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Everything posted by teknoman2

  1. i feel like we are in V for Vendetta. politicians are using covid as an excuse to gauge how far they can push authoritarianism before the people start pushing back... and now that people are starting to push back, the media has joined in to defend the governments by shaming the people for pushing back. in my country alone, there are at least 6 (that i'm aware of) constitutional rights that have been suspended indefinitely for "public health reasons" and most people fear that even when the whole thing ends, the rights will remain suspended... and not a single question by anyone in the media about them to anyone from any political party. they all seem to pretend these rights never existed.
  2. i prefer to call a tentative approach to something "cat steps"
  3. im too lazy to take down decorations so i do the even more lazy thing and dont set them up at all
  4. personally, i'd block all news. for years now they have become more of a source of cheap drama than a source of information about current events.
  5. for 95% of cats, discretion is the better part of valor. they will fight if they have to but they prefer to avoid it.
  6. anyone said "gender pay gap"?
  7. the trick is very simple really. as soon as the first link breaks, he moves his hands at the speed of light and breaks several other links then brings his hands back to the original position and the chain looks like it shattered
  8. full speed ahead... back to 19th century
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