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Everything posted by teknoman2

  1. considering the quality of the writing i wouldnt put it past them
  2. But Amazon is not even making a LotR series, they are making a GoT ripoff with LotR branding because that's what they own the rights to. And if you check on the legal part of it, what Amazon owns are the rights to the 3 main books. They don't own the right to the Hobbit nor the Silmarillion nor any other Tolkien property and they are trying to make a series set in the 2nd age that can only contain characters that appear in the 3 books (and who's stories are already well established in the books Amazon can't use). Its like trying to make a new story within the time frame of "A New Hope" while only having the right to use R2D2 and Chewbaka.
  3. To have a ton of fanfic, an original work needs to either have a very compelling and underused world that can host new stories that go beyond the original (Star Wars) or be full of plot holes that need plugging (Harry Potter). Avatar has neither. And then there is LotR that has a compelling world but its too "explored" within the original work to have room for new stories while it left no plot holes to plug... at least none that would require more than a couple of sentences to explain.
  4. well, that's all the Afghans had but they still drove out both USSR and USA with their fancy planes and tanks.
  5. the best works have the least fanfic
  6. So far, this show just keeps adding plot holes atop plot holes until it reaches critical mass and creates a plot black hole
  7. All extremists do double speak. The problem is the 90% of people in the middle. For the far left, everyone in the middle is far right and for the far right everyone in the middle is far left. Its the "either with us or against us" idea that all populists like to dabble in. And its that 10% at the extreme ends that makes all the noise while the people in the middle are the famous "silent majority"
  8. I heard the Kenobi series has the most badly directed and edited Looney Tunes chase scene.
  9. newspeak at its finest
  10. My mother was a teacher until 2020 and had kids born after 2000 try to tell her "the truth" about events that happened in the 70s and that she witnessed with her own eyes.
  11. And imagine the horror of allowing people to learn forbidden knowledge like biology. Can you think something more horrible than a young girl in her late teens or early 20s learning what menopause is? Over here they even canceled a gynecology convention because menopause was part of the agenda to be discussed.
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