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Everything posted by rustypup

  1. Because MP is anti-content? (by necessity). MP is easy cash because the bulk of the content relies on other players. SP provides for detailed stories. Personally, SP>MP. I prefer a good tale. The WoW/CoD crud has never, nor likely will ever, appeal to me because there is nothing of interest there. Stripped down, simplified, generic content infested with farmers/botters. Whatever it is, this isn't gaming.
  2. Wait. Wait. Wait. If the "gaming community" isn't buying the games, who is?
  3. Because having to wait while my chars stand there getting punched in the face while the AI player works through its version of tic-tac-toe before I get to interact with the game again is not only anti-entertaining, it's pointlessly anti-entertaining. Not discussing graphics. Graphics are always secondary to game-play and content. Putting game-play on hold to satisfy a combat dynamic which came about because of hardware restrictions should never be applauded. I have never met a TB system which didn't intentionally kick immersion in the gonads for the sake of reminiscence. /de-rail>\dev\null
  4. Primary reason why I have yet to bother finishing the game. It was acceptable back in its heyday, but right now its an artificial restriction employed to appeal to the neck-beards who would have had an apoplectic fit of epic proportions if anyone messed with "their" game. It's intrusive game-play for the sake of nostalgia.
  5. The sci-fi thing can be tricky, (Space Siege, anyone?). Some form of steampunk derivative would be great.... Yeah, no. TB is archaic and the reasons for it existing in the first place ceased to be some time ago. I get that there is a solid core of nostalgia sufferers out there, but the market has moved on. Time to embrace the change and relish a fresh new dawn of multi-core processors and multi-GB machines.
  6. Not forgetting SotA's installment process for pledge packages... so even though they don't get the full investment upfront it's a relatively steady/predictable revenue stream... question is, do they spend dev hours on add-ons or content?
  7. Cool! :D So, far less uncomfortable when I get caught humping the coach during gatherings, right? ...Right?
  8. What's with all the corporate shills pushing the console-dogma... Enough. @Darth Trethon: The console *is* the DRM... ignoring the fact that Ubisoft/EA et al are now including their own personal idiocy in that regard on top of it...
  9. Greetings, Brethren. "Rabid Fleabag of the Obsidian Order" available?
  10. They're all PCs. Consoles are the enemy. They divide the player base. They enrich the platform license holders, not the content creators. They remove control from the player to overcome dysfunctional control mechanisms. They *severely* retard technological advancement, (aside from a few novelty toys). They introduce service charges where there is no service. They are the enemy and their proponents fall squarely into the infected camp. That being said, who cares. OP sounds like a shill paid to travel the internets drumming up hype for an over-licensed, under performing, non-upgradeable pre-built.
  11. Yet another lost k-sheep...
  12. Backed on KS (PayPal)... Alternate theory... the KS icon chaps included the KS icon add-on in their pledge? Alternate alternate theory...modifying the pledge in the new portal flushes any indication of having pledged during KS....
  13. By "dark gods" you mean CDPR?
  14. My thoughts exactly. They're looking to retain momentum, talent and culture. The fact that KS rewards the creatives directly is a huge benefit for both the dev and the customer.
  15. Given that both GoG and Steam are license resellers, it's of no import that this wasn't stipulated. I imagine the Download option will eventually include the necessary selection criteria, (reclaimable license or direct download). tl;dr: It's too early for that.
  16. GoG is zero DRM, Steam still needs to hang around in the backend The mystery random fits of pique Steam throws every so often requiring you to flush/re-install with fingers crossed in order to access your library. Everything else you mentioned under Steam is primarily just added aggravation. Care not for the assinine "reviews", forums, "community"... it's hogwash. Give me GoG or give me DEATH! /My Steam lib is roughly 7 times the size of my GoG lib ;p
  17. Clicking on the highlighted "What does this tier include?" would have answered any and all questions...
  18. Pretty much all of that, along with helpful pictures, included in the update... on the forums, the KS page and the backer portal... :/
  19. Stop. Take a deep breathe. Read what is in front of you. Your pledge was melted into credits. Re-roll.
  20. Given that the PS4 was outdated prior to launch, this should be achievable. Speaking as a PC backer, I would prefer that the launch not be delayed for the dysfunctional porting into walled gardens. Consoles are the enemy.
  21. Given the dramatics in the SotA and TToN camps, that gameplay clip was most refreshing. Kudos to the team! Pink? <edit> Hang about... do I have to invest another $5 to reflect my KS backing? Sneaky... ;p
  22. Can confirm Firefox now working, (Win 7), but Chrome is still a no-go...
  23. Well... no, quite frankly. I can still not glean a single, solitary valid reason for hissy-fitting. The launch of a beta-status ancillary service was delayed. This was neither notable or sufficiently important to warrant the hilarious amount of butt-hurt it produced. For the record, and just to put this into perspective, the devs do not report to us. There is no process-flow project item labeled "before doing anything, be sure to contact HeroNeck and let him/her/it know what our decision was!". Therefore, it follows, that should they not do so, anyone who gets their knickers all knotted over the *perceived* slight is not processing the world in a normal manner.
  24. Meanwhile, we're still struggling to understand why the OP was made in the first place. "For no readily apparent reason" is not a reason. *Love the use of the word "disclosed" by the way. Maintains the high level of conspiracy nuttiness we've come to know and love.
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