really amazing. I like the changes a lot. Esp. the perception change, it makes sense. I would just like to ask how does Deflection fit thematically to Resolve? It really does make more sense to me to have deflection on Dexterity, but I understand the reasons. Would having deflection and IAS on Dexterity be plausible or too overpowered/hard to balance?
  23. They could've just made it that healing magic only works on fresh wounds or something, like resurrection in dnd? edit: I understand what they're trying to do, it's not a bad idea, it just complicates a lot of things.
  24. Not sure if a lot of people know this, but Aerie was the best tank in BG2 once she got rolling, with the right items of course. Plus it's hilarious to have her in the front with her battlecry. edit: also Blades
  25. Mirror Image in AD&D wasn't a hard counter. It's a pretty iconic example of a soft counter, actually. removal of rng and hard counters edit: Actually I don't know enough to say for sure, anyone is welcome to correct me. Is the deflection bonus from mirror image enough to make it do the same function as the dnd mirror image? Or is it just a "minor" bonus to make "muscle wizards" more tanky. In theory with a high enough deflection bonus it could do the same thing, no?
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