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Everything posted by czinczar

  1. yes it's a bug. First time I entered this building, I tried to steal the book in the locked room, and I got caught by the npc standing close to the door. So I quickloaded and I tried again, this time the npc didn't see me. Then I went in front of the npc that give the quest and saved my game there and closed the game. Some hours later when I reloaded my game, everyone was hostile.
  2. yes, use the console to type anything and press enter.
  3. Il faut remplacer les "blessures"(wounds) du moine par un autre mot, par exemple "plaies", car ca crée une confusion avec "blessures"(injuries).
  4. I just recruited grieving mother and I couldn't stand hearing her voice, I just kept clicking just to make her shut up, and there is no way she is going to be in my team.
  5. I read a dev said it's a known bug and will be fixed in patch 1.04, I have the same problem, if you accept 2nd dozen quest the knights dont want u, there are also workarounds that ppl have found (modifying the file containing the dialogue, but i am just going to wait for patch.
  6. its incredible the number of bugs this game has, and not small bugs....
  7. I am telling you both circles scale with INT, just test it.
  8. so you're saying the inner circle doesn't scale with more INT ?
  9. Yes I get it, and I didn't comment on your issue which is likely to be a bug, but I just commented on your assumption that the outer circle represents the bonus range from INT.
  10. I think you are mistaken in thinking that the outer circle represents your added range due to INT. The inner circle means taht everyone in this circle will be hit by the spell (enemies and allies), while the outer circle means only enemies will be hit. The scaling due to INT works both for the inner and outer circles.
  11. And have you noticed that after you have completed that part of eders quest you can still talk to the archiver and you have the same choices as before (honest, aggressive etc), and I wonder if this could be used to crank up you reputation.
  12. this is not the only place that this happens, I have also found a place where there is red gems (forgot the name, but not rubies) and some gold coins, and thats why I have 450+ of those red gems. There is also a lootable wall in od nua level 7 I think (where you have to place 3 gems to open the door) which refills each time you load a game.
  13. I think enemies should do different attacks in hard mode, for example this creature makes you bleed while in normal mode it doesn't, this creature is immune to magic and another is immune to non magic attacks, etc.. Also, the lack of difficulty comes from the engagement system : eder is my tank and he is a beast, and I know that without him it would be much harder.
  14. I like what I have heard, especially "dirge". For me, the ultimate master when it comes to video game music, is Nobuo Uematsu, his melodies are just WOW. And this is what I would like to see in PE, more touching and unforgettable melodies, not just generic ethereal orchestral ambient music. Uematsu has the capacity to really catch the moments in the game and transcend them with incredibly epic melodies. The music and melodies in PS:T were also unforgettable, I often listen to the soundtrack of PS:T. I think it's clear... I WANT MELODIES
  15. I am a bit afraid sometimes that the game will feel more like a patchwork than something that has been well thought from the beginning. Like adding a new region : ok fine, but I hope they will do their best to blend that new content with what already exists, and that it wont feel like something coming from the blue, a bit like heart of winter for IWD, like you are transported in a different universe. New characters, new quests etc.., it's all fine unless it feels artificial.
  16. Something I dislike in towns, is having to talk to everyone, if you see what I mean. Having to enter all houses, to talk to all inhabitants just to be sure that I have missed nothing. I like dialogue, but not forced like this. I like sigil because it is somewhat divided. And also, it doesn't feel natural. For example you enter a tavern, and you start to speak to everyone. You see a street, and you feel forced to enter all houses...
  17. I can come up with a mini game comprised of 17 subskills under the "fishing" section, 45 different fishes, 13 different tools ! Just ask !
  18. I remember this gamebook by Steve Jackson (who works with Peter Molyneux I think) It was about a City. I don't recall all the details, but I remember it was pretty linear. You go through the town from the sewers to the palaces. And I would like to see that in PE, an episode like this one, a city where you are trapped and you have to find your way from the bottom to the top. As soon as you enter the city, you fall in the sewers. Labyrinthine and dangerous sewers, city streets in some kind (IIRC) of martial law, heavily protected palaces. It was really great.
  19. Just thinking.., could that be considered slavery ? A new form of slavery in a new universe. Some cultures practise it, some others don't, some cultures want to eradicate that form of slavery, some others don't care..
  20. Unity of souls your soul and the souls of your companions unite to form a powerful and ethereal being, during which your body and the bodies of your companions are vulnerable
  21. soul trap ? use the souls for crafting or commerce
  22. Personally I don't like that last portrait quick filter
  23. But I am not sure that your proposition is less complex than mine. You haven't entered the complexity of it. IMO you should create a thread and present it, even if you know most will disregard it. You will also realise that the more you unfold it, the more complexity you will find.
  24. You are obviously unaware of the possibilities of game balancing. You can scale up or down the xp required by any given skill to level up.. That only applies if you can level skills individually, in which case having 4 different skills is meaningless (since they'll all get used at the same rate) or punitive (since some skills will level faster than others and the player has no control over it). Neither of those options are good. For my part, since this is a class based game I was assuming you'd be adding skill-points en-mass on level up. If that's the case having 4 skills would still require you to waste 4 times the resources and while yes, you can, change how much xp a skill gives when you use it futzing with that is actually a bad thing because it will cause you to level faster then people who don't pick locks which means either you'll be over-leveled or most parties will be under-leveled. Again, neither option is good. Imagine you have only one skill named "lockpicking", you earn 100xp for whatever action, your lockpicking skill advances by 100xp. Imagine you have a group of skills under "lockpicking" section. You earn 100xp for whatever action, you got to chose how to distribute those 100xp between the subskills. There could also be a "lockpicking level", just to show your advancement in that department, and could be used or not as a check against higher level locks. Anyway, the devs have already separated combat skills from non-combat skills, they recognized that killing a rat shouldn't advance your lockpicking skill, they recognized that it is not the ideal, most consistent system. Now I am just waiting for them to announce that they want to separate non-combat skills from other non-combat skills, in the same fashion. They are free from any D&D rule..
  25. Why do you even want something to be locked ? Do you want a mode where nothing in the game is locked ?
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