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Everything posted by teknoman2

  1. i get the joke but if it was for a real test this is a bad question, it lacks proper syntax that allows for assumptions that can throw off the result and it lacks important parameters needed to solve it like which variant it was. whoever came up with it is clearly not a teacher.
  2. A scorpion stung my mother in law Was it fatal? Yes, the scorpion died on the spot
  3. i guess i'm lawful neutral
  4. i'll be editing this one for 2023 adding Cthulhu using Godzilla as a sock puppet
  5. i at least have the honesty to admit my flaws, i don't use the virus as an excuse to jump on the moral high ground and act like i'm better than the others.
  6. As its not unheard of to have false negatives or vaccinated people who died of covid anyway. Nothing is 100% effective in protecting you from getting sick or transmitting it to others so I'm not talking about the point of the rules, i'm talking about how irresponsible the average person is when they think they are safe.
  7. i guess the vaccinated are more likely to spread it around? i do know quite a few people who would do this, including me but i'm a house cat so i don't go out much to actually do it
  8. one thing that is both intentional and annoying when it comes to passwords, is the habit of certain sites (like bank sites) to force you to change your password every few months. nobody seems to have told them that this is a security flaw or they just don't care. making people change passwords all the time, makes the average user to either use variations of the same password or make the passwords as simple as possible because its a hassle to come up with new strong passwords all the time, making the accounts easier to compromise in the process.
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