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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. It's a bug. When you watch near the end of video Sarex linked to, they explain it was one of the bugs in the game when you go into the graphics option.
  2. The Diablo 3 mock up looks bad. It doesn't show what my character looks like when I change items. No thanks. I prefer how it is now with changing items and seeing the model change as well.
  3. roflmao @ sensuki. I never said I couldn't understand it. I said the format is a mess. I understand what you're doing but it doesn't mean that it's not a mess.
  4. The format is a mess. Especially with the italics in the middle of Josh's comments or when the comments go off on a tangent which does on more than one occasion.
  5. I wouldn't worry about getting your head out of shape. I'm sure the dev's aren't in over their heads with this.
  6. Sounds like the encounters will be around IWD1 or maybe BG2 complexity. I liked both games, so I'm okay with that.
  7. Wasn't me that brought it up first. Tigranes asked what's the selling point. Still waiting.
  8. I agree with MasterPrudent. It'd be good to know what's so good about the game.
  9. Obviously Salma Hayek's snake dance in a bikini was sexist. Need a social justice campaign against girls in bikinis dancing with a snake.
  10. What a terrible analogy. Didn't realise Mexican gamers were being discriminated against.
  11. I've never heard of any of these names. Although I've never watched twitch or any of these 'lets play' videos.
  12. Damn. Agree with the comment with loved how they inserted the Hulk Hogan theme.
  13. What makes you think you can't remove party members from your party?
  14. Depends on the context. There are people who do jump on social justice issues, not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They have a 'me-too' personality and typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or campaigner at the time. And often jump to the next popular thing that comes along without any thought. Even when shown something they're campaigning doesn't make much sense, they quickly move onto the next popular thing. When asked about what they're doing on an issue they were parroting 2 months ago, they've all but forgotten about it. And when asked why they don't follow up on that cause, they admit they're more concerned about bringing to attention issues that's relevant today than something that's happened in the past, even if it was 2 months ago. They're equivalent to reporters in the media, where the SJW will swoop on a social issue like a seagull and with the same attention of that seagull will forget what that issue was about by moving onto the next hot topic.
  15. Sounds tedious and time consuming. Would be easier to read a walkthrough than what you're suggesting. With a walkthrough, you can work out the most optimal path with the best rewards. I'd be very surprised if players are save scumming so much and going back to check what the other decision would give. If they are, I'd expect them to be in the minority. Walkthroughs come out the same time as the game and have done so for years. Even back in the 90s there were walkthroughs you could download. I know when I finished BG1 for the first time and then checked a walkthrough, it blew my mind on how much stuff I missed. The same will happen with PoE with players checking the walkthrough for the most optimal playthrough No need for save scumming regardless of what reward system has been implemented in the game.
  16. Just to add to my post. This is from the 2nd edition Paladin's Handbook under Lawful Good alingment. Page 31, 32. Evil Characters. Page 37 So this is what I was saying about proof before killing someone. The evil alignment of someone isn't enough to kill that person. I understand your paladin doesn't tolerate evil, but it's not enough to get rid of all evil people whenever he comes across them, be it a person travelling on a road, a store keeper, or anyone else. He has to work within the law.
  17. I seem to be agreeing with Volourn on every post. But he is right in that you're playing your character as CN. You're disregarding the law for your own agenda. You're avoiding authority and challenging traditions in order to further your 'not tolerating evil' stand even if it means breaking the law to murder people. This conflicts with what a paladin is. You don't have carte blanche to break the law. While you may not tolerate evil, you have to find another way to rid that evil and not the way you've described. If the game doesn't allow other ways, then it's still not justified to kill them without proof. They could be a good character, carrying an evil item to dispose of and your detect evil spell has picked up the aura around that person giving a false positive of that person. And I'm pretty sure there is someone in BG1 that is something like this. Someone who is carrying something and turns them mad and they can be redeemed. I'd be avoiding historical figures and try and roleplay the alignment more. It's one of the harder classes to play because a lot of the time, you will not be roleplaying a paladin due to your actions in the game. And I've noticed in pnp sessions, players don't always roleplay their paladins properly.
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