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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. As topic, there are sound when right click, but no info box pop out.
  2. To make this bug happens, 1. Use Giled Enemy in combat. 2. Use spiritual shift. 3. The gold color will remain on character when turn back from animal form, even if the giled enemy effect is expired. And it lasts forever after combat.
  3. Yeah I agree that deflection become less useful in PoE 2, that’s because AR is more effective than it is in PoE 1, your sheet proves it clearly You just need to make sure your AR is high enough and make sure deflection not too low, then your survival ability will be great. In PoE 1 u need high deflection to encounter high damage mobs like dragon, but now it is a no brainer to stack AR because it cost less resources, specially in PoTD. Not sure how many of you have played Dota 2, but IMO it has a better AR reduction curve than PoE 2.
  4. As screenshot below, for some reason there are multiple copy of the hatchling after battle.
  5. Currently the only class that can change damage type efficiently is Black Jack, if all summon weapon spell is instant cast, what is the point of Black Jack?
  6. Another issue with Shifter is that it takes away my joy of looting. I feel no excitement from new equipment because they are useless when i'm shifted. I think for a lot players looting is a part of reason why we play RPG games, I'm fine if my teammate is a shifter, but it is a no-go for my main, even the subclass is super strong. My advice is: 1) Let some stats, for example attribute bonus and power level bonus from equipment to be inherent after shifting. 2) Let accessory like rings to be inherent after shifting.
  7. I'd prefer 2 or 3 second cast time for summon weapon. With high dex you can summon it pretty quick and not game breaking. As mentioned, you should not be able to change damage type instantly (remember that summon weapon spell has 0 recovery time, so u can do attack as soon as your weapon is summoned if you can summon it instantly, then it is better than switch weapon).
  8. As topic, every time reload will reset the customized party form.
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  9. As topic, save uploaded. Hellsing (EngwithanWaystationLevelThree) (58f74c58-9ba7-4171-9761-2aa73915c70b) (756959332).zip
  10. Would like if one of the Spiritual form of druid has crush type damage. Now it seems only bear form has slash type, the rest are all pierce type. Maybe the stag form can be changed to do crush damage with their antlers?
  11. Doing a new playthrough with a pale elf GoldPact/Shifter, a moon godlike Unbroken/Soul blade, a nature godlike Evoker and a heart orlan Troubadour/Rogue. The Evoker is pretty powerful at first a few second to battle, Fireball, Bounding Missile, Fan of Flame and does tons of damage, but because the new Str/Res split, he turns to useless after spamming all spells (he has only 3 Str). I think nature godlike pure Evoker is the only caster class that can be useful in battle now, other casters are still bad compared to melee users. Edit: Goldpack/Shifter is extremely tanky, almost ignoring all damage and can shift to heal or use LoHs. Troubadour/Rogue can fastly position himself with escape and then paralysis as many enemy as possible, and then support team with phrases and do some ok damage. Unbroken is not that good, not tanky or doing any damage. In current beta, a 20 Dex is almost a must if anyone wanna play a wizard, with Fleet Feet u can cast fireball in 4.2 sec, which is durable.
  12. Wow, so this is intended or not? I mean Unconscious from the spell can synergy with corpse eater :D
  13. Thx Cdiaz, I also find that I cannot cast any summon weapon spells, for example Kalakoth’s Minor Blight when I’m invisible.
  14. Backstab does not working from invisibile either.
  15. Assassinate works with spells? I tried it in combat, use Smoke Veil then Fan of Flame, didn't work.
  16. The new system is really messy compared with POE 1 one... I agree that cast time should be categorized by a few speed level. Like self buff should be in instant cast, offensive wiz Spell in average cast and so on.
  17. Actually, 0 recovery is not attainable by the dual-wielding. It provides a multiplier, not a straight bonus. It can easily put you low and it can negate lots of the other negatives, but it can't get you in that zero zone and, actually, the more action discounts you're getting, the worse it becomes. I.e., if you have full 100% recovery, dual-wielding cuts 50% from that. But if you already have 50 only, you're getting nothing but 25. So actual speedsters (if they'll be present) won't bother with dualing as much. The UI lists 0 recovery if you dual wield with 1300 dexterity (1250 isn't enough...). That said, combining > -50% recovery from +action speed bonuses (calculated as x/(1+x)) with dual wielding doesn't give you 0 recovery, so that's not additive. But it doesn't seem to be multiplicative either, since it's giving less of a total reduction in recovery than would be expected. Probably it's just working like poe1, where dex was multiplicative, and dual wielding + dual wielding talent, + potions+ items was more or less addittive ( in reality it was a bit complex, it took to us, and particulary to Maxquest, more than 1 year to figure out the correct mechanichs).I think that now, if you have dual wielding (50%)+ dual wielding talent (20%)+ a potion drunk with high alchemy skill (30%) AND have no armour you can reach 0 recovery whetever dex you have. I tried that with a Devoted/Monk naked with two dagger and high alchemy, nope still has 0.7 recovery time left
  18. As topic, when you are casting other spells and at the moment the Blight cycles, the spell you are casting will be canceled. Similarly when you attacking with the Blight when it cycles, your attack animation is cancelled by cycling. Also some funny issue when the Blight cycles, your character will step forward a bit for some reason and attack again.
  19. If the attacking animation is 0.5 and you have 0 recovery time. You can attack a caster 12 times when they cast in a 3 cast time + 3 recovery time cycle....
  20. What about that Veil Piercing feature, did it implemented correctly in PoE 1? I always think guns are the mage slaying weapon in the pillar of eternity culture because guns can pass through Arcane Veil, maybe I am wrong
  21. You can do some simple math here. So let's say a rogue dual wielding dagger. In the same time you do 2 auto attack, you can also do a Smoke Veil + Assassinate. Assuming the basic damage is 10 (to make it simple), the daggers are of exceptional quality and you are doing sneak attack. The hit/miss rate is 50%:50%. So for two auto attacks you did 10 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.3) * 2 * 0.5 = 18 damage. For assassinate, you get +25 accuracy, 4 penetration and +100% crit damage. So the damage you get is 10 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.3) * 0.5 + 10 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.3 + 1.25) * 0.25 * 1.3(assume it's overpenetration) = 18.9 damage. So you do 0.9 more damage to enemy with the combo, and only assassin got this bonus. The gain is too little now so I never bother use Smoke Veil except for life saving. Another issue is, if your rogue and your teammate flanks the enemy, and the rogue uses Smoke Veil and turn invisible, the enemy will lose the Flanked debuff. You have to either put affliction on enemy first or use another member to flank the target if u want sneak attack bonus from invisible.
  22. Auto attack will do more damage than Smoke veil + assassinate imo, because Smoke Veil has 2 second recovery time, the bonus u gain from assassinate does not compensate the lose of an attack. The only reason to use assassinate is its +4 penetration bonus now.
  23. Ranged weapon still not working for backstabbing now. Backstabbing and sneak attack not working for attacks from invisible right now(both only work in the first 2 second of combat).
  24. Yeah I watched your video and tested myself, I thought dual wielding pistol will reduce reload time but it didn't Really awful for auto attack, only use is for Full Attacks like FoD.
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