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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Are Developers going too far with this sort of romances? Romancing beasts? Where do you draw the line.
  2. One of the important topics for me when I'm playing a Druid and I'm in animal form and romancing an NPC who is also a druid in animal form.. fixed.
  3. A thread about the Case for roleplaying with PoE, would have more relevance. I showed in the last couple of pages of the old thread that you can do it with games like BG1 and IWD. Oh the parties and stories I created for IWD that I could tell.
  4. I have it on good authority that there was something going on between Minsc, Dynaheir and Boo. And the screams that were coming from their bedroom seems to confirm this. I also sent Imoen to spy on them one night using stealth where she hid in the shadows. She reported back, white as a ghost something about Minsc lying on his back with his legs up in the air, Dynaheir holding Boo. and well something about gerbiling. we have confirmation of this at the start of BG2. I leave it up to you decide. The facts speak for itself.
  5. Very true. And I'm still hearing stories of what they got up to. Also true for Minsc and Dynaheir, as well as Khalid and Jaheira. Many a night I would hear banging, panting, screaming from their bedrooms. One night Imoen being her mischievous self casted a Silence spell on them as a joke. It did not go down too well, let me tell you. You certainly knew who wore the pants in the Khalid and Jaheria relationship. In fact when you take Khlaid's armour off for the night before he goes to bed, he's wearing a dress. Also Bruce, I would familiarise yourself with a movie called Tron. This is a great example of people in the real world not knowing there are romances and relationships going on in computer games. People who play these games in the real world are completely oblivious to the romance that's happening behind the scenes. You don't need it spelled out for you.
  6. I'm not shouting at all. It's about opening your mind to the possibilities. I know that's kind of hard for you to do. It's never too late to give up your prejudices. You've shown at least once (and I can only recall once) in WoT that even after pages and pages and hundreds of comments by fellow posters, you can accept a different view point, even if it takes hundreds of posts to convince you. Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. This is where you seem to be. The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. Something to ponder over.
  7. It was pretty obvious what I was saying. Read my post again. The devs don't need to put romance or romances in the game for there not to be a romance or romances in the game. Do you know what role playing means? Do you know what role playing games are? Perhaps looking it up. Digest what it means. If you're still having trouble with its meaning, then have someone in real life explain it to you. And once you understand, you can get back to me.
  8. I once did a smurf party in IWD. They were Gnomes that I changed their skin colour to blue. My party had Hefty, Greedy, Vanity, Brainy, Smurfette and Papa Smurf. Whenever they went to an inn to sleep for the night, I usually caught Papa smurf trying to be Smurfette's sugar daddy. Sometimes I was looking at my other party members that I didn't notice Papa smurf in Smurfette's room. Hefty was oblivious to all this as he spent time practicing his sword skills in his own bedroom even though he only used Maces and Axes in combat. Brainy was too socially inept to strike up a romance so he just studied his mage spells. Vanity was too much in love with himself to even notice all this going on. Some of their character protraits would change over the course of the game. Especially when Smurfette turns from innocence abused to Dominatrix. I still have the save games. I'll post screen shots if anyone is interested. Smurfette Dungeon Dominatrix. I always wondered what that dungeon under the Kuldaher inn was for. I always felt she had a bit of drow in her. See, you don't need to have romance or romances in games to not have romance or romances in games. I win.
  9. They already have the phallic symbols _l_ that can already slot into other blocks. A Porn Tetris. Oh yeah, Tetris needs some loving and romancing.
  10. Yeah, the build options are pretty awesome. I have a Monk on HC and SC and they're totally different in nearly every respect. I've turned the SC Monk into a healing Monk that spams healing every second to get the 'Come to Heal Achievement'. I average well over 1 million healing every minute on T1. I've tried all the classes and the Monk is the most OP imo. It's near impossible to die when you have access to so much healing. They also have the NDE passive that is a must in HC. It's like a second life. Also playing HC made me a better SC player. It's incredibly rare that I die on SC and I do everything to avoid dying. Just something that's kept with me when playing HC. I find it a little humorous that so many people die with their AH bought stuff and all mine is self found since I never bought anything off the AH.
  11. Maybe a good idea for an Obsidian Dev to update the sticky FAQ when there are known issues and fixes like this one? A one stop place for issues and fixes.
  12. HC is a bit of an adrenaline rush. But it seems more safe now with the new patch. My DPS has more than doubled on my characters. I decided to play it safe getting achievements on Normal and noticed arcane lasers had no effect on my Monk, even when standing on them. My health didn't drop at all. It was full all the time. But since the patch I now have over 1.2 mil toughness and 140K health. And that's not taking a hit to DPS. After finishing off a few achievements, I went to Torment 1 and it was the same with it being safer than before the patch. I'd suggest playing Normal to pick up all the Legendary's because the difficulty has no effect on drop rates for now. It feels a bit like cheating when you can go on Normal, plough through all the monsters and pick up the same loot as you would on Torment.
  13. They're not going to do that because it would make everyone in those countries find other means to get something they're not supposed to. Your Government is trying to protect you. Before I buy a game, I always check the censorship. It's not the developer or publisher that has to tell you, it's up to you to find this stuff out. Live and learn.
  14. I managed to get a copy of the uncensored game and playing through it now. The hoops you have to jump through.
  15. When you make stuff up and you know you're making stuff up, then you're clearly trolling. It's not a troll card Bruce. How about making some constructive comments instead of making stuff up? Or are you just going to keep trolling? Because that's what you've been doing these last few posts. The usual dodge and avoid tactics. Avoiding questions. Nothing constructive to say. Anything constructive to say? Apparently not
  16. Hi again Bruce. Not being unfair at all. Perhaps if you need to stop white knighting and making stuff up? Actually go and read what he has written? Serious question. Can you stop making stuff up Bruce? because you're doing it now. He also said the against crowd has made 'reasonable points' and acknowledged this and now flipped flopped and now he's saying, he can't see any points on the against argument. He's admitted he doesn't know of any on the against side he would agree with. Total contradiction. And how about you being objective? You say these debates could do with some healthy objectivity. This is lacking primarily from the pro-romance position. Lephys is a case in point. And so are you. You should take some of your own advice about one's perspective. And thank you for confirming your bias with Lephy's view point. Perhaps you need to have an open mind when debating with people. In fact, your whole post is one giant troll and flame bait.
  17. Hi Bruce I don't know but Lephys has shown how he's flip-flopped over this romance topic, saying he's not discriminating and seeing reasonable people and their positions on both sides of the argument, then completely disregards what he previously said. And now he's a biased promancer and can't see any points on the against argument. He's admitted he doesn't know of any on the against side he would agree with. Are you all for biased posters posting their bias now? Also, are you labelling me an antiromancer? Because I'm far from it. Perhaps you should read my posts where I said I liked certain romance in some games when I played them before jumping to conclusions which you seem to do a lot. Consider traditionally you always take Lephys' side and like all his posts. In other words even if Lephys is wrong (which is usually the case) ...you still won't acknowledged it. Its worth considering...you and others may be doing this subconsciously And Lephys makes no sense 99 % of the time and is more interested in being argumentative than real debate.
  18. I'm hoping someone will do a 'Lephys Logic Posting in Lephys Land' chart similar to the Volourn Logic Posting chart. I would but I quickly saw what type of insanity that would entail and quickly ran away from it.
  19. Monte. In your pnp sessions, would you mind having the party readying for an attack, some of the party members psyching themselves up for this big encounter. Getting ready to charge in and then all of a sudden one of the players decides to take time out while they roleplay with another character with their romance in front of everyone. I recall someone in one of these threads saying they do romances in their pnp game. I'm wondering as a DM how you would react to that. Would you be all, awww that's so cute. Lets all take time out and watch the romance unfold.
  20. I usually stay away from multiplayer only games. Quake 3 is an example of a game I didn't like while enjoying the others in the series due to their single player campaigns. I don't mind a game having both single and multiplayer options but not at the expense of the single player campaign. I don't see myself picking up this game.
  21. As far I can see, there's been a lot of threads and in depth analysis of the subject on the against side. It's been going on near 18 months. And funny you mention objective reasons. Maybe try and be objective yourself? Hang on. So your post about not discriminating and seeing reasonable people and their positions on both sides of the argument was just a troll. You didn't mean it at all. You do discriminate because now you're saying you don't agree on any points on the against side. Thanks for the confirmation.
  22. A) Thank you for agreeing that the case against romance seems to be doing fine without an in-depth analysis. B) Considering that you've said in the other romance thread that you don't discriminate and see reasonable arguments on the no romance side of the discussion. What are your reasonable arguments that you would not want to see romances in PoE? What is your own analysis for that side? Why don't you want romances in PoE? What are your against arguments and what points do you agree with on the against side? I'm still waiting Lephys for the points you agree on with the against argument, that you confirmed you agreed with.
  23. Come back, Bruce, come back! We miss you here on terra firma. On a side note, have you seen the film Her? Hormalakh posed the question earlier. I like clever posts and your post is an accurate and intellectual way of describing certain personalities in this thread. But don't you think some of your fellow anti-romance members may take exception to your characterization of there psyche? When I read Willful Ignorance I see Hiro, but I would prefer if you told him that as he always seems to want to argue with me I haven't seen that movie, it looks good No Bruce. Not always arguing with you. You need to stop being precious. Concerning willful ignorance, you really should look into the mirror.
  24. The fact that you've dismissed everybody's valid points on why they don't want romances in the game, in this thread and the other romance thread. You've said you have yet to see a single valid reason. Your words. This is a complete troll. There have been various valid points raised by many people. You've basically said all their valid points are invalid. And then you go on to say you're willing to debate various points. How can anyone debate with you when you've dismissed everybody's valid points in two threads already? Completely ridiculous.
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