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Everything posted by Galdegir
Just read update 20 and I feel that there should be an additional stretch goal at 2.9. What do you think would you guys want one? And since I would love to see a dedicated necromancer class (much better then the chanter, monk or druid) I would want it to be the 2.9 stretch goal so that there would be a total of 12 classes.
Galdegir replied to Badmojo's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Gods should be like they were portraited in Xena they looked like humans, had their vices, you could kill them but it was quite difficult. I mean Ares played by Kevin Smith is one of my favorite characters of all time. -
The Monk Class
Galdegir replied to Aedelric's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Personally I'm not very fond of monks would prefer to see some other classes: a necromancer, a witch/warlock, a paladin. -
How many foes would you like to face?
Galdegir replied to Klaleara's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
millions and millions so I can layeth the smackdown on their candy asses -
A dog companion?
Galdegir replied to bonarbill's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Why a dog? Its boring. Why not a wolf, a bat, a hiena (it could laugh after killing enemis you know like hienas do...). Ok but seriously no I'm against a dog, I'm more of a cat person. -
Sub class skill trees
Galdegir replied to Galdegir's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
You know its not about class skill tress but then I think about it would be cool for spells to have levels. I'm mean lets say im playing as a mage and my element is fire. I have a tree of spells that I can chose from, ech time a level up a get a point that a am able to spent on a spell. So lets say the first spell I choose is fireball. So i have a fireball at level one but then I get another point to spent I can buy another spell lets say fire arrow or I can spent that point on my fireball spell to increase its level. It could be a little bit like torchlight and so on. So let say that fireball at level one would be a little fireball that hits just one enemy and on level 5 it would be a huge fireball shoot from two hands that is AOE. That way then playing a magic caster the player would have a choice of chosing and upgraiding the spells he or she want. -
Then how about another penalty? If you leave the dungeon to go back to town before finishing it you lose all the gold, loot and expierience you gained in it? And when you go back to town buy supplies and star the dungeon again you start from scratch? I dont know if this could be implemented but I like the game to be challenging and Ogrezilla is right that that there should be some system implemented that prevents or penalizes the player for abandoning the dunegon and going back to town for food.
I would like to see a necromancer able to summon minions and a sorcerer who uses lightning and darkness magic and wears light or medium armor
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Sub class skill trees
Galdegir replied to Galdegir's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Tale I get what you're saying with the good/chaotic/evil thing. For example you can play as an assassin and still be a good guy but in some cases that does not work for example I can't imagine being a paladin and making evil choises that would be out of role. So there has to be some system implemented the good/chaotic/evil may not be the right one but I'm open to other suggestions. As for the purpose well right now we get how many 5 or 6 classes right (Sorry really can't remember the exact number right now)? Well like you I would like well designed classes but at the same time I'm a bit wary of limitations and obsidians choice of what those classes will be. For example I'm one of those people who hates the witch doctor in diablo 3 and does not understand which a proper necromancer was not included in the game. So if obsidian chooses to have 5 complex classes there is always a possibility that some people will not like them so it would be great to have an option to modify them hence the idea of subclasses. If the classes are done really well and someone plays as a mage and by choosing the spells he wants can make a necromancer out of the mage then that's great but the question remains will we see that kind of freedom and complexity? I havent seen a proper necromancer in a game since ages and diversity when it comes to classes is something I would really love to see. @knott: I know but when I choose a character/class i like to roleplay it the right way. So as mentioned above I can't see a paladin being evil or a hell knight being good. So there has to be some system. the one I proposed may not be the correct one I'm fully aware of that but hey thats what this forum and discussions are for. If you have an idea on how this should be implemented I would love to hear it. The idea that there will be no classes and as the player progresses he may chose his stye of play is a good one but at the same time a part of me would really love to see some well designed classes that play differently and would give me a reason to play the game again as a different character. -
So as probably many of you I've been enjoying borderlan 2 lately and Im really impressed with that game. While playing it I got an idea for project Eternity which I posted in another topic about clases. So the basic idea is that each class would have three tree skills so you could develop it how you like. Why? casue that would give the player choice which is always great. A fighter could develop into a warrior (good) a berserker (chaotic) a death knight (evil) A rogue could develop into a ranger (good) a thief (chaotic) a assassin (evil) A mage could develop into a wizard (good) a sorcerer (chaotic) a necromancer (evil) A cleric could develop into a priest (good) a shaman/druid (chaotic) a dark priest/cultist (evil) A magic knight could develop into a paladin (good) a slayer (chaotic) a antipaladin (evil) a warrior would be a fighter with good attack and defence great with shields a berserker would be great with axes, hammers, maces wery powerful attack but a weaker defence a death knight a ranger would be great with bows but also swords, a protector of forests great survival skills a thier would be a master of traps, lockpicking, stealing and shadow skills (guild wars 2 shadow walk and so one) a assassin would be master of backstabing, the greatest class to dual wield weapons, great mobility a wizard would be a guy in a pointy gandalf hat with great elemental spells but weak to pchysical attacks a sorcerer would be like a warlock from wow he could use magic but also wear light armor he would be porficiena at long rande and in close combat, master of mind magic and illusions a necromancer would be a master of death magic, summoning skeletons, ressurecting fallen enemies as zombie minions and so on a priest would be a master healer great an buffs and suporting the party, best class to fight of the undead a shaman/druid would commune with the spirits and animals and be able to summon them for help a dark priest/cultist would be the opposite of the priest so curses instead of blessings, spreding deasesas instead of healing a paladin could use some holy magic and would be a little bit like the guardian from guild wars 2 a slayer wound be immune to magic, a character that specializes in killing mages a antipaladin could dark magic and enchanted evil amrors and weapons, cast fear on enemies and so on So those are my ideas for classes and subclasses trees. So what do you guys think would you like something like that in the game? vote and give your opinions:)
So this proposition maybe a little controversial but that do you guys think about food and sleep. I mean it could make the game more real and difficult if the characters had to eat and sleep. No food - healt and stamina decreases after some period of time and finally the character dies. So the player would have to buy food in taverns while in the city, and on the road have supplies and hunt. I know that for some this could be a hindrance and an unnecessary addition to gameplay but thats why it could be included in one of the announced mods: Expert Mode, Trial of Iron, or Path of the Damned. As for sleep in would be similar to food, your party members and character would have to sleep from time to time to regenerate stamina, mana healh. No sllep for a long time your character has less stamina, less mana, his hit accuracy deacreses and so on. So what do you guys think would this be a challenging addition or just a bother?
Generally I would like to play as an evil character so each class should have tree skills like borderlands 2 to chose from that would determin youre abilities. That way for example if the player plays a warrior he could have three trees: paladin, berserker and death knight where paladin would be the good fighter able to use a little holy magic, berserker a barbarian king of fighter and death knight an evil knight. A rogue could develop into an assassin (evil) thief (chaotic) or ranger (good) A cleric could develop into a priest (good), shaman (chaotic) or dark priest (evil) A mage could develop into a wizard (good), sorcerer (chaotic) or necmronacer (evil)
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Humans, Elves (with a dark elves subrace I hope) and Dwarves (with a dark dwarves subrace I hope) are deffinetly in. The other races I would like to see are: 1 - Orcs - strona and hardy with a few subraces some honorable like orcs from Heroes V some like orcs from Tolkien 2 - Gnomes - not the tiny humans like in other games but with a totaly different look maybe a bit alien very slender with big eyes 3 - Minotaurs - they could be a bit like the Charr from Guild Wars 2, a militaristic war like people
I love the idea of authentic weapons and armor. No giant swords, katanas etc. but swords, axes, maces, spears, flails that are historcal or look functional. There are so many weapons from ancient and medieval times that could be used. I would love to see something like this: or this:
Hi everybody:) I would like to share my ideas on two topics magic nad loot. 1. Loot Let's start with loot. In many RPG when you kill a monster you get gold which is really unrealistic. So in Project Etenrity I would love to see the following: when you kill human characters (bandits etc.) you get their equipement and money that they had on them. when you kill monsters you get no money but for example fur of that creature, its claws etc. and you can seel those ingridients at a shope to get money or use them to craft weapons, armor, potions and so on. So no money for killing monsters! 2. Magic Now for the second topic magic. I'm gone play as a sorcerer if such a class will be available and I would love to see a complex magic system. 1) elemental magic: fire, water and ice, earth, wind and lightning, light and holy magic, darkness and undead magic. 2) arcane magic. Arcane magic would include spells like hypnosis, paralyse, arcana bolt and so on. elemental magic would include magic of the elements which is obvious. Now I would like a lot of spells not like dragon age so for example if i played as a sorcerer and chose to persue the darkness magic i would have three trees of spells which I could chose from (like borderlands 2) For example those three trees would be: necormancy, blood magic, shadow magic The necromancy tree would make my character a true necromancer with spells like for example: summon udead minions (skeletons), ressurect fallen enemies as zombies (who fight for me), curse enemies and so on. The blood magic tree would focus on spells that leech health from enemies, summon lesser demons and sacrifice hp for mp. The shadow tree would focus on crowd control, illusions and so on. another thing every character should have a hiling ability like in gyuild wars to so a srocerer would get for example a dark heal skill.