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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. HM...well, you CAN kill a rhino with your sword. The trick is avoiding getting skewered yourself in the process.
  2. So your "defense" is that microfloura and fauna can conpensate for everything humans do? Yeah right. Once we level a mountain and thus change the air currents, or once we re-direct a river, I see how the flora and fauna fixes that. Truly, it's like humans have never been there. Why bother worrying about things like pollution and health - nature will fix everything for us!
  3. I do. Do you? It takes epic levels of dellusion to think that adding more and more to the scale will never cause it to tip, because you're always adding a tiny amount. Wether or not humans have the capacity to affect our envirment on a large scale is not in question. It is certain. We can. We do.
  4. I watched most of the stuff you did. Our ratings are very similar too. A pity one of the first things I watched was Vision of Escaflowne. Nothing comes close afterwards. That's one of the first anime I've watched too. (Not coutnign those I watched as a kid)
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drTaTvKK4go
  6. I wasn't aware of fish altering the shape of the earth, creating arificial islands and pumping millions of tons of gas, liquid and all kinds of stuff into the atmosphere daily. Some thing humans made are visible from ORBIT. Tell me of a single animal that can claim the same, then we can talk.
  7. Chats don't and shouldn't count as basic "game design". Saying that cheats or hte dev console enables you to violate all mechanics doesn't make it a design feature.
  8. 15% on each level? Too much. You should start as someoen who already has some skill, not a incompetnt n00b. Regardless, there's a very finite amount of just how much better one can be than another human being.
  9. Global Warming junk? Suuuuuuuuure.... After all, there is NO WAY we humans can have an impact on the enviroment. There's only 7 billion of us re-shaping the Earth in ways visible from space. That's can't possibly be enough to affect the climate. It's all a lie. Just like pollution and the moon landing.
  10. They'll catch up to you in Blessed Europe soon enough. Down in my country, there was a massive signing for a referendum regarding marriage. About 20% of the population signed it (which is alsmot as much as the percentage that gets out for elections), but the government so far still refuses to hold a referendum or acknowledge that it has to uphold the results of the referendum. Basicly people voted for the word "marriage" to define only male+female pairing. Gay couples can still enter a state-recognized union and get all the necessary legal rights, only it's not called marriage.
  11. So true. It's all tied into how our brain works and our preconcpetions. I wrote almost the exact thing you did once, in an article on acceptance of anime . Le'ts see if I can dig it up..
  12. PC vs consoles!!!!! go.
  13. Methinks people never really understood aligments. A LG is a goal. An ideal to which a character strives no. Not a rock to which he is tied. A Lawfull Good character will try to follow the law and do good to the best of his abilittes. But as all people, he will make mistakes. He will struggle. He will fail. A paladin doesn't let his faliure bring him down. He constantly gets up on his horse and keeps on trucking. The world is a complex mess and there won't be a perfect solution to most things. That struggle is good roleplaying stuff. A a paldin who skirts the line of "falling".
  14. Nope. That some players were too stupid to play them with any depth is their problem. I've met players who think they MUST play a pladin as a stick-in--the-butt Lawefull Stupid.
  15. Numbers should be huge advantage. I don't care if you're lvl 99. If 100 lvl pesants attack you , they should MURDER you. There 's one other reason why I advocate small difference and normalization fo power - it makes exploration more viable. It means that with a bit of luck and skill, even early on you could tackle some more difficult encounters.
  16. Your zealos dislike of religion and zeal dooms you.
  17. I don't think they'd appreciate you sacrificing children or posting nude pictures on their forum, either. No, but they put it in their games and you can talk about it on their forums.
  19. What is supposed to be funny there? I'm not seeing it.
  20. Well, clearly I am advocating for what I think a paladin should be. Why should I do otherwise? Frankly the PE paladin so far is basicly a D&D warlord. What's the point of calling it a paladin then? What's hte point of a name that invokes something if it doesn't. OK, the devs went to the root of the name, and not the most common mental image most people will have. I still don't like it. The D&D Paladin was my favorite class. This shares only the name, and none of the awesome. When the Paladin streach goal was reached, I was all "hell yeah". Now...nothing. Also, trying to put a new "twist" on everything is in itself bad. You end up looking you're trying too hard to be different. How can you even twist the undead differently? They are supposed to be dead.. (well, not dead-dead) Too much twisting and you end up with sparklepyres.
  21. I dunno. Make something up. Undead are soulless I wager? If so they have no spiritual energy of their own. They are a perversion. Paladins, being a "blazing sun" of spiritual energy could work as anathema to undead.
  22. Meh... the itnernet is geting over-sensitized. More and more forums seem like they are run by natzi's. It's liek people have nothing better to do with their life other than look for things to be offended about. I just recenetly got banned from BSN for posting a DA meme in hte DA meme thread. Because the meme contained hte word "F***". Becuase nudity, sex, violence and sacrificing children to demons is OK, but saying the forbidden word? OH MY GAAAAAAWD!
  23. Because it's main goal is to protect others. That's the whole definition of a Paladin/Knight. You cant just portrait him as a berserker in shiny armor. A knight or a paladin always has been in the service of a lord or a lady, even if they were the leader of an army. It kind of does, if his main goal is to do utmost good. 1) I can. The "goal" is not a fixed thing in PE anymore. 2) And how to go about "outmost good" is subjective. I postulate that a paladin should be able to use his determination and "wellspring of spiritual energy" so smite things. Different paladins do different things, as it should. D&D had different paladin kits, other games had palading be an advanced class of fighter. Now, there being no morality meter/aligment the paladin can't smite evil anymore. But the undead are still present, so at least he should be able to smite undead? Please tell me he can smite unded... Without it it doesn't feel like paladin anymore.
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